Where did Hitler call Slavs subhuman?

I read Mein Kampf and all I have is this quote.

"By handing Russia to Bolshevism, it robbed the Russian nation of that intelligentsia which previously brought about and guaranteed its existence as a state. For the organization of a Russian state formation was not the result of the political abilities of the Slavs in Russia, but only a wonderful example of the state-forming efficacity of the German element in an inferior race. Numerous mighty empires on earth have been created in this way. Lower nations led by Germanic organizers and overlords have more than once grown to be mighty state formations and have endured as long as the racial nucleus of the creative state race maintained itself."

"For centuries Russia drew nourishment from this Germanic nucleus of its upper leading strata. Today it can be regarded as almost totally exterminated and extinguished. It has been replaced by the Jew. Impossible as it is for the Russian by himself to shake off the yoke of the Jew by his own resources, it is equally impossible for the Jew to maintain the mighty empire forever. He himself is no element of organization, but a ferment of decomposition."

He didn't call them subhuman, only inferior? And only after talking about Jews exterminate the ruling class? Why do people make it seem like he wanted to genocide all the Slavs when it sounds like he wanted to liberate them.

Other urls found in this thread:


>OP is a german apologist
unironically kys
Hitler was a psycho
he killed jews and slavs

Anti-Slavism reached its highest peak during World War II, when Nazi Germany declared Slavs, especially neighboring Poles to be subhuman and planned to exterminate the majority of Slavic people.

Shit, Hitler was wrong. Who'd figure..

Shouldn't you be sucking Jew cock to amend for your people's place in the holocaust?

No he didn't. Fuck off

Hitler wanted to deport and kill millions of slavs in eastern to create Lebensraum for the german people.


Also, here is a speech of Himmler calling russians inferior to germans and telling germans to be harsh to russians


I found out Jews launched a communist revolution in Germany 15 years before he came to power. Wasn't Poland run by Jews in 1939? I thought Jews brag about this.


en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Karl_Liebknecht (goy)
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wilhelm_Pieck (goy)
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emil_Eichhorn (goy)

>no source
And there’s a cup of orange juice in the center of the sun... seriously, how stupid how are you?

I've researched Generalplan Ost and it's really weak. It's based on a diary from a field officer that appears twenty years after the war.

Can you explain your proof? I'm asking in good faith. One wikipedia link isn't enough especially because the sources it links to are garbage.

The reason i'm skeptical is because I was taught that Jews didn't stab Germany in the back but then I found out this and listened to this Rabbi and this American Jew.


Jesus, its even written in their programm that they want to conquer lands from slavs to create room for the germans.
How do you think they will get rid off them?

Just about 99.99% of things Hitler apparently said, that justify UK/US/French/Russian aggression is nothing but (((propaganda))).

WW2 narratives are filled with lies upon lies. the only thing we know for sure, is that there were battles, and lots of people died in them. Apart from that, who knows what's true, and what's (((propaganda))).

In Mein Kampf all it says is that Russia must be brought into German sphere of influence because Germany imported 1/3rd of its food and the Red Army posed an existential thread. In the infamous Chapter 14 all Hitler said about conquering lands was that Germans must be united, lands must be returned, and he implies that Germans should colonize the Russian desert. Stalin did this in the 1940's and 1950's by driving out the Turkic tribes and diverting the Aral Sea.

Did I miss something?

If you want regular soldiers to slaughter thousands/millions of peple it helps if they dont consider them as human or less human.

I don't see it anywhere in the program. Explain. Is this program correct?


he didnt hate slavs




My understanding is that he never spoke against the millions of Slavs that were in Germany and that all pre-war racial laws were targeted at kikes and gypsies. My understanding is that Danish and Slav POWs had the same laws applied to them regarding sex with German women, etc.

he wanted the russians to restore their country against the jewish bolshevik scum

Because Hitler was a small dicked cuckboi.
In WW2, Slavs if anything proved they have far more warrior spirit than Krautshits ever will; in 100 years, Germany will be 50%+ Muslim and African while Slavic nations will retain their culture and demographics for centuries if not millennia.

> Oy vey
S-Shut up you filthy non-white.
Nazis hated everybody and wanted to conquer the world and the whole universe.

Didn't you see movies goy?
Now stop defying greater Israel or you are going to regret it.

Could be true but that's irrelevant.

I've recently suffered halfway through a book about holocaust, and one thing I remember is some nazi saying that after they gassed all the jews in some town the local economy collapsed because there weren't any slavic craftsmen to replace the jews as they originally planned. I guess at the very least slavs were below the jews on the gas list.

he pursued the jews because they did a civil war in germany like you posted before, his driver was jewish for example, he couldn take the risk to have a revolt like in 1918.

The same did USA against germans and japanese people, the same did britain against german people, etc

I cant talk about the gypsies because i dont know that tho

Europeans seem to hate gypsies universally. I've never understood it probably because i've never met one. My understanding is that Poles weren't interned until 1942 and were fed until 1945. I tried posting these questions on r*ddit and they banned me.

there are some people that no matter how much you explain it yto them, they simply dont want to understand, they treat you like a psycho sadly.

One way to maybe start to redpill them is showing this ae911truth.org

Maybe with that they will slowly understand and reach ww2

He didn't. The whole "master race" thing is a meme . I can't believe people actually think or even support such stupid things. Fucking newfags. If you want to know what it's all actually about just watch Sir oswald mosley's speech on youtube.

>The whole "master race" thing is a meme
Too bad you can't understand german, because if you could you would delete this post.


What were the Nazi's endgame, assuming they miraculously won the war.

I know in wartime they formed nationalist alliances with Arab states and shit, but surely after they won & regrouped, they wouldn't just let Africa sit idly by - what did they want to do with the the world?

>He didn't call them subhuman, only inferior?
I thought he didn't even think the slavs were inferior, it was their system of government that had fucked them up and left them in a pitiable state.

Maybe I'm thinking of another book though.

Perhaps you could enlighten me

get rid of rothschild banks and spread interest free german currency. everything else will fix itself once that happens

No reference to the quotes.

Also reprisals for women who fraternized with German occupiers after liberation are well known, the French did not want to be occupied by Germans retard.

If the way had not happened, then Nazism either would become the Golden Standard for all other western nations to follow, or it would go the way of Communism, become a spent force, and die on its own.

If the Germans had won the war, then would have been a different story. All those that fought against them in the East would most likely suffer quite a lot. Or maybe not.

So many German men died that probably the Nazis would have to allow for German to marry Poles and Ukrainians, and whatever, and eventually they'd make Germans out of everyone.

If the war had not happened....

The most Eastern looking Russian Slavo-Mongol mutt out there could be a German if he wanted to become one, racially atleast. Stamping out the Slavic culture, and especially the Polish one after it became apparent Poland wouldn't side with the Axis, is what was important. to secure the Lebensraum. Hundred years of not existing and still didn't assimilate, there's a reason he wanted that.

> babbles about memes and stupid people believing them
> yet thinks long dead mid 20th century populists are the key to saving the west
You can apologize for a dictator and cherry pick what he did or didn't say all you want, but pretending that the Eastern Front from the onset of Barbarossa wasn't characterized by a level of brutality matched only by Japanese adventures in China is only just that: pretending.

Historic Warsaw completely leveled with a similar fate almost attained for St. Petersburg; countless villages, hamlets, towns populated by innocent Orthodox Christians reduced to nothing but ashes, Red Army conscript POWs treated worse than Jews, Hitler's burning hatred for Stalin making him go all in on attacking his namesake city, etc etc etc. Maybe you are the oldest oldfag here, maybe, but trying to revise history like this makes people like you absolutely worthless to the present day pro-white movement

>Dinaric and Baltid
We are not Yugoslavs you fucking idiot
We are more Kelto-Nordid and Hallstatt


They needed the oil on the west coast of the Caspian and needed to reach the Volga and then penetrate below the Urals where the industry was relocated. Anyone can look at a map and see why Stalingrad was necessary. If you didn't know this I have a hard time taking you seriously.

>Kelto-Nordid and Hallstatt
No. Hallstatt Nordids are not present in the Russian population at large. You may be confusing them with similar East Nordids. East Baltids together with East Nordids are represented in North-Western Russians (Some Finno-Urgics are present there too). Keltic Nordids are mostly represented in populations around former Celtic territories, which are mostly in Western Europe.

This was in 1935. In 1936 Himmer claimed that "subhumans exist in all races as a leavening agent". Goebbels used the term to describe German communists and Jew collaborators. Correct me if i'm wrong.

If you want to learn about the SS and how Germans thought about Slavs and Jews read 'Conversations with an Executioner'. It's a really good source of knowledge about these times.

published 1942

For once a leaf wasn't a faggot

A very similar drawing is used to represent a German of "Ostische Rasse" (Eastern Race). Whether or not someone is a subhuman was more dependant on individual basis, loyalties and political views.

Since anti-Semites are similar to niggers, Hitler is the anti-Semitic version of WE WUZ KANGS.

Can you tell me where this Rabbi went wrong?


I'd like to hear it.

Not Poles. Communists and Bolsheviks.

A book a Pole wrote about a man dead before publishing isn't an argument. I can prove Poles ethnically cleansed millions of Germans after WWII. Where's your proof they planned to clean you out? How you explain them not famining you all in 1940?

Jew NKVD head Yagoda, kike Kaganovich, and kike-married Molotov famined 6,000,000+ Slavs in the 1930's with little effort, don't forget.

It was an autistic post

Even wikipedia admits there is no evidence of generalplan ost

> I can prove Poles ethnically cleansed millions of Germans after WWII

I don't see anything wrong with it. They lost the war and they had to pay the consequences. This is how it has always been my friend. Nothing unusual.

He didn't
Problem is Slavs fought inbetween other all the time
that's why he wanted to unite them all,pride in one own roots

Using that logic they would have had the right to do the same. Do you know Danzig had a majority NSDAP government since 1933? In a multiparty democracy too.


You can't exactly call communists taking orders from Moscow Polish.

Because (((who))) controls the present, controls the past.
The truth will come out in time.

I am German, though
Sorry for the meme flag

If you don't know that Paulus twice requested permission for a full retreat, was denied and ordered to fight to the last man or kill himself, and defied those orders by surrendering, I have a hard time taking YOU seriously.

>Using that logic they would have had the right to do the same.
Well during that time they have had that right. Im aware of that and Im not denying it.

>Do you know Danzig had a majority NSDAP government since 1933? In a multiparty democracy too.
Dude we learn that in primary school. Still I do not understand why you are trying to act so agressive. I just said that there is a very good source about the SS and how actually Germans felt about other races. Chilli out a bit, I wasnt attacking you or something. Anyway good night.

It was supose to be a Free City under commision of League of Nations. Who cares what g*rmans said in the matter.
>stormfagging this hard

That makes more sense. I take it you noticed the number "2"? Pic related is the first page of the whole thing. Fact of a matter is - who was and who wasn't German was mostly dependant on how useful to and desirable he was in the Reich. When you want to rally the crowds to go out and fight, you are going to tell them every enemy is a red subhuman, it's only so logical, but in practice things aren't quite as straight forward.

Good on you Canada, you're getting there.

Because the majority of them were under Communist (an ideology for subhumans) and Jewish rule.

>muh dik

This is bizarre.

Niemcy, dont forget to apologize to Poland and Israel everyday.

Give war reperations

And be a good boy and accept those refugees, you don't want to seem like a nazi, do you?

Divide and conquer leaf, the art of war, prepare for the ride

>grower not a shower
Oh shite it works!

>inb4 muuh dick

Slaves live up to their names , they were Karl Marx's best slaves after all. How could any communism hating red blooded person like slaves is beyond me. They used to be just a stepp down from Wewstern European white humans but now after communism they aren't even a step above niggers. Go pick your crocodile exposed bones and pass more HIV needles you disgusting false sad imitations of white humans.

>Telling others they are subhuman because they got subverted by communist Jews

I don't think he did, and even if the kikes were right and he actually did call us subhuman, it's not like I'll get upset over a manlet faggot with a shit philosophy being mad at me.

>The Aryan Master Race conceived by the Nazis graded humans on a scale of pure Aryans to non-Aryans (who were viewed as subhumans).[8] At the top of the scale of pure Aryans were Germans and other Germanic peoples, including the Dutch, Scandinavians, and the English,[8] as well as other peoples such as some northern Italians and the French, who were said to have a suitable admixture of Germanic blood.[9]

All people were not germanic were considered subhuman. But looking at the sources all is recent.


Wikipedia is BS. It can be edited by anybody.

One of the most beloved army units of the German army that invaded Russia was the Blue Division from Spain, which had nothing but Spanish and Portuguese, and neither of them can be considered pure Aryans, but still they where respect and seen as equals by the Germans.

>baww slavs are subhumans
atleast we will still be there when you get extinct
>bawwww slavs are being racist
what ya gonna do about that kurwa faggot?
>muh white privile-
I'm a slav bitch that shit has no effect on me
>muh coloniza-
never had colonies,no oppurtunity or the money to colonize shithole countries
>y-y-you'll go to priso-
I were born in one so shut the fuck up

I just laugh at Krauts when they bring up such shit lmao
the fact that you will be a minority in 40 years in your own fatherland

I have zero knowledge about this subject but there were several different points of view between the ss and the Nazi? The SS wanted to integrate the Slavs in the third reich but not hitler ?

>jewish flag

Got 'em, Texas

There was a strong the liberator camp, but Germans are too autistic to be seen as liberators.

Lets be fair Hitler fucked everything up, maybe Germany under a different leadership things could have gone very different.

Naaaaaaah... Go back to school... :/
Lame try.

>He himself is no element of organization, but a ferment of decomposition.

Largest economic collapse in history is inevitable

pic related


By that logic there's an equal chance that hitler was wrong

And we know that's not true

This is the real political struggle of the centuries. SO many shifting sands, so many incognitas, known unknowns.

Either Europe pales into obscurity, or the States become either more multiracial and unstable.

It will be a weird repeat of the 20th century but I have no idea where it will end since so many technologies seem to change the cards dealt.

Each day that passes I seem to know even less.

Hitler was pussy and get triggered by polish shtlords. /thread

You are correct. I suppose to get a good idea of what Hitler on different subjects is to read his book.

As for his political acts leading to the war, and then during the war, those you need to be skeptical about it.

I don’t need hitler to tell me I can tell by just by looking at them.

Forgive my ignorance but didn't the nazis run a puppet state in Croatia.
Why do this if they hated Slavs


how was Poland run by jews in 1939 if we btfo'd soviet union 20 years earlier?

hitler allied with jewish soviet union to kill non jewish slavs. he was controled opposition created becouse Germans were rightfully angry at jews for revolution you've mentioned. hitler just directed german anger on slavs instead of jews while he shipped jews to safety

Since non white areas are so concentrated in the states i think at worst America will balkanize once white areas can no longer ignore the effects of multiculturalism in the south and on the west coast

Hitler was autistic what else did you want to know?

Off by one!

Honestly this is a strange political time, things just dont add up, everything is done in clear sight know what I mean?

Croatia and Slovakia fought hard for and with the Germans against the commie cancer

Many, many Slavs fought for the Reich

Germanic master race autism is confirmed.

We are a master race, which must remember that the lowliest German worker is racially and biologically a thousand times more valuable than the population here.
—Erich Koch, March 5th 1943, [9]

Germanic master race is confirmed.

I know what you mean. Hitler talks about the jew lifting his mask in Mein Kampf. It's a good thing though. Once bread and circus is gone, everyone will know exactly what needs to be done.

I agree, it will be a terrible time and we may not even win. But Western chimpouts tend to be quite remarkable.

We shall see.

When are you going to apologize for the holocaust brought on by the polish death camps? The Poles were litterally worse than the Germans during WW2.