Evolution "debate"

How to prove evolution in 3 easy steps

>2 animals belong to the same species if they can produce fertile offspring (observable, provable)
>domestic animals didn't exist before human (observable, provable)
>domestic animals cant be bred successfully with wild animals (observable, provable)

This means domestic animals evolved from other animals. This was not natural but it proves the definition of evolution. One species becoming another. Or did cows fall from the sky?

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>>domestic animals cant be bred successfully with wild animals (observable, provable)

Cite observations and proofs.


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People are reading "Culture of Critique"

People are reading "Culture of Critique"

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Whale evolution is remarkably documented, thanks to the fact that animals living in watery environments are more likely to be fossilized. You can see a clear progression from a land mammal to a marine one. It's great.

Successful meaning offspring are fertile. Do i really have to cite crossbreeding and the results. Have you seen a mule?

Still. Wolfdog

This it's an araucano chicken, one of the characteristics it's that has blue eggs and would massacrate your regular chickens.

It can produce fertile offspring with regular chickens and developed apart from eurasian chickens.

Do their eggs taste better?

---Evolutionary Theory----


FACT: organisms are born with small amounts of genetic mutation
FACT: Natural selection favors certain traits over others
FACT: Traits that ensure the survival of an organism to sexual maturity will be more likely to spread into future generations
FACT: Families can diverge and be effected by different environmental selective factors
FACT: There is no limit to how far split families can diverge genetically
FACT: Over time divergent families will no longer be able to breed
FACT: These facts are all that need to be true to prove evolution, but we have even more than that thanks to an extensive fossil record which shows a progression of species over time.

yeah, tough redpill. Dogs are actually wolves. Canis lupus.

ok, chicken are also not completely evolved out of their ancestor.

To make a case out of this you would have to find the same for every domesticated animal.

>FACT: Over time divergent families will no longer be able to breed

Enlighten me how this is a fact? Can it be observed, recreated? Because that is the main argument when dealing with smart deniers.

Can you breed a housecat with a Lion? Are they both still cats?

no you cant. they are different species. But can you prove that at some point they diverged so much they couldn't breed with each other. This is their nr1 argument. They can confirm all the points you made except this one. How can you prove, observe that at some point 2 families cant breed with each other anymore. And dont try to prove evolution using evolution. Hard facts only.

There's a documented phenomenon known as ring species.

An organism living around an obstacle like a mountain can evolve into several close cousin species at once.
Easiest example would be a coastal bird living on an island. The bird is living at 1:00 on the islands perimeter. Some individuals have mutations which allow them to eek out a living at the 2:00 position until there's a population which thrives in it. 1 and 2 still intermingled and can breed. The pattern repeats at the 3:00 position and so on around the island. Each migration begins with some individuals which grow inti a thriving population by adapting to the particular environment on that part of the coast. And at each position the individuals can interviewed with the adjacent groups. However when the species finally migrates to the 12:00 position and come into contact with the original 1:00 population they cannot breed. Still 12 can with 11 and 11 with 10 etc. But the 12 o'clock population is too different from the originals.

kill 3 fuck 1 marry 2

Wow. Thank you.This is it then. Are denierfags doing it for irony and just for the heck of it? A lot of smart and educated people do it.

haha nice. No matter how I answer this makes me gay!

The fossil record shows that common ancestors exist which carry basal physical traits of two species. It's how we know Whales and hippos are related. In any case, all the mechanisms needed for evolution are there, you are merely hiding in the fact that we can't directly observe life evolving over time, but we don't need to because it's still more likely than some completely unproven magic force that creates life.

Can you show me god conjuring an animal into existence? Can you explain how that works using known science?

The stem lineage of Felidae orginated at or just after the end of the Eocene between 28.4 and 35 million years ago. The earliest form placed in the felid lineage, Proailurus, is found in the fossil record around the end of the Eocene and the beginning of the Oligocene, about 25 mya.

I get the drift but their theories being wrong doesnt prove yours. The way you put it still sounds like a theory. I want it to sound like an undeniable FACT.

Darwinian evolution is such a basic-tier redpill, it makes me sad to see so much of Sup Forums being overrun by christcucks denying it. They attack it as "Jewish machinations", meanwhile the #1 greatest victory of Judaism in the 20th C west was to purge Darwinian thought out of the social sciences, turning them into the (((social sciences))) that we know today

You can't understand history and humanity without understanding humans as a natural, biological, animal

>you are merely hiding in the fact that we can't directly observe life evolving over time
Except we can. Every undergrad Micro student literally causes evolution in a petri dish during their class. And then there's good ol' Drosophila and Saccharomyces, which breed so fast that major observable differences can be forced in days

Christian creationist here. Waste of time. God created a fully functional world, not an atom/particle/something infinitesimal. This fully functional world may include evolution.

It's a shame he didn't make that more clear in his book, it's not like it could have lended a lot more credence to it if he specifically described evolution in the bible before science had to do the job. I wonder how many souls could have been saved?????????

Witnessing a scientific endeavor doesn't change a soul.

Alright lads, let's forget all these faggy internet sperg outs for a moment and focus on the actually important questions.
Does or does not Aqua wear any panties?

>Christian creationist here. Waste of time.

I have a question for you, user.: are you anti-Christian or something?

nope, I'm anti-stupid

>You can't understand history and humanity without understanding humans as a natural, biological, animal

Why do you think the (((left))) are so derogatory towards us biologists...

Btw any questions? I am tired so please no too complicated stuff...

Okay kiddo

Right but there is a difference between taking things as given and having some evidence to back up the theory.

I would say no but my guess is she has a goddess passive that allows her to conceal the pusspuss
only through further study will we know the truth

Will gene editing of human embryos ever be possible, and if so, when? How far off are we from being able to edit complex pangenomic traits such as Intelligence?

Also how can we definitively prove whether race is a social construct or biological reality?