>One of the crocodiles in the moat I built around my property to defend against trespassers ate my son.
Welcome to Libertarian Paradise!
>One of the crocodiles in the moat I built around my property to defend against trespassers ate my son.
Welcome to Libertarian Paradise!
>My house is on fire, and the Fire Department won't extinguish it until I pay them! This is the 3rd time this month. I'm starting to suspect that they might be the ones who keep setting fire to my house.
Welcome to Libertarian Paradise!
>There is no wildlife left to shoot due to overhunting and I can't figure out a way to lure the neighbor's pets off of their property.
Welcome to Libertarian Paradise!
>My neighbor hates me. Without telling anyone he bought a short stretch of road that I use regularly and then shot me on my commute for trespassing. Luckily I don't have to use that road anymore since I got fired on my first day of sick leave.
Welcome to Libertarian Paradise!
Samefagging this hard
lmaoing@your life friend
>I can't get a pizza delivered by ordering online because there is no official standard for assigning addresses to buildings.
Welcome to Libertarian Paradise!
>My neighbors will not allow me to run pipe under their property to connect my sewage to the Waste Management Company, so it looks like I'm stuck with the outhouse until I get more sympathetic neighbors.
Welcome to Libertarian Paradise!
These seem a bit Retarded like tankies wrote them.
>I had to shoot my pet lion because it ate my wife, now I can't use it to scare away protesters.
Welcome to Libertarian Paradise!
Does knocking someone's hat off violate the NAP?
Germany, ancap is a meme.
Kek keep going
Everything and nothing violates the NAP because the word "aggression" is defined as violence used contrary to some theory of entitlement, whereas the word "defense" is defined as violence used consistent with some theory of entitlement.
It's not even the principle libertarianism is based on. That would be the self-ownership principle?
What violates the SOP? Pretty much everything. Even if you are merely visible to me, you are violating the SOP, because you are reflecting photons into MY eye without my explicit permission!
These are all gigantic straw-man arguments. Just because you are a libertarian doesn't mean you want literally everything to be privately owned. Libertarians simply want their to be minimal restriction on the market and maximum personal liberty and property rights. When people make memes like this it displays a great lack of understanding of libertarianism and politics in general.
I've read the primary literature. It's not a meme. The libertarian philosophers, most notably Nozick and Rotbard, actually think like that.
It was a yes or no question
He's conflating anarcho-capitalism with libetarianism which as we all know are two very different things.
>what is adoption fees
>These are all gigantic straw-man arguments.
Nope. The libertarian philosophy is based on the SOP and all the stuff that is posted are consequences of applying the SOP consitently.
>Libertarians simply want their to be minimal restriction on the market and maximum personal liberty
If we are talking about the actual libertarian philosophy, this is wrong. As long as it is consistent with the SOP,
Libertarianism doesn't care one bit about effective freedom, only formal freedom. No freedom-loving person would say that formal freedom outweighs effective freedom. Yet, that is exactly what a consistent libertarian says. This is why neither slavery nor a lack of basic sustenance are morally reprehensible to such a libertarian. Providing basic sustenance or freeing slaves by violating a contract, on the other hand, is morally reprehensible to him.
But you're probably not talking about such libertarian, i.e. those who actually know what the libertarian philosophy is about. You're probably talking about those pseudo-libertarians who are merely calling themselves libertarians because they want to smoke weed and hate paying taxes or some shit.
You internet fags made that up. There is no Ancap philosophy. There is only libertarian philosophy. Rothbard based his ideas on the SOP and Nozick did as well. All libertarian thinkers did that. The ancap distinction is something clueless laypeople on the net propagated.
Libertarians would want no bench, Hans
>Implying you can't just build your own bench
>Implying the morbidly obese will feel those spikes
Fucking kek.
>I've read the primary literature
its not a club. and have you read the bitcoin whitepaper, which is by far the most notable ancap literature
>not being emaciated enough from working 100+ hours in the libertarian paradise to use the bench for free
your arguments revolve around children but all your examples are hypothetical
so you dont care about children because the real life examples of them being abused are from statists
Well he is German, you know how they are a little off
>My 8 year old bought some meth at the CVS and loves it.
Welcome to Libertarian Paradise!
Ok then. If not libertarian what do you call someone who is for laissez-faire capitalism and limited government?
That's not how it works, you little shit.
Does your mother know you're gay?
non sequitur
What does freedom have to do with a lack of basic sustenance, Ahmed? Surely you don't mean to imply that we're obliged to feed other people to have effective freedom.
Taxes, anti-segregation, anti-discrimination, compulsory school, mandatory exwife support, and divorce theft violate the nap and sof. Most libertarians/ancap aren't sincere free market madmen they just want to stop being literal slaves.
Honestly, this is how the USA should be.
>send 8-yr old son to Wal-Mart to buy liquor and smokes
>he comes back with liquor, smokes, weed, meth, a fully automatic rifle, and an abortion
Do want. This is what America could have been, if not for that crypto-Kike Hamilton
People who lack the means to sustain themselves obviously lack effective freedom. That's not a hard concept to grasp.
With regard to effective freedom, Spencer says it best:
>Supposing the entire habitable globe to be so enclosed, it follows that if the landowners have a valid right to its surface, all who are not landowners, have no right at all to its surface. Hence, such can exist on the earth by sufferance only. They are all trespassers. Save by the permission of the lords of the soil, they can have no room for the soles of their feet. Nay, should the others think fit to deny them a resting-place, these landless men might equitably be expelled from the earth altogether. If, then, the assumption that land can be held as property, involves that the whole globe may become the private domain of a part of its inhabitants; and if, by consequence, the rest of its inhabitants can then exercise their faculties - can then exist even - only by consent of the landowners
I actually have this problem right now
>Nope. The libertarian philosophy is based on the SOP and all the stuff that is posted are consequences of applying the SOP consitently.
This is stupid. If you believe that then all non-libertarian philosophy is based on violating sof. So by that in non-libertarianism I can simply go to your house and kill you now. Using extremes to discuss is a straw man
It's hilarious how these libertarian morons who despise roads lambast National Socialists the ones who are know for building the best roads in the world. Where does this hate for roads come from?
>Strawman: The Thread
OP unironically S E E T H I N G about the superior chad libertarian.
Real libertarianism (aka libertarianism without open borders, faggotry, gender shit etc.) is the ideology of real men.
Against all social policies like welfare - because welfare is for weak faggots.
Against drug prohibition - because weak faggots who easily get addicted should overdose right away.
Against gun control - because real men carry their guns everywhere.
Only niggers (because muh welfare), women (because muh gender) and weak faggots (because they're faggots) are against libertarianism.
liberal =/= limited government, if that's the case, democrats aren't liberals
I really really really like this post
>People who lack the means to sustain themselves obviously lack effective freedom.
Freedom is the quality of not being interfered to one's way to attain those things. If you say needs excuse freedom then no one should really be accountable for his actions. What a total retarded insects are commies.
This is what women think. Only women use their situation to discharge their liability. They do it constantly:
>People who lack the means to sustain themselves obviously lack effective freedom.
>What claim could you possibly have to any land if you can't defend it
Now you realize why they are trying to get rid of the 2nd Amendment so much.
>People who lack the means to sustain themselves obviously lack effective freedom
And what makes you think we're responsible for their freedom to have our freedom?
>I believe that private enterprise should be unregulated
>I also believe private enterprise should be forced to bake fag cakes and prevented from discriminating against employees or customers
>t. Aleppo "Memes" Johnstone
>I believe that monopolies are always bad
>And that the state should have a monopoly on the use of force
>t. Ayn Randblattgoldbergowitzsilbersteinmann
>claim to be libertarian
>lives inside city limits
Libertarians are unironically the most kiked of all idealogies, mostly because they have no coneception of what they're doing. Read the protocols of the elders of zion ancaps and lolbertarians, you're literally a product of Jewish social engineering.
"It is precisely here that the triumph of our theory appears; the slackened reins of government are immediately, by the law of life, caught up and gathered together by a new hand, because the blind might of the nation cannot for one single day exist without guidance, and the new authority merely fits into the place of the old already weakened by liberalism. "
an owner gives up part of their bundle of rights to the real estate when they lease a unit to a tenant
in a way, a tenant becomes an owner
>People who lack the means to sustain themselves obviously lack effective freedom
Seriously I need sex with two different women each week. Can I redistribute sex? Can I rape? According to you I'm not accountable.
>Libertarianism without open borders
Who decides where the borders are? And who the fuck guards them? No State, no Taxes, remember?
lol at how buttblasted OP is.
currently reading Rothbard's Ethics of Liberty. what should i read next? new to libertarian philosophy.
It's not your fucking bench. What work have you don't to create that bench or to earn its use?
you want to sit on my bench then you are going to have to pay.
>No State, no Taxes, remember?
Are you retarded? This is not libertarian, this is anarchist shit.
This. Libertarians have the most testosterone in the brain in the political dimensions
>fall asleep on bench
>time runs out
>spike rams up your asshole
genius invention
>people want to work 40 hours per week
>people don't want paternal leave that encourages reproduction
>people don't want flexible hours
Im a lolbertarian so long as there are shitskins to take our money, but I don't know why anyone would subscribe to it otherwise. Markets with reasonable government oversight for the best interests of workers is ideal in all white society
Did you mean neckbeard?
Yes, goy! Libertarianism would be very bad for you! Those dumb libertarian goys don't want the government! Do you know that in a libertarian system you would have to work? Who will take care of you? Who will defend Israel when their military stance is non-interventionist?
Search it. Socialism is for huge faggots/women. I'm national capitalist though, that's far more socialist than libertarianism.
It doesn't look like it hurts.
This is not real! Where the fuck!? This is why you need national socialism ffs.
They literally push individuality and liberalism as a weapon in the protocols. Unless you're going to take the stance that they're a forgery like a legit rabbi, there's no defending this faggotry.
"In all corners of the earth the words "Liberty, Equality, Fraternity," brought to our ranks, thanks to our blind agents, whole legions who bore our banners with enthusiasm. And all the time these words were canker-worms at work boring into the well-being of the GOYIM, putting an end everywhere to peace, quiet, solidarity and destroying all the foundations of the GOY States. As you will see later, this helped us to our triumph: it gave us the possibility, among other things, of getting into our hands the master card—the destruction of the privileges, or in other words of the very existence of the aristocracy of the GOYIM, that class which was the only defence peoples and countries had against us. On the ruins of the natural and genealogical aristocracy of the GOYIM we have set up the aristocracy of our educated class headed by the aristocracy of money. The qualifications for this aristocracy we have established in wealth, which is dependent upon us, and in knowledge, for which our learned elders provide the motive force"
New York University which is supposedly so liberal puts spikes on the sills of their buildings.
>conflating liberalism with libertarianism
What is gps
> The West lived under libertarian principles for 1950 years, it was the richest and most advanced civilization in history
> In 1950 the kikes started implementing their liberal and state-oriented economic policies
> y-you are k-kiked for having libertarian beliefs, user!
Wow that's the biggest non sequitur ever. None of that follows.
Somebody can be opposed to the SOP and still believe that killing innocent people ought to be illegal. Your logic is flawed.
Libertarianism is a Meme.
Commies had at least some badass rebels beside the mass starvation, lolbertarians are mostly known for being the butt in jokes about pedophiles
You are, monarchy and fascist dictatorships are the only governments that can expel Jews.
Read the context faggot. The Protocols are old as fuck it's clear they're talking about subverting authority so they can seize power.