Mob Psycho 100 : chp. 100.8

Chapter is out on mangaONE app. Dumping raws with rough translation.

>This guy is…
>No way…

>It’s Kageyama Shigeo.
>His power has become uncontrollable and something from within him has come to the surface.

>Seriously… I feel bad about having to clash with Ritsu’s brother…
>However, this isn’t the type of situation where we’re allowed to show kindness.

>(It’s not like I remember you ever being kind, though…)

>A direct hit!?

>(He can’t move at all…)
>P-pops… Aren’t you getting old? You can’t even evade properly anymore…

>His (probs Touichirou’s) energy’s been withering ever since the big explosion from earlier happened?
>I… I really have to do this alone?


>Don’t make such a racket.

>I just needed to borrow his energy to compensate for the power I’m missing, that’s all.
>…So you took that hit on purpose?
>By just taking a few blows I was able to replenish a considerable amount of energy.

>Whether we win or we lose will be decided here and now.
>Will you help me? Shou.
>What’s the plan?

>Kageyama Shigeo is slowly walking towards his place of destination.
>In that case, let’s follow his path and push him back.

>That’s it?

>If he constantly releases energy, his stamina is bound to reach its limit eventually.

>This situation isn’t going to last. In other words, we should buy some time until the boy comes to a halt by himself.

>Make him run out of gas, eh…
>Got it.
>Follow me.



Probably Shou
>Go flying!!!

>”Charge Bomb”

>…Eh? Did he vani-

>… Ah, it’s coming…
>No good no good no good…

>Our energy…
>He absorded all of it…

>This is bad news…

The Long Awaited "Full Name Reveal” Series

>Minegishi Toshiki

thanks user

Thanks user.

Waiting for Reigan and Ritsu to arrive.

thanks user

I think that mob will become a normal human (non-esper) once his "deep self" is defeated

So back and forth absorb battles.

So ONE's back problems aren't that serious

I dont follow this but the last time i checked bowl cut protagonist was fighting that weird eyebrows father guy. Why does weird eyebrows father guy seem like a good person now?

Thanks mate

Read to find out.

are we ever going to see a second season of this?

I REALLY want to see this animated(or at least the fight vs the boss)

eyebrows wanted to take over the world, almost exploded, and got his ass saved by bowl cut
now eyebrows works for the government


>father-son kamehameha

Wait the last time I read this Shigeo was hit by a car

why the fuck is the cult leader back?

one deus ex machina activated the other

there was some vague news about BONES announcing they're continuing the "mob psycho 100 project," presumably season 2 but we haven't gotten confirmation yet.

It could be something else, but probably season 2. There might be additional news on September 29th.

"After puberty, you won't have to deal with the fear of misusing your power again" doesn't really seem like the message ONE would send...I think it's pretty likely it'll lessen (just like the intensity of your emotions lessen after puberty) but probably not go away completely.

It's possible that this chapter was already completed.

Why ONE never finish this shit?
Everyone is waiting for OPM, not this