Trump now advocating gun control and cold war with Russia

Turning more into Hillary every day.

Other urls found in this thread:

I regret my vote.

I'm with him.

im gonna kms

Guys don't respond to each other right away, wait for others to respond first so it isn't so obvious. Now wait for this thread to delete and start a new one. Think before you post.


The only people who voted for Trump are rural and suburban retards.

City people all voted for Hillary.

if trump moves on gun control he will have unironically lost my vote.
this is a deal breaker for me.

>this is a deal breaker for me.

You said this about the Bannon firing and yet you still support him.

>Sup Forums is one person
This is just something he said to shut up the protestors. Come back when he actually does it.

I was all aboard the Trump train, until the fucking thing started going off the rails. Rand Paul would've been our best option.

Reminder that russiacucks shitpost threads about racism, guns, and degeneracy on a daily basis

>This is just something he said to shut up the protestors. Come back when he actually does it.

ordering his AG to ban bump stocks right now.

>City "people"
Niggers and spics who want gibs

People are reading "Culture of Critique"

People are reading "Culture of Critique"

People are reading "Culture of Critique"

People are reading "Culture of Critique"

>gun control

Pick both. He'll forget all of it by the summer

Honestly, what the hell would you do if you were Trump right now? He won the election fair and square but all people talk about is how he cheated. After the school shooting everyone is saying hes evil for not being a reactionary and banning guns, even though we just had 8 years of Obama and they didnt try to force his hand on gun control because even the dems know its a losing move.

The guy is just trying to do what he thinks the people want, but its just very loud vocal minorities who are the least educated and most emotional.There really is no winning for him here, but I dont think hes going to go through with any kind of gun control anyway.

>He'll forget all of it by the summer

>there won't be at least 12 more mass shootings like that by that time.


fucking Donald trump, he needs to get his mind together and beat the shit out of the jews and libtards controlling the media, not be a pussy gun controller and accept communist scum


Bump stocks are nothing you fucking idiot.

You can make one in a day yourself using supplies around the house. They are not something that can ever be controlled no matter what the government does. You are fucking retarded

Ok let's talk about the background check system

Let's talk about the 100 Russians killed in Syria by Trump

Let's talk about the fact Trump is doing EVERYTHING Hillary would have done as president.

Orange lives matter.

I guess he forgot about the time Mittens called him a "fraud", or he's a spineless faggot. Either way it is becoming obvious that Trump is garbage

Fucking urban mutants always ruining a good thing.

and his retarded base will still lap it up

t. shill

I dont agree with Syria, but then again I am not operating with the same information the Trump admin is. No one is.

I am okay with stricter background checks.

If you think these two things are the worst of what Hillary would be doing right now, I think you are being extremely disingenuous or you're a complete retard. Its absolutely one of the other.

City people are the sorts of retards that unironically cling onto the Russian Collusion conspiracy theory or anything else pumped out by the MSM without sources, simply because it's repeated over and over. Gullibility and stupidity exists regardless of your college degree.

>I am not operating with the same information the Trump admin is

WTF I love neocons now.

>and his retarded base will still lap it up

His base will soon drink the cool aid, it's gone full jim jones cult like at this point.

He duped you guys. Saw it coming from miles away. He's a politician just like every other. Will say what's necessary for votes and will only watch out for himself in the long run.
I miss the old Sup Forums at least there were some smarter people.. but the shills destroyed that. It was pretty fucking interesting to watch.. sadly.

What gun control is he officially supporting?

>shills destroyed that.
>is a shill.

You dont think Trump and his military generals might be working on some information that you and I dont posses? Its plausible right?

Banning those 5 dollar bump stock attachments.

You have no idea what a shill is.


Clearly you dont.

That person is an obvious shill.

Thats not what I said at all and definitely not an argument.

>Meme flag
>DRUMPH duped us!

Ok, sure.

lmao yall rednecks just now realize trump is shit? pathetic

Source? I have not heard this. Bump stocks are also way more than $5

I've been saying this is going to happen since 2015. Plebbit invaded the board by then already sadly

You're right... I just miss what this place was. But I should accept that it's a dumpster fire now. No fixing it.

omg really? dude that sucks :*(

>Its plausible right?

I'd hope it's more than plausible.

The liberals kept shrieking "how many more children have to die?" Welp, they were right, it looks like we're nearing that magic number where conservatives agree that something needs to be done besides telling the victim's families to fuck offer prayers.

Russians wouldn't have died if they didn't actually believe in a drop of Russian tech superiority.
Too bad they're fucking retarded.

i wish i could hate liberals. but instead i have to live cozy with my white 9inch cock before they destroy the planet for good

Fucking hell why do people keep commenting on these

>AG can just ban something
I wonder if this is some elaborate way to force the supreme court to make a ruling on gun control.
There must be a reason Obama didn't go this path in regards to gun control.

Hey, guys, 'member when he endorsed DACA?
Now it's closer than ever to dying?
I 'member.

>very loud, uneducated vocal minorities
You mean his base?

Trump is a faggot. The last dying breath of the old Republican order.

We need Alt Right candidates. Its time to retake the West.

We all regret your vote.

You people are human trash.

This, I voted for trump for more gun rights not less

they aren't here for an argument, they are here to gloat whenever they see "evidence" that their nihilistic world view is sound.
So they seek to perceive everything as keeping status quo so they can remain "correct" in their world views.

They are no better than the liberals and neocons they mock. Such is the plague of feigned intellectualism that makes up internet "culture".

>I just miss what this place was
It was never what you thought it was. You are a part of the problem.

This. Any gun control and Trump is finished.

Criticizing Trump is so retarded. Everyone in this thread is so retarded. Trump is god tier based emperor.

Kill yourself Shillriablue

maybe the dems and the jews should stop "shooting up" schools

>I am okay with stricter background checks.
Kill yourself faggot. I'm 100% serious. Blow your brains out right now.

>trust the military industrial complex goyim

Do you enjoy being a useful idiot?

>his military generals

>military generals is a good thing now

I agree that the bump stocks are a novelty that aren't worth getting worked up for but I just don't get the reason for the optics cucking. It's not going to help him.

>City people all voted for Hillary.
Jesus Christ the population of jews in the cities must be high

he know it's not going to help him so I can't imagine he's doing this out of ignorance trying to throw the dems a bone like it's going to make things easier for him.

>no source

Did you watch the Sarah Sanders press conference?

How many times have retards fallen for Trumps bait n switch?

lmao cry harder

we know. It's a meme already

Don't own a gun. No desire. Extremely afraid of a government that wants to take them away from the people..


jeez, guys.

>Extremely afraid of a government that wants to take them away from the people
Doesn't the goverment already have much more firepower than the population?
Or was that what you were trying to point out?

Yeah the guys who are tasked with keeping our country safe are okay in my book.

Wow a New York billionaire oligarch Democrat RINO begins to reveal his true colors

And people on here kept calling me a shill in 2015-2016 for pointing out Trump was Hillary 2.0

Yeah I can't defend this

College educated whites went Trump... something the media and shills try to bury.

"Muh suburban retards" is a shill myth. Urban areas went Hillary ONLY due to their black and hispanic populations. The college educated vote Hillary won was ONLY from blacks and hispanics. See pic related.

Hillary also only got 37% of the overall white vote.

We are basically at a point now where it's white people vs everyone else (immigrants, blacks, radicals etc.)

Look at the demographics vs counties won.

It's time for any of that 37% out there to wake the fuck up as to what is really going on.



Really? THIS is the thing you can't defend?

That is pathetic.

Fuck off hans. Never give the left an inch.

those city people also make up 2/3 of american GDP, even more of the tax base, and basically enable cockroaches like you to live parasitic lives. personally i am 100% for cutting you maggots off from the federal dole, the world could use a few less conservacucks.

haha, loser

Giving in to the left on gun control (if thats what he ends up doing) will be the only really bad thing he's ever done.

Listen faggot we will shoot you in the fucking face.

>bump stocks
Can’t that technically make a rifle full auto?

>massive beta posts anonymously on the internet to feel powerful

I’m a Californian who votes single issue on the 2A. Anyone who can to make CA get back in line with freedom, and they’ve got my vote.

SCOTUS is failing me, Trump is failing me.

Literally all you have to do is hook your thumb in your belt loop and fire.

Just wait til we start kicking in doors and slaughtering Jewish families.

Can we just admit already that Trump was a mistake Sup Forums? At least if Hillary won, more and more people would've became right-wing out of anger and we could've probably gotten our government overthrown. Trump has pretty much nothing but cucked during his first term and has done nothing to redeem himself. Now our gun laws will become like Europe's because Ivanka can't stop crying like a little bitch. America literally lost it's gun rights to El Goblino kids.

Sup Forums wasn't a hugbox until you redditors started pouring in during the election. You're the actual shills for shoving your opinions down our throats.

But without the "bums" in the countryside there would be no primary industry to speak of in your country and thereby no jobs for the( by now) mostly third base industry city jobs

Fuck off dude, nobody voted for Trump because of his policies. We voted to trigger libtards.

you have to get your fat ass off the sofa first. you'll do nothing and you know it, coward

Absolutely. We need to get the voter registry and round up anyone who voted in this last fraudulent election.