Based Trump. Watch this, liberitards. This is how you get common sense gun laws done.
Based Trump. Watch this, liberitards. This is how you get common sense gun laws done
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>Trump doing a sane rational thing
I'll believe it when I see it
wtf i love bump stocks now
There is no reason why anyone should own a bump stock.
Bump sticks saved lives in Las Vegas. At that range hed have been far more effective using sustained, controlled semi-auto fire.
The blood will be on your hands, baby killers
All guns and weapons should be banned. Lets be real here, what do you want with a fucking weapon? If we ban guns we'll have less murders. And in a modern civilised society, you don't need guns.
Isn't it true that men who love their guns have small dicks? lmao
People actually believe bump stocks were used in LV? M240B NIGGA
This but unironically
What are base stocks?
I understand that you like seeing your countrymen gang raped by savages. Some of us do not.
the President is ruling from his throne! IMPEACH!!!!
so he bans something nobody uses. gun owners are happy and libtards are happy. smart move trump
>Isn't it true that men who love their guns have small dicks? lmao
at least he have dicks, and heads
Guns should only be banned for those who live in safe neighborhood
t. jealous britbong
Just ban murder.
>implying i voted for him (or anyone) in the last election
Nah, none of that over here, T.B.H. I dropped him after he cancelled him Mozzie ban.
you fucking me the study where owning a gun has something to do with dick so sick of fucking dick shamers
>t. booty bombed small-dick user
So why did Republicans not do this when Obama was in charge?
This. It's classic chess by Trump. Bump stocks are utterly retarded. Trump bans them as a symbolic move. Democrats presumably will suddenly become pro bump stock. 2nd Amendment remains safe. The one thing you got wrong is that libtards are never happy. Trump is simply manoeuvring them into a position which forces them waste time pointlessly arguing about bump stocks when gun control next becomes an issue.
Also anybody who wants a bump stock will order one tonight. Everybody's happy.
And his popularity goes up with independents
what a cuck
Do people realize that you can use your thumb to bump fire ?
Can't you make your own bump-stock with a 2x4? What they gonna do, ban wood?
He just killed jobs.
Just look at my country! is so safe without guns! fucking nigger.
Do you know why they were designed?
Bump stocks are a meme, in any self defense situation you wouldn't be able to shoot accurately or safely. Accuracy matters in a home defense situation. Shooting multiple rounds can kill people on accident in your own house or even in neighboring homes depending on the calibre/wall
It doesn't matter to me.
Bump firing can be done with most any semi auto without any kind of device.
You just have to hold the gun the right way and you can achieve a bump fire.
Fuck Off Dubyaburger.
>at last. Trump banned the last of guns, the 22lr guns. This is a smart 5938d chess move, let me explain you why with this cognitive dissonance fueled excuse
Even the NRA disavow's the bumpstock Jew
Trump being consistent as always.
Yeah, definately a M240, M60, or PK.
Since when can AG just ban something?
12D chess
Bump stock developed by US army because now even yanks fingers are too fat to fit through trigger guards ?
You can use your index finger. It matters how you hold the gun.
Soon they will need wood license's, then who will be laughing ?
This is a win for liberals idiot.
media will just say 'thats all!?!?'
that's how they work what the fuck is he doing you cant give them an inch just call the complaining kids fake news
If guns are banned for citizens can we also ban armed guards? I want to punch Jimmy Kimmel in the face
The more I read about bump stocks, the more it seems like a total meme accessory. I simply don't see the use in emulating full auto fire on semi-autos, especially if it worsens the weapon's accuracy.
>libtards are happy
but they wont be happy. its never enough for them.
Bumps were not used on the Vegas weapons.That was a narrative pushed to cover up the fact that is was higher grade weapons.
Trump is still a liberal NY at heart.
[ARCHIVE OF Knowledge Bomb THREADS(take the time to read all OP's)]:
Can't argue with those 2x4 digits.
You use your index finger to squeeze the trigger, you cross your thumb over it
Trust me . I’ve been banned for 2 shooting ranges for doing this lol
because the NRA was resisting gun control instead of demanding it like they did after Las Vegas
Brits are the new leafs. embarrassing posts 24/7
Why not just make all guns legal but have progressively harder licenses to own them graded by type, rounds/minute, and stopping power?
The American Government should have no problem with me purchasing a M2 Browning if I attend a 3 day seminar and have all previous licenses.
>Everyone lives in a safe gated community who are minutes away from police assistance
What else do you expect from a liberal who grew up in NYC
Listen, you tongue-tied son of a bitch, ain't you got something better to do?
Stfu cunt, not every brit is as cucked as you, i want the right to carry in the uk, we should have the right to protect ourselves and property with deadly force if need be.
I still wanna know why the LV shooter had 23 AR-15s in his hotel room.
I just made a bump stock with my friend's 3d printer. Nothing is getting banned.
Emma Gonzalez is our new queen. Deal with it! GEOTUS shall bend the knee in Wednesday's listening session. Let's get those Queen Emma memes going, anons.
And don't worry, the "gun grab" won't be as bad as conservatives are making it out to be. Teens will be barred from purchasing AR-15s (since their brains aren't fully developed yet), background checks will be more thorough, and all gun dealers will need to be licensed. You know, COMMON-SENSE gun laws.
Remember, we are Trump supporters, not neocons. The left will be surprised that Trump is "progressive" when it comes to the Second Amendment. (And yes, this is by far the smarter route to go. If you foolishly try to stand completely firm on the gun issue, then those fuckers will try to REPEAL the Second Amendment.)
Are you trying to turn gun ownership into an MMO? Might as well put the licenses in loot boxes.
I love how when Obama is in charge, they screech that he's gonna take your guns away. When Trump's in charge, suddenly bump stocks are unnecessary murder accessories that nobody really needed anyway.
I think this is a good move but a better move would be to make mass shootings illegal. I don't think anyone's in favor of mass shootings.
Kill yourself you disgusting british mutt.
>Might as well put the licenses in loot boxes.
They already are. Short barrel tax stamp, for example.
Oh no! Whatever will we do???
bumpstocks are stupid, you can achieve the same thing with a belt.
>vote democrat and they ban guns
>vote republican and they ban guns
nice democracy you have there
Exactly but if anyone asks I'm super mad about it. Let the left feel like they achieved a huge victory.
Sending the government cash in return for license to a random weapon would be amazing, maybe even roll a legendary (Artillery Platform).
Your second amendment had a good run.
Welcome to gun control, America.
So basically the only situation they'd be useful in is hosing down a densely packed crowd?
I'd be all for banning bump stocks if I thought it'd actually accomplish anything other than making gun grabbers even more grabby. We all know what happens when you attempt to appease a leftist.
Nice country you have there
Ooooooooooooo sick burn. Burn that leaf
You have been retard posting all day all week
Guns that wouldnt be here if they had the decency of having some control
You are probably a proxy
If not kill yourself
The battle wages on, based icebro
>be careful though. pic related
Never gonna happen, bong.
You ball-less pissant.
>ban a thing that does not matter
come and take it then faggot
Unlucky, you're stuck with a Napoleonic muzzle-loaded cannon for this year. Better not miss.
You clearly have no clue how a bump stock works
>it's common sense to make laws contradicting the absolute supreme law of the land
>it's common sense to bastardize the rule of law
>it's common sense to make illegal laws to persecute certain sections of the population
>it's common sense to slide down the slope of submitting to your own destruction
This house is clear.
Praise kekistan. We have the best gun bans don't we folks
Symbolic move. The bump stocks were always a talking point/argument for the left.
It's too late for gun control. Pandora's box has already been opened. There are more guns than people in the US. If Americans lawfully turned in their weapons, what would be left? We already have a criminal problem here and banning guns would only empower them at this point. It's just too fucking late to outlaw guns.
If you give them an inch, you know they're coming for the whole thing. They'll be relentless until amendment is completely cucked.
If Trump cucks on anything related to guns, don't vote for the fucker. He'd be compromised.
Doggo poster?
He hated us for our freedom.
daily reminder:
If you know of anyone who talks like this, it is your DUTY to society, your race, and yourself to physically dominate them with violence and confront them
these brainless drones are here to stay, but if they are going to hang around we have to force them to be on the correct side, otherwise they will corrupt and destroy any political movement that would effect real change
And the winner of the most homosexual answer is..........
You literally don't understand how it is here in America. Probably. If they actually came around demanding guns, regardless of any bullshit that was made into law, there would be a blood bath shit storm. Plus if that happened you bet your ass foreign powers would move on us. It isn't happening.
>Lets be real here, what do you want with a fucking weapon?
To kill jewish billionaire tyrants and their spook servants. That is why the founders wanted them.
I can take someone out at 1.8miles. Don't make me get out my 338. Your bump stocks are a joke, and banning them is low hanging fruit.