Fuck everyone giving this cunt coverage and a voice.
Fuck everyone giving this cunt coverage and a voice
Why are you posting this ancient meme?
Go home grandpa.
$50 says her first role is some indie art film where she plays a lesbian and gets nude.
Reminder that russian shills promote violence
Is she not a lesbian? I know fake lesbos tend to shave their heads too.
Post some spicy Emma memes, then. What she's doing is gross.
dawww, shareblue doesnt want 4chanpol repilling the chillins
Reminder that only Redditors actually believe the Russian shill shit.
Impact memes are still accessible to normies and old people.
Everyone's gotta shill their shit. Went to Olive Garden with the GF for Valentine's Day. They fucked up her order like twice, so I had to sit there and my food got cold while we waited for her order to finally come out correctly. Manager finally brings out her dish, and goes "I'm so sorry about that. With so many great new seafood dishes at Olive Garden™, sometimes we get confused!" They did not get a tip.
In another world, where this shooting happened last year and spics can afford to go to the movies, she could have been Rose in Last Jedi.
She's so fucking ugly it hurts.
just a friendly reminder.
The best memes improve with age.
Someone should go back and finish the job.
And here's the other ugly art student who took the bait with the white supremacist larp.
Another shot from her MySpace. Not even joking.
I would've walked out after they brought it back wrong the second time.
Getting a fucking canned response like that though? From a fucking person? Holy shit, we figured out in retail that it was less offensive to just let that shit play over the intercom.
like you.
She's a nobody spic dyke, probably a nigger lover at that, her 15 minutes will run out eventually.
Give that nig a wig
>right wingers are about to get their shit pushed in by a girl and a bunch of teens
this truly is the best timeline
I don't think the shooting was a conspiracy but I am fully convinced the students they chose was a conspiracy.
The issue with this picture is the Kevin Hogg in bottom left looks nothing like the men in the picture which makes it look /x/ tier.
kys Ahmed
>in all fields
Ask around and there's a youtube video of some totally unrelated incident in california with Hogg. Same name, same face.
It's more than a little suspicious Hogg gets used for an interview on the other side of the country and then is the star champion in this case. Again, I don't think the shooting was a conspiracy, rather it was a golden opportunity for someone who was already part of the media 'conspiracy'. Not a conspiracy of violence but rather of making it seem like media reporting is truly organic.
It's like how the fact that reporters use a green screen and aren't actually reporting from the location they say they are 90% of the time is not realized by most people.
like, 1/4-1/3 of our population owns guns. I don't see this doing anything but damaging dems like it always does when they try to grab muh guns.
I've seen everything posted on this board in the last few days. I'm talking about trying to link that little fucker David Hogg with that spook from cubic sims.
Left wingers have their shit pushed in daily and they even enjoy it
I bet Heidi has never had her vagina so satisfyingly stretched by Dieter as when Makhmouti does
I see by your haircut that you are a lesbian
I see by your haircut that you are a faggot too
We see by our haircuts that we are both faggots
If you turn in your firearms you can be a faggot too
Who's got the picture of the lesbian acting like a retard?
More retarded than usual**