>tfw the only way Europe can survive is if we destroy the source of kikery that's killing it
How do we ask Kek to grant us this wish?
>tfw the only way Europe can survive is if we destroy the source of kikery that's killing it
How do we ask Kek to grant us this wish?
>mfw this blast radius covers largely the same area as the ideas I've seen for a white ethnostate.
fuck ameriga
>Salt lake city
So not dead?
>almost all the states that get hit are red states that have the highest percentages of whites in the country
>the most blue states in the country remain untouched
You'll suffocate from all the ash.
>California survives
Wtf!! Piece of shit volcano won't hit california, i live in Sacramento. So close....so close.....
Umm no sweetie Brussels, London, Berlin, Paris are all in Europe
I'm guessing (hoping) that the seismic shock from the volcano exploding would trigger some fault lines in California and cause widespread destruction via earthquake there as well.
He's implying that kikery in the US is the cause of all of Europe's problems.
But remember, the Bleu Cheese State libs and their political dependencies are reliant on Just In Time delivery systems to maintain their very way of life.
Yellowstone cooks off? They starve or are killed off in zombie time cities.
I like throwing words around too. Sounding sophisticated on the internet is a full time job my friend
we can only hope, at least my death would be quick
If those are big words (4U) then you should really work on your vocabulary skills, friend.
let's hope it happen, tired of these faggots...
Maybe not big words, but "triggering fault lines", who are you trying to impress, friendo
>says the subhuman
How's the water today, Juan? Just the right amount of mud and feces amirite?
Fucking FLorida you cucks
Rolling idgaf
that isnt a br name
you mean joao right? lul
Like this ---->
What other word would you use? Stimulating? Activating? Triggering would apply better than either of those words
Unless you mean fault lines which is a fucking noun that can’t really be replaced in this situation
I'm fucked bro
When you're too dumb to realize that israel is the root of everybody's problems.
Death to America. Hail Yellowstone!
Put your eagle back on Mexico