/IBS/ Internet Blood Sports

/IBS/ Internet Blood Sports.

>Jim's new video about bloodsports

>New into blood sports? Watch Richard Spencer vs Sargon and Styx

>Last night stream: Secularist Alt Right vs Christianity with Todd Lewis and others.

>Sargon literally running away from enoch

>Halsey Vs. Mike Enoch

>Richard Spencer vs. Mike Tokes

>JF analyzes the Sargon vs. Anglin debate

>David Shitrat talks about how blacks are dumb and violent, because they eat paint chips from the wall.

>Tariq Nasheed vs. Jared Taylor

>JF video on how Peterson refuses to talk about the JQ

>Sargon nigger spergout

Old Links pastebin.com/H1cExJ1a

Bloodsport clips: youtube.com/channel/UCoCuOwpNQ39uaEU76cy_0qg/videos

Other urls found in this thread:


Schedule for this week
Today: Andy vs some nigger, about bloodsports, Warski live 7PM EST
Wednesday Joe Biggs vs Destiny on gun control, baked alaska show 8pm EST
Thursday: JF Spencer vs vee Arch about ethnonationalism Warski live

Enoch vs Boomerfaggot round 2 (no date)
Lowtax vs Anglin (no date)
March 3rd Styx vs Fuentes about religion
Also Andy said that he has the rest of the week planned but he didn't want to give us any spoiler






nobody reads infographs in 2018


Krauts goes into the attack


JF better be careful or TF will release a couple more videos about solar roadways.



Is hungarybro here? The link dindu work.

/IBS/ debate last night

kraut literally has no spine
the same applies for twice for the people who still follow him

I really admire JF honestly talking.

Imagine having the lack of shame to accuse anyone of anything at this point. (((Kraut))) has chutspah. What a lowlife.


>failed academica pls respond
Its so pathetic seeing him attempt to repacage ar memes in such a shitty cringey way. He tried doing the same thing with alt-right science man with the term shaking on the screen just so he can make his braindead audience understand it was supposed to be a funny pun.

Can you put /ibs/ in the subject line so my filters catch it? Thanks

>/ibs/ making bloodsports of its own
You see what we've achieved here? We've turned the consumer into the means of production.

This thing is going to sell itself.

This is classic kike behavior. They just have this shameless audacity that. Even after all the ways Kraut has been eternally BTFO, he still has the nerve to try talking shit.

Reminder that he got really pissy when people found out who his mom was. It's something we never went through with, because he conceded previously.

some guy was spamming threads a few days ago on Sup Forums linking to a farms thread on JF. I think their autistic Illuminati is trying to go all out again

why are they talking about rappers on kumite?

>if I keep repeating the joke it won't be true
does he not realize he is making fun of himself?

because they are all niggers or wiggers

start a talk show and lemme jump on it
get discord
lead chips have gone too far

>Aquafags won't even defend their waifu in a debate
Are Aquafags the Sargon's of /ibs/ ?


Read this, if you can.

There's more

aquafags and 02fags are the same
it's a horseshoe my man

>I'm not interested in anonymous peer reviewers

jesus christ, kraut is such a brainlet.


What an absolute lowlife

>flavor of the month waifus

take that back


yep a commie politician

lads, I've never watched anime before, where do i start

They're reffering to Tipper Gore and her PMRC group

02 fags need to become Aqua fags to save their waifu, trust me I know what I am talking about.

Boku no Pico and it's sequels.

This. Gabu is the Radical Centrist position.

Imagine getting completely humiliated by someone over your lack of knowledge and then proceding to call him a hack.

>where do i start
Neon genesis evangelion...



this is not your fight sarg'n

code geass

Easier view for people, Kraut brought back the court document
I post my waifu when there's nothing to talk about, 02 shitpost their shitty waifu in every thread they are.
Or worse, they post Destiny


What would vignette then be? Third position?

kill la kill got me into anime

fate stay night (deen, the older version)

>the high school drop out thinks the biologist doesn't know what peer reviews are
Christ the desperation Kraut has to appear intelligent is fucking extreme.

backyard /irs/ is on tonight after warski, pro/anti democracy. Message me if you want to join.

[email protected]

>trying to repackage a meme
lol kikes gonna kikes.

if you just read john locke you'd understand why 02 and aqua are both garbage and the both same

>I post my waifu when there's nothing to talk about
You spam aqua during every debate you dumb nigger

Kill la kill is quite nice, yes

JF makes it look so easy. Kraut is really embarrassing.

This is unironically correct. NatSoc was made as a third position.

Even better is:
>a highschool dropout is telling a guy with a PHD that he is a failed academic

TRS and Mike Enoch exposed

Kind of wish to join but I’m too shy. Maybe in the future.


Star is going to get cucked again

i-is there not a consensus on which anime is easiest to digest for newbies?

space dandy
for that authentic adultswim feel

why are a bunch of jahadi's in the suggested area

vignette would be bellow satania and above gabu and raff

>retreading the autistic waifu story
Jesus christ we've been over this shit a billion times, kraut pls

I like the reality I exist in.

Boku no Pico.

>failed academic please respond

Kill la kill prob

>and he didn't answer the question

watch kill la kill or yuru yuri
"noob friendly" anime is a meme
you gotta watch the most outlandish shit

>i-is there not a consensus on which anime is easiest to digest for newbies?
No, but any single one mentioned (except for one) is decent.

Play roulette and choose one at random, 1/5 chance that it is absolutely disgusting, 5/6 that it is pretty good.

1/6, I am retarded

YuruYuri has a potential to cause schitzophrenia though

I'd honestly would start with the normies animes, like one punch man, attack on titan or full metal alchemist brotherhood

get discord so I can message you, I want to stay anonymous for fucks sake
you have a hotmail address, start moving with the times

Wait, is kraut still coming back after he got eternally BTFO by that Canadian dude? He must be leaching off his retarded fanbase.

gundam wing?

I sent some YouTube messages, would be down to clown whether it be democracy or shitty seasonal waifus from children's cartoons.

Cowboy Bebop, Ghost in the Shell: SAC(also the movies), Hellsing Ultimate, Legend of the Galactic Heroes, Samurai Champloo, Space Dandy, Dragon Maid, Yaoujo Senki

Those are often really shit

I know. And thank you for being the first to respond to me on this thread :) Its a shame that in 2018 black people get discriminated against like this.youre the guy from yesterday whining about how only muh civic nationalism can save us. Give it up already shekelstein

Set the clock back one year, who listened to Sargon?

Gundam Wing or Dragon Ball.

>Andy said that he has the rest of the week planned but he didn't want to give us any spoiler
Smart move keeping the schedule secret until the last moment to ensure there aren't too many people watching live and sending superchats.

all you need is a youtube account. we use youtube's live hangouts for the debates.

Gurren Lagann, Death Note, Code Geass, Berserk(1997)

When would that btw be in europe time? I am interested in listening.

attack on titan would probably be the best beginner one, doesn't have any of the stereotypical anime tropes that turn normies off

make sure it's subbed

You think kraut thought about killing himself?