For posting this picture of "teachers in Israel are armed"! I don't doubt for one split second you believe in this photo. By posting this photo and your posting, you have proven two things.
• How utterly gullible and fucking stupid gun nut trump turd truly are.
• That restricting gun access works.
Your claim is that there are no school shooting in Israel. Ok. Great! The US needs to adopt Israel laws and follow their example.
However the lady in the photograph is not a teacher and the children are not at school. The lady in-fact is a security guard. A professional.
A couple of facts you over looked.
The US needs to adopt Israel laws
• Israel rejects NRA's guns-in-schools claim
• In Israel civilians must have a firearms license to acquire, possess, sell or transfer firearm AND ammunition.
• Not everyone in Israel can get a license.
.......o You must live in an area defined by the Ministry of Public Security, defined as a hazardous area.
.......o You must not have any criminal record.
.......o You must pass a weapons training and qualification course administered by the MPS.
.......o You will need to attended the Academy
.......o Minimum age is 27, if you did not serve in the IDF.
.......o Doctors Health Declaration.
.......o Fill out a box of forms and they need to be signed by a doctor.
.......o Passport
.......o Proof of address (3 months of property tax receipts.
.......o Letter from Chief of Security
.......o Police Background check.
.......o You will be only allowed to own the specific weapon you are cleared for.
.......o You will need to take the cleared form to the MPS to pick up your firearm.
.......o You need to be insured.
• Your firearm must be with you at all times or un Lock and Key.
.......o This does not mean in your lock car or locked house..
I know this for several reason. I spent a couple of years in the Middle East traveling between Beirut and Israel.
I worked for a company where many foreign nationals worked and got along. Several were from Palestine, Israel and Beirut.
One of my friends brother in Israel had his gun stolen and ended up doing 4 months in prison. He could have gotten up to a year. It was locked up, just not in a safe.
So yes, the US needs to adopt Israel laws.
Thank you for bringing that up and suggesting it.
Maybe this is why their own citizens don't shoot each other or their children up.
Please don't tell me you need a gun. that is bullshit.
Please don't tell me you don't want to register your guns and get a permit because your afraid the government will come take them. That is BS.
tl;dr, lol
Oy vey, only the chosen ones have the right to defend themselves.
The US needs to adopt Hitler's laws.
inb4 personal army request but this CL shill could use some of Sup Forums's weaponized autism.
People are reading "Culture of Critique"
People are reading "Culture of Critique"
People are reading "Culture of Critique"
People are reading "Culture of Critique"
Could it be that the fact, every single country that borders them wants to kill them, therefor the risk of a terror threat is high, they have more reason to defend themselves? The threat is not from within, like your meme country. Honestly, the stupidity of Amerimutts never ceases to amaze me, and trying to justify your stupidity just makes me laugh more.
The IQ of Burger posters has dropped by at least 10 in the last 6 months. Genuinely retarded would be a mark up at this point. Keep posting, iit is fucking hilarious
>adopt Israel laws.
So do you have hordes of Mexicans wanting to peel your face of and nigger infested cities? Or do you just hand over your daughters to Ahmed to appease him while you watch in the corner?
Right? Uh we did the genocide manifest destiney thing already so they're actually pretty far behind
There is no school shootings in Polin as well.
However the lady in the photograph is not a teacher and the children are not at school and the grass in the picture is not green and the kids are not wearing hats.
Thanks for visiting JIDF. I was worried that you all finally got tired of Sup Forums.
I reposted a CL R&R posting here to Sup Forums. You know what to do faggot.
But what if the school teacher is crazy?
correct your spelling errors. "under lock and key."
I didn't post it some kike did. I bet he could use some hate mail.
To own gun in Poland you need:
Provide police with proof that you are under threat followed by backgroud check
Medical examination - shrink
Obligatory training followed by test
Safe for storage
+ton of paperwork
And this is for pistols no rifles are allowed for civilians and no automatic weapons whatsoeva
As for sport or hunting you need add to above mandatory membership in sport organisation or Hunting assosiations witch have regular fees and lot of their own internal regulations.
At the end of a day legal weapons are scarce. And one consequence for this is that illegal weapons are expensive - supply/demand Cost of a gun on a black market reach 10 times shelf price and there is a big chance that gun carry hisytory of crimes wich coud be very bad if owner of illegal weapon is caught.
At the end of the day it is very unlikely that criminal coud afford firearm.
So Polish have no right to self defense. Would easily be invaded and conquered. AGAIN!
>tfw my state is passing legislation to make it legal for teachers to carry
after trump's election mywifesison, nig bay, and niggawaukee have been too busy literally shaking to cuck the rest of the state like they usually do and it feels great.
I'm more than willing to adopt Israeli gun laws if we also deport all non-whites, have concentration camps for illegals, and make it state policy to maintain a white super-majoirty. We could even build settlements in Mexico and Canada for good measure.
Thanks for the tips kike-bro!
Stupid goy, we are allowed to take our guns home during leave. Since no one in Israel has a weapon vault you have to keep it with you at all times. That lady is a soldier on leave probably dropping her little sister of at school, she is not an armed guard if thats what you are trying to suggest.
they were divorced by God. theyre not israelites. theyre not judeans
> hurr durr in europeian history the only war that ever happend was WW2.
> Completly do not take into consideration that Poland was attacked by both germs and soviets and backstabbed by its allies.
Seriously those kinds of answers are pain in the ass to listen
> burger thinking lack of armed civilans was the problem
kys pls
israel is an unstable shithole like the rest of the middle east. leave it to conservacucks to wish we were a 3rd world country. no wonder red states are basically the equivalent of subsaharan africa despite places like WV, KY, and TN being among the whitest states in the nation. ruin your own communities all you want, but keep your little chimp paws off of yankee states you dirty little cockroaches.
>Please don't tell me you don't want to register your guns and get a permit because your afraid the government will come take them. That is BS.
i'm not doing any of that shit because Americans don't have to
Men have no rights in isreal though
The kike ladies run everything
>We already have superior us laws, RIGHTS.
>We don't need israeli police training our police
>We don't need israel
All Jews are born female though, just some happen to have a penis which horrifies them which is why they try to amputate it shortly after birth.
ehat is this
it's a ladyboy
Getting a gun licence here is quite difficult, and people that have them are usually had 3+ years of IDF training so they don't feel the need to just shoot things. Also they are usually ideological and actually need them to protect their property from thieving/violent sandniggers
That was the actual reason, you can now continue your conspiracy circlejerks
no way, need proofs, amazing!
>oy vey the goyim know, SHUT IT DOWN!!!
So unlike white people Jews are more likely to be mentally unbalanced and cannot be trusted with guns unless properly supervised. BY way of this projection upon whites is the explanation for why Jews are responsible for writing and sponsoring all anti-gun legislation from 1968-present.
>american Jews
>would ever consider permanently moving to Israel
>would ever consider going through the buttfuck that it takes to get a gun license in Israel
>would even consider doing an actual IDF service instead of sitting in an air conditioned room playing with phone for 3 years
>would even consider living in an Israeli settlement where having a gun is almost a requirement because the police is paid off by the political left
>would ever consider living somewhere that isn't some rich american kike heaven with a cushy job
nobody here gives 2 fucks about those people and you're free to kill them for us.
Israelis not only carry "guns" they carry full on military grade weapons. 100% meme potential.
JEwish women in America are "highly educated" and are not having babies anymore, the Rabbis fear that American Jews are dying out! Who would have thought it would be so easy as giving these yentas free university education would be the final solution to the JQ. Now if only we get the leftists in Israel to do the same plus push for open borders!
OK guise I've chummed (((them))) in give me some ammo!
Gib jew gf pls.
>The kike ladies run everything
the men pass class down to their offspring