Alert! Get in Here Mainstream Media in Panic Mode


Don’t Stop! We’re hurtin them

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Don Jr is tweeting out stuff about this faggot ass punk too.

Is it really so unbelievable that this kid vacationed in CA last year?


What did he say?


>media attacks anyone and everyone they disagree with
>surprised when anyone and everyone attacks media figures

These people are disgusting. Pedos, childkillers and their apologists.

Sup Forums never has and never will be a trump board, we hate americans here

>trump supporters harass underage school shooting survivor because he doesn't like trump
when did you realize you're the bad guy

What do you think about gun control as our classmates are gunned down?

What's going on? Link to the fags video!?


Love how these kids are called "survivors" when only 17/what 500? died...
I'm a survivor of shark attacks, bro!

Is it really so unbelievable that the MSM hires crisis actors and shuttles them across the country for nefarious purposes?

How can this nigger be going to primary school when he is nearly 30

any liberal faggot who wants to take my rights away is fair game, shitheel

It's pretty easy to false flag
>''hey guys I'm a trump supporter maga xDDD''
?As a trump supporter(verified through twitter) I dislike this guy, pay attention to me everyone hating him

Sup Forums being played like a fiddle i'm afraid. putting all these kids in the front will get sympathy for the cause, plus when they KNOW they'll get attacked by conservative shitposters it gets even better for them, more sympathy.

So. Powerful.

Alexa is 21.



is he also a pedophile ?
Is that why he hangs out with the little kids when he is 20 years older than them ?

you fucking idiot, all people who are talking on tv have those things to listen to the newscaster ask them questions.

that is how you justify it to yourself?
how do you deal with the cognitive dissonance that comes with believing others are morally bankrupt when you do shit like this?

Yes, it totally is, that is literally tin-foil hat level of conspiracy.

This can't be real.

so whys he in school then ?

And what is this image supposed to expose?

Sure a happy bunch.

Everyone needs to watch this video and look at my picture

they aren't kids dickhead

we hate everyone here sven
Probably gave it to him because he couldn't remember his fucking lines.

Just doing what they love to do. Living their dreams

there is nothing more morally bankrupt than lobbying to take my rights away. thats how i justify it, liberal faggot

maybe they did the shooting but are framing the weird kid thryve always bullied

>Radio says Russian bots are behind this
>They are posting progun propaganda to inflame US division

How come whenever I don't agree with you it's Russian influence? Why is it so hard for them to grasp that many Americans naturally dont want what they're selling? I legit love my constitutional rights more than my or anyone elses life.

Because they're finally gotten their life dream of being professional victims

they can't drink legally for three years, they're kids
barely any difference in this context anyway.

you fucking retard

>plus when they KNOW they'll get attacked by conservative shitposters it gets even better for them, more sympathy.
... as it should
Demonstrating that all these people will target and harass a kid that survived a school shooting is pretty important to people who aren't already polarized one way or the other.
You are clearly someone that should not be allowed to own a gun.

I wish they were the ones who were shot especially that bald dyke

Did it happen? Did it not happen? Was it an inside job?

You just CAN'T KNOW!

SO WHAT DO YOU DO? You might ask.

Well, you play it safe. You kill all the Jews, just in case.

Kill the Jews just in case.

Her fav seniors from 2016

>You are clearly someone that should not be allowed to own a gun.

and you will never be in a position to dictate that, liberal faggot. give up.

Man, that CBS Adriana Diaz is a hot piece of ass


Trump IS mainstream.

He has the largest, most watched US media outlet in his pocket. Half his tweets are in response to "Fox and Friends". But wait, there's more!

>fox shills in every other thread
>tax cuts for billionaires
>no wall
>she's not locked up
>more $ for Israel and Saudis

The first one gets me the most. Never in my life did I think we'd be shilling for FOX News.

Imagine being a radical leftist nowadays. You spend most of your time defending the FBI and corporations.

>hold on
>hold on

God damn. I hadn't seen this. I mean it's possible he prepared a statement for himself and has had some training in drama, some POOR training in drama, mind you (because one of the first things they tell you is to not get into sloppy habits like saying "hold on" or "uh" when you forget your lines) but that is pretty fucking crazy. Definitely working from some sort of script.

Don't question his associations or motives. He's just a kid. He needs to be free to make national policy that violates our founding agreement and undermines the foundations of our society!

please, keep doing this you retards

keep making your side look like a bunch of conspiritard psychopaths

I'm sure you'll "expose" them eventually, keep up the good work! This totally doesn't work against your own interests!

where was that information pulled from?

because CNN is not reporting news, they're pushing propaganda. they are manipulating teenagers- who haven't even been given the time to bury their friends, let alone process what has happened- into fame hungry shills. I even know the cringey approach these CNN vultures used, they tell these kids even before the smoke has cleared "that unless they whore themselves out on camera, their friend died for nothing"

this is rock bottom "journalism". this is sick voyeurism perpetuated by human garbage. this is child abuse and it's live. fuck CNN. remember that they lost the propaganda war and Trump won. when Goebbels was in Ted Turners' position, he at least had the decency to kill himself.

People are reading "Culture of Critique"

People are reading "Culture of Critique"

People are reading "Culture of Critique"

People are reading "Culture of Critique"

Seems like this kid capitalized on the misfortune of others. He exploited a mass shooting for his own benefit and glory.

Dirty whores.

>some random guy is a media figure

Its not, frankly. But what are the absolutely astronomical chances that just some regular dude is going to appear on television on the same network thousands of miles apart from eachother within less than a year. Both videos intending to be "viral" in nature.

Reminder that this little sociopath was coaching kids on how to become famous anti-gun faggots while the shooting was going on.

He looks like Christian Bale with AIDS.


come on man who are you where are you getting this from plz explain.

>You are clearly someone that should not be allowed to own a gun.
>You get to decide who has constitutional rights then

In college I was a game dev student which was mega gay. Anyway I developed a video game where you as a white guy walk into a university and shoot up a bunch of minorities as racist southern songs played in the background. It was all 3d and finished

Anyone want a copy of school shooting simulator 2015?

>CNN is making them their shills by daring to let them talk on their news

Russian shills yet again. Always trying to divide us. Don't let this shit circulate. Down with Putin.

>Don Jr is tweeting out stuff about this faggot ass punk too.
That's because the poor guy is actually retarded.

I hope someone finishes the job.

Why does the right defending itself with tactics that aren't just "be quiet and hope the guy on the republican ticket saves us" scare you?

>Manages to shoot up a school with a 22lr
>In japan
>takes 20 minutes for armed police to show
>about 234 students dead
>mfw demorats are unable to blame it on an AR or handgun

Flip it around and say the Russian bots are trying to disarm us. Anyone with a left leaning view is a Kremlin shill








>he is exploiting a mass shooting in order to stop mass shootings

It's absolutely disgusting.

I don't buy the false flag angle, but the parasites in the media and their own damn school came feasting on the corpses before they were cold.

>But the shooter was expelled why was he at school

Trump tried to get Morning Joe to be his show but MSNBC didn't want any of that so he went with FOX. Chuck Todd may pretend to hate Trump but Trump has alluded to having positive conversations and getting compliments from Todd

The same chance that we got a video of CWC as a child winning that contest.

How much longer till they try to shut everything down

the NRA has money because its popular. we support it so it can take the heat from you faggets instead of us. No on is going to turn in their guns. Many of us have been buying them in hopes youd try to outlaw them. Its will make them 100x more valuable.

I would shoot you in the face whether I was legally allowed to or not

I'm mobile what are the dates? Something fishy?

Makes for a qt gril

yeah I wasn't doubting you m8 but how do you see when it was created

Alright lemme upload it to my Google drive

Stoneman Douglas High School's website was made a year ago.It's not on the main domain of all the other schools.


Fuck you bots right back to Russia. Putin can suck it. Olga can suck it. All of you commie pricks can fuck yourselves.

Heard shot then fire alarm?.....

Tsk tsk they didn't read the script

He's on TV. Why shouldn't he have an earpiece?

jesus fucking christ you idiots think about what you're doing!? you've never met a liberal kid who writes before? fucking christ stop shooting gun owners in the foot with your rampant retardation

Get help

Note how she is the only one in the photo not wearing a senior t-shirt, you dildo.

>making it illegal for Cletus to go have fun at the gun range will stop sociopathic freaks from killing people
The kid was literally salivating for his 15 minutes while bullets were still flying, he pulled out a camera and was "interviewing" kids while the guy was still running around blasting people.

They aren't even hiding anymore. Everyone needs to plaster this all over every social media outlet they can.

That's a little odd.

Is it the only one like that?

Try 3000 students total at the school. Not only did only 17 die but "dozens" protested in Washington. Dozens out of 3000.