Konbini Kareshi

Finally we get episode 6.

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Hopefully everyone didn't forget this after the 1 week delay.


birth control?

I would say she is sick in some way. Explains why she was acting weird at the MCs confession.

She made it clear during the sports festival that she is sick and cant participate

Anyone else prefer kindergarten Mashiki?

We finally get a confession and mashiki starts crying and judging by the hints so far it seems she's probably pretty sick and doesn't have much longer to live. That and maybe she even lost some of her memories as a side effect of her meds if not naturally.

Also how the hell are they gonna cover all of the other couples and wrap up with the main two in only 5 more episodes? Surely this won't get a S2, right?

I thought this was 2 cour?

No. The TV channel already announced replacements for the time slots next season.


It is her sister who died, likely as a result of the same illness. Look, let me educate you on plot a bit, if you ever see a name on a book and part of it is rubbed off, you should immediately know that it will be used as a story element. In this case, only her last name "Mashiki" is legible. The specific legible characters are "Ma-Shi-Ki" and then part of what looks like half of a "Mi". But the characters are not legible past that point. Meaning, anyone with the same family name, like say, a twin sister, could be the true owner of the book.

There is no other reason to make those characters illegible. I would not be surprised if she wanted to write a children's book because her sister loved them.

What's wrong?

Man I didn't come here for tragedy, I came for bros and Iinchou and cute romance. Maybe I should just rewatch Nijiiro Days.

The Japanese naming system was a mistake.

So next time it's the student council couple?
They cant just leave us hanging with the Mashiki issue.

That's tragic.

I fucking wish this were Niijiro Days.

This is too good to be true.

Speaking of which I think that ended recently.

>she tells him that
>looks into the camera
> youtube.com/watch?v=6MYAGyZlBY0 starts playing

mfw it's actually a cookbook

Time to look for the raws.

The manga did? Gonna have to look that up then, show was comfy and cute as fuck and was waiting for the source to finish up before reading it.

You might be right. The best look we got at the name was here and if anything it looks more like ら than る based on the bottom of the last character and the direction of the smear. Honestly I don't know which development would be better. Seems kind of odd to spend so much time on build up with the book only to have it be something completely different once it finally becomes relevant.

Better look here. The last kana is definitely a ろ. Middle one looks like そ. The last one ought to be ら in that case, but I can't help but see that as a ろ.

What the hell, I got kind of worried last episode because there seemed to be some thing going with President's family and now this. This is not going to be a carefree ride, will it?

Looks like the episode gonna be a good one from the thread, hopefully I didnt spoil myself too much.

>you thought I was a cute girl?
My sides.

Top dumbass.

The studio finally found a composer for their series? The background music is getting more often.

What a cute dork.

I know what you mean with the ろ but at the same time no girls names are coming to mind that sound okay ending with it. If we assume they're sisters with similar names and the middle character is そ on the name tag, then perhaps みそら would fit and that's certainly a familiar girls name.


What the fuck is this? I didn't sign for this.

Good episode,that fucking cliffhanger though.

I thought about Michiru before coming into the thread. But the reasoning here seems more sound.