That's the meme for boomer republicucks.
Deport them all.
Because the media wants us divided. And stupid niggers like you take the bait every single time.
Because whites have a human IQ rather than that of a monkey.
muslims and blacks kill people all the time, it's only unusual when white people do it
cause its true
Checked and
What is motive?
Actually I prefer to call the bottom just "Retard!"
because black people embrace "thug" culture. So much so that if a black man acts educated and not like a dumb nigger he "isnt black enough". Part of thug culture is guns and killing.
Even the most redneck white cultures that drown them selves in guns will never embrace killing. Drive through a black neighborhood and you might get fucking shot. Drive into a hick town and the only thing you might get is a some weird looks from the locals.
>cruz is a white man's name
>people get blown up, shot, stabbed and attacked by terrorists monthly
>banning muslims and refugees is not the answer
>a shooting happens
>taking all the guns from everyone is clearly the right answer
Because no one likes niggers and sandniggers.
>uses violence to advance political gain
>uses violence for material gain
>inflicts violence on random people for no particular gain
All three of them are very different activities. Why would we use the same words to describe them?
>implying 'thug' is somehow insulting for a guy who just shot a bunch of people
is that actually wrong?
baby boomers can into racism too, bucko.
>does it because his religious beliefs
>does it because not enough money fur da progrems
>what is motivation and context
not surprised you dont get it
is this truly the best meme the left can offer?
>Why ya'll wypipo be tellin da truf n sheit?
You're not black
Yes unfortunately....
From what I have read....whites purchase their guns at walmart or a gun shop
Blacks and brown get them in an alley, in the back of a van
It’s true.
What is a terrorist?
It is someone who commits a terrifying/violent act in order to send a political message, or to cause a society in the given area to eventually grow more fearful/paranoid/etc over time.
Almost every white shooter was a crazy fuck?
because arabs attack on behalf of terrorist cells, blacks form gangs and rob, while whites snap and kill people
Because sand niggers kill people in the name of terror, common niggers kill people because they were brought up to be violent thugs, and white people kill people because they have mental illnesses, were hopped up on antidepressants and were bullied by their peers
Why. Because it's the truth you filthy nigger
and to be clear if I was an american constantly surrounded by filthy kangz I would most probably lose it pretty fast aswell. I wish more whites would actually snap and do mass black shootings.
blacks are uncivilized plus there reason for the shooting is very thug like
Because fuck you that's why.
Nobody makes the point that white terrorists are complex individuals except for bleeding heart leftist psychologists. This is an argument against their own side. Right wing individuals call these people what they are--deranged psychopaths.
>banning people vs banning an object
wow I wonder what the fucking difference is
fucking retards
>>>>>>>implying muslims are people
GTFO of our board fucking cringe boomer. Where did you fucks find this site anyway?
this, and checked
Because this country was only founded because a bunch of rich white slave-owners didn't want to pay taxes.
America was a mistake.
White people have the capacity to be complex.
Nice strawman
All three of them are scum and there is no reason to push gun control no matter what race they are. NRA supporters don't push for gun control when a nigger goes on a shooting spree. Eurocucks don't can for a ban on Volvo trucks whenever a peaceful muslims runs a bunch of people over.
Last time I checked they're strict adherents to a religion that calls for the destruction of anything that's not part of that religion.
Last time I checked a large part of their culture is still glorifying thug lyfe
In the setting of school shootings, most of the time in the aftermath there are plenty of comments about how disturbed the shooter was, but apparently nobody cares about that until after people get shot.
The safest countries tend to be ethnostates. What does that tell you?