God damn it, god fucking damn it. What happened?

God damn it, god fucking damn it. What happened?

Other urls found in this thread:


Republicans pissed away the Clinton surplus.

It all went to hell after that.

The white man handed over the world to the Jews in 1945.

"We've got to do something about these goddamn kikes." -Ben Garrison

That's retarded even for a leaf. There was never a surplus. There was only a "projected surplus".

And OP is "what happened to the nuclear family having fun in the 50's", not whateverthefuck you were answering.

Save that just in case theres footage of Trump with hookers lool.

People aren't more Christian.

There were 4 straight surpluses that kept getting bigger and then projected surpluses as far as the eye could see. The Bush GOP came in with their retardation

In the 1960s Soviet KGB started funding radical black leftist groups, socialist militants, and LGBT groups with the intent to destroy America's cultural and moral backbone. Even after the fall of the Soviet Union it was unstoppable because it had reached critical mass.


Rise and fall of an Empire.
It's the law of Nature and inevitable.


White women got "liberated" and jews started rubbing their hands.

People gave up morals for convenience in every possible aspect.

You said it all my British friend.

man, it's like the wonderyears intro

It's war then. What America had is worth fighting for, this can not be what becomes of us. In just seventy years look at what they have done!

jewish subversion happened

>lack of traditional, nuclear families
>lack of Biblical/Godly values

niggers and fags

Anglo-Israeli axis

Matches so well with OP's .webm it makes your heart sink

I miss Bill, he made the 90's max comfy. Dude was pretty damn centrist to and just really wanted to get that damn budget balanced. I miss him bros.

i didn't ask for these feels


The Clinton surplus was due to the Dot.com and NASDAQ bubbles that popped. Clinton's surplus disappeared by his 6th year and was going back down into deficits. He started the mortgage bubble, but it didn't kick in fast enough to change the numbers.

You really suck at economics. Now, go fund a bag of muslim dicks to suck leaf.

wow. White girls had no ass whatsoever.

he just wanted a blowjob in the oval office for all his hard work but Republican SJWs had to lose their fucking shit

Television. Mind control.

lol ur full blown retarded

Thats the past... this is the present hahaha

I actually enjoy seeing everything get worse though, i love that people have to live in our filthy society, seeing families get ruined by coal burning wives/daughters, seeing society decay as more men want to be women, it's actually enjoyable if you look at it through the lense of a circus. Feels DEVILISH..... BRING THE DECAY...

Two things are getting closer, either the collapse of the west or civil war.

Who do you think "liberated" them


What about Waco and Bosnia

One is the herald of the other


who gives a shit boris

>I miss Bill, he made the 90's max comfy. Dude was pretty damn centrist to and just really wanted to get that damn budget balanced. I miss him bros.
same. I'd buy him some hookers and blow if he'd write a book explaining just exactly how to do that, no lie.

Boomers never grew up. They wanted everything to be about them and their pleasure.

Why do you think I said they were rubbing their hands?

The (((Frankfurt Institute))).

We will Rise Again

Bill Clinton just wanted its lolis sexual slaves

Is that so bad?

imagine being such a sperglord that you leave your house and creep on a woman minding her business with her boyfriend and post it on pol to justify your racism

When the war happens, remember that it only happened because of Jews, and that there are no "good" ones. They can't be allowed to do this again.

then you're like me

look for stories from South Africa, coalburners literally get raped to death by their own children down there. It's fucking hilarious

this was filmed by the black dudes friend but ok lol

Don't take God's name in vein

White women then....

White women now... lmao

People are afraid because they think it will be messy and even bloody. Getting rid of them all. Good, order out of chaos, all we need to do is introduce a little anarchy.

We died. Sorry we let you down, dad.

clinton and blair set the foundations of the phenomenon known as "humanitarian intervention".
Well, in all honesty it started in the late 60's with Biafra, but clinton and blair made it US/UK mainstream policy.

Social media, smartphones, lgbtq degeneracy, growing globalism, grotesque obesity, victimhood complexes, the demographic shift, etc....

Society is going downhill and there's no coming back

0:16 is disgusting

Its really simple OP, just chek your own video at min 1:04

>(((Our))) time has come

Those humanitarian interventions were shitty but still better than all out Bush war.

The sovereign debt crisis will be the trigger. There's no possible way to sustain welfare spending on Muslim and black colonizers sent here by Jews while the white tax-paying base shrinks every year. Eventually the choice will be choosing bread to put on the table for your children, or serving the will of a Jew screaming that you're a "racist" for existing.

yep doesn't even compare


Is being a leaf actually a medical condition? Surely it's curable by lobotomy

these fucking dweebs have no Idea the beast they have created.

Bast or Bastet was a goddess of ancient Egyptian religion, worshiped as early as the Second Dynasty (2890 BCE). As Bast, she was the goddess of warfare in Lower Egypt, the Nile River delta region, before the unification of the cultures of ancient Egypt. Her name is also translated as B'sst, Baast, Ubaste, and Baset.[1] In Greek mythology, she is also known as Ailuros (Greek for "cat", αἴλουρος).

The uniting Egyptian cultures had deities that shared similar roles and usually the same imagery. In Upper Egypt, Sekhmet was the parallel warrior lioness deity. Often similar deities merged into one with the unification, but that did not occur with these deities having such strong roots in their cultures. Instead, these goddesses began to diverge. During the Twenty-second Dynasty (c.945–715 BC), Bast had transformed from a lioness warrior deity into a major protector deity represented as a cat.[2] Bastet, the name associated with this later identity, is the name commonly used by scholars today to refer to this deity. Bastet is also the protector of cats.

> the mostly pale crowd doing literally nothing
> only another black trying to restrain what is probably her friend

Rotherham was funny too. Britcucks and their fathers just sat there and took it. Like i said might as well enjoy the decay of society rather than crying about it online like you do. In everything you can find humor. And i find it humorous that brits even let something like the rotherham scandal happen. lmao!

Those things are just distractions to give a generation of youth raised in a non-white country a sense of purpose and belonging in a landscape devoid of either.

Think about this: There's two generations of people on this Earth right now where one grew up in a nearly all-white America, and then the rest of us who've never known it. Yet we're called "racist" for the crime of knowing the world used to be better, by people who openly demand our death via multibillion dollar media apparatuses.

You'd best believe in engineered dystopias. You're in one.

Whats the meaning of this? How is related to OP topic?

seeing videos like this makes the inner Fuhrer in me want to fucking scream. i can't believe my country has turned to such shit in so little time.
>niggers roaming unchecked
>Niggers get everything handed to them if they say "we didn du nuffin wrung"
>spics are allowed to cross the boarder and given asylum just because they popped out a fucking wetback on OUR soil
>Muslims being brought in from the most dangerous muslim nations, and no liberal cuck even bats an eye
>My Gun-rights are constantly under attack by these same fags who ignore rape-gangs and child-grooming
>White race is already a minority in global numbers, soon to be a minority in my own fucking Homeland
>Jewish subversion EVERYWHERE i fucking look
>Those i love and cherish are eternally cucked by the kikes and the niggers voting the kikes in power
>living in one of the last white majority states
>town is so full of heroin that they tell kids not to go out at night or they might step on a used needle
>niggers can flaunt their drug-money all over social media and not one word or ban, i talk about REAL shit and i get kiked by (((facebook))) and most of my normfag friends
idk if im losing hope, or if im on the right path to being HIM.


Slow death of an empire.
Might be best to just accept it at this point.
We had a great run.
The best in human history.

>look outside
>see OP's webm in realtime
sorry about your luck OP
you can move here if you want

>hurr durr it used to be better

Imagine being this dumb. Americans were always whining about America getting worse for the last 130 years.

Right now America is about to get lasers on planes, more oil than Saudi Arabia and Russia, and all around richer country. You're complaining because you can't keep up with the change. But it's always been this way: The weak get removed and the strong remain.

i REFUSE DEFEAT. The white race will not go out with a wimper. We will push back the hordes of evil at our doorstep. and we will push them back into their own lands.


Martin Luther King was a marxist commie hack fraud who celebrated the death of the black nuclear family

How can we be so sure?

If one of us can muster up that much courage to become our fuhrer they would be worth dying for.

hey man big fan here




Why do Republicans always try to down play Clintons surplus?


>What happened?

How many times do I have to say it......JEWS, SHITSKINS, and FEMINISM.



Fucking Hippies

so long as there is fire in one white, there will be a fire in all whites. Only when the forces of light realize their role will they understand their enemies. And We Are The Forces of Light. We will do as god and as Light does, and vanquish the darkness into the furthest corners of these lands. Mark my words: We Will Rise Again



Less white people

Die faggot.


We used to be a melting pot of european countries. Now we are slowly turning into another latin american shithole.

Is that why Jews have demanded we take in unlimited brown people from failed countries who've never come even close to anything even resembling a civilization in several thousand years? Because those people are weak and need to be removed? If we take in one-million Somalis, will they suddenly begin building indoor plumbing and pyramids and such?

I eagerly anticipate the coming debt crash. Non-whites will starve in their own hellhole countries, and the colonizers over here will be removed.

Reminder that Blair was the one whose Integration Minister, Barbara Roche, is the reason why England's cities are rapidly becoming non-white, in turn, killing old English city culture and dialects such as Cockney.

Fucking rangeban Canada please

Fucking nurgle cultists

We allowed bitches to vote and gave niggers equal rights.

the adversary
the dragon
satan happened