Here is how we fix Canada. Prove me wrong
(Protip: you can't)
How to fix Canada
White people move to the north coast and start our own ethnostate.
what problem does this solve exactly?
Canada itself
All the degeneracy comes from the east. We don't need the west to be drug down to hell with Ontario and Quebec
I live in the interior. We could do without vancouver
>one giant wealthy chunk full of resources and all the communist liberal provinces cut out
sign me up.
Just call prairie republic Alberta empire and it's accurate.
Same. We could but I think it would be worth it as an independent country to try to clean it up seeing it's a seaport and all
I don't think Saskatchewan or Manitoba would like being called Alberta though
Also the BC interior who would make up most of the military of the new republic I'm thinking would just put a military dictatorship in charge for awhile and work all the commies and liberals to death in the gold and coal mines so maybe when we clean up here we could be close allies
try and make it happen, peasant. i'll keep enjoying your slave labour until then
We have to stop this nonesense, have public free speech rallies and create a conversation in this country or it is too late BUT Canadians are too passive or too pussy. Either or, we need to plan something or accept demise.
Guarantee you eastern degenerates wouldn't get off your ass to take up arms and prevent us leaving
We don't even have the right to free speech
Why not sell Yukon to Prairie and put Nova Scotia as British Protectorate.
What's going to happen to the west when they run out of oil? Not saying its going to happen tomorrow but one of these days that Carbon tax and environmental protection going to make a big difference. Seriously, how will Alberta cope with this change?
We have a right to permits. We get a permit, and we hold a rally. We get as much media attention as possible.
It will be hard for them to control from across so much land especially with a BRUTAL nation like Quebec in their way
> some leafs on pol say Quebec has the most nationalistic, secessionist fervor in the entire country and contains its whitest urban areas, and is the only remnant of true French culture in the world
> other leafs on pol say multi-culti, Trudeaus, and swamp ass all originated there
Why such polar, mixed messages coming from you guys? The best buddy I have on my Steam friends is from there, he links me tasteful instrumental music and tells me his girlfriend doesn't even speak english, they plan to have white babbies. Isn't that good?
What makes Alberta so good apart from the tar sands?
>that green-text
French and British ethnicities, even as descendents in the New World, are more different than you think, apparently.
Quebec is not "true french" anymore and they haven't been for a very long time. They are only nationalistic because they think of themselves as a separate entity from the rest of Canada and in a sense they are. As for the multiculturalism they have always valued the white christian immigrant and worker but in the past that has been very bad for them as they have not had enough educated workers and became very socially and politically isolated from the rest of Canada.
Grrr if they ever got free from the Maple we would need to put an international military Mandate on Quebec and ban the french language!
Also Elizabeth is not your guys Queen? She will be Empress of Prairie?
BTW if any of you leafs wanna jump on my Minecraft server its on version 1.12.2
A Nuke would fix it up just fine.
Don't listen to the shills. (((Quebec-bashing))) has been taught to every anglo canadian because we're the only part of Canada embracing and protecting it's culture.
Your time as a superpower has come friend :/
I wish it didn't.
The way to fix Canada is just to stop voting for homosexuals.
How to fix Canada
Yes, the orange spots are nukes
Calgary has a Muslim mayor. Nuke it too
Fuck New Westminster
And fuck Quebec in general.
On that regard Edmonton and Medicine Hat also need to be destroyed.
You fix Canada by not let it be led like Germany you faggots.
Alberta is texas as imagined by people who never being to texas +snow
>Here is how we fix Canada.
1. Stop being a constitutional monarchy
2. Start being a republic
3. Copy/paste the US constitution
4. Stop electing soyboys, feminists, and cuckholds to office
5 kick the chinese out of the west
6 kick the french out of the east
7 kick the natives out of the corrupt reservation system that's poisoning them and include them in society properly
8 kick out the corporate interests from politics that are bleeding resources dry and using canada as a fucktoy