Operation - Triggered

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Bonus point's for posting this around the Parkland Neighborhood.

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How about. Sandy Hook 2.0

Meh. Doesn’t really get at the heart of the matter.


Change it to
"People kill people."


Whoever tries to make an altered version is a shill

media.8ch dot net/file_store/81e6f8408bc4f372f7bb7840553bc04a2e41b14104f61d64d436490569815105.pdf

People are reading "Culture of Critique"

People are reading "Culture of Critique"

People are reading "Culture of Critique"

People are reading "Culture of Critique"

Print pic related and handout to your anti-gun neighbors and local business. Let them virtue signal their anti-gun positions to their neighborhood and passersby.

Nothing changes the mind of anti-gun activist like a gang of niggers kicking down their door after finding out they are unarmed.

Guns didn't kill the one on the right.



Me and my brother are going downtown this weekend and holding signs and rifles

What about this? If you home school you fuck over indoctrination and teacher unions.

The number of murders using guns have nothing on the number of murders via abortion.

500,000+ abortion murders per year and no one seems to care.

> PP killing nigger and liberal spawn
> nothing of value was lost
> probably prevented future school shooters

Daily reminder americunts have no argument against abortion besides muh niggers which doesnt work outside of US

Reminder that russian shills are paid very little to posts things they don't even believe in

ban abortion
in a couple decades we are overrun by niggs
there is no winning

yes good goy blame the parents the silly goys will never fully realize the extent of our power and influence to destroy the society

>OMG Muh Russian Nazi are at it again!!!
To think you leftist communist sympathizing cucks are left with labeling those have defeated you and run you into the ground and will continue to do so for the foreseeable future... "Russians". The irony.

based internet flyers worked great last time

Daily reminder this user supports murder.

Banned for whites, mandatory for the rest.

Niggers kill people.

Actually the opposite
i was mocking mutts, but i understand why you wouldnt get it

Well, yeah. They did. And no pro-white ever put up what you have saved there for some reason. what's your point?

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