I can't handle the redpill anymore anons. Ever since I've come to this place and I've become progressively more depressed and hopeless about the world, and even more so for my country.
I have no idea what the fuck to do with my life, despite being financially well off (relatively) and studying a decent degree. My country's culture has been long dead and replaced with shitslam which I stopped believing in ages ago. Heck even islam is no longer as rooted and everyone is becoming a mindless media consuming drone. Most people are inbred, low IQ, and selfish; if they're smarter than that they mostly end up falling for the neoliberalism meme and either move to the west or become part of the kike propaganda machine except for a rare few. The government is incompetent in so many ways that make it hard to explain. Imagine taking the worst elements of socialism, liberalism, and facism and putting them into one without any of the perks, while simultaneously licking the boots of every powerful nation outside.
I do have the option of moving to a developed country, but I feel like I will never truly belong no matter how intelligent I am and no matter how much I can integrate. because i'm from a different race. i will also feel like i've betrayed my country and people. There's also the fact that most developed countries that would let me in are also extremely cucked.
At the same time I feel like I don't belong in my own country because i can't connect with anyone at all and the odds of anything I do changing this shithole are extremely low.
i don't know what to do anons
Anyone know what it feels like to have no purpose?
This is called depression. You'll want to see a therapist. Seek help. Some things you can't deal with on your own.
stop trying to think like a kike, you aren't one.
I'm in the same EXACT place as you, user. We are so alike in our situation that it's scary.
I don't know what to tell you because I am also working on it. Good luck.
This is essentially how I feel in America, user. Funny though how we may be separated by oceans, we're still in the same boat
Egypt society is not a sustainable model, if you can get out, get out. It could become Venezuela overnight.
I'm not good with identifying flags. Where are you from?
The truest red pill of all is knowing that life is a bitch.
hover over the flag new fag.
Also it could be worse. You could have been born in one of the stans.
>The truest red pill of all is knowing that life is a bitch.
This is actually a blessing because it separates the men from the boys. Living life well is the hardest thing you will ever have to do and most people are absolutely terrible at it
Dont give in user. Take a risk and make the move.
Assuming you're on mobile tap and hold on the flag. If you're on a PC then you're fucking retarded and there's no hope for you
>At the same time I feel like I don't belong in my own country because i can't connect with anyone at all and the odds of anything I do changing this shithole are extremely low.
I know exactly how you feel. I'm a nomad without an identity or a tribe.
Never Despair! Never Give in! Never Surrender! Remember what your people wanted to achieve during The War. Now is the time to push forwards towards the Vision of a bright future for ALL of humanity. This is HIS only wish
user I know im depressed but i know it's not because of something clinical. anyone in their right mind aware of the state of the world would be depressed.
i hope we all make it anons, somehow...
it could have been much worse for me. im still glad i wasn't born a poorfag in egypt. but still life finds a way to make you suffer.
this is what keeps me up at night. what if I don't manage to get away before things get to that? even if i survive, how will my youner brothers and mother survive? especially because my dad is old and will retired very soon.
i wish i was born white or asian so i can at least have a glimmer of hope to save my country. i would stay and talk more but it's 11:40 pm and i have to sleep for college.
Egypt is one of the worst arab country, shitty economy and army, submits to ksa and israel, even tourists don't want to go there anymore. Stop blaming Islam, in Maghreb life is way better
There is a whole generation of young europeans that feel like they have no purpose. they will eventually fight in the Holy European Crusade
What you are experiencing is the blackpill OP. I have been there before. You just have to keep trying to improve yourself and you will eventually emerge are more optimistic than ever before. Don't lose hope brother.
Where there is a will, there is a way. If you can launch or contribute to a cultural movement, an Egyptian Renaissance of some kind, do it. Things will only get worse if good men do nothing.
This is a common and necessary step to enlightenment for everyone that has ever come to Sup Forums. You are in good company user. The road ahead is not easy. But you don't travel alone, even if you feel lonely
Why complain user? Remember that the jews wanted to push Egypt into turmoil too, a couple of years ago. Your military stepped in and saved your asses from Morsi and his islamist goons.
Shit is just starting to get interesting.
Don't come to England, living here is desolate.
thank you anons. i think right now I should focus on improving myself. yes, this is my purpose for now. to become the best man i can become. no matter what comes afterwards this is a necessary step. there are certain qualities in a man that no matter what are always virtuous. I will try to achieve those. goodnight.
im aware
Stop blackpilling yourself, OP
This is exactly how I feel too user. The more redpilled you get, the more you realise that humanity is killing its own culture, making everyone into a immoral degenerate.
Did your father leave you at a early age? I think that's what connects a lot of us.
>A ocean separates us but we are in the same boat
Don't worry op. We will make things right in this world.
It's better in maghreb because they get gibs from France. Islam doesn't Egypt one bit, quite the opposite..
doesnt help*
To be honest user there's not much you can do. This sort of depression is basically the defining trait of a /pol user.
In my case I've not killed myself for a variety of reasons but mainly because I don't want to hurt my family. If your family are a bunch of niggers there are still reasons to live.
Your aware of what's going on unlike the majority of the population. Focus on the good things that come from this, better yourself and think about what you can do for your fatherland. That I believe is the beginning of dealing with the Blackpill.
Also, it might feelbadman, but the counties that will accept you are cucks, and your life will get even worse if you move to a non-cucked country. Focus on making your country better for your people, your culture, if you can, maybe we can all find purpose in that
You are not alone on this ride user
If you think your a nomad, imagine having to move to another country at a young age, only experiencing your native country rarely and from a bubble and going to a School for foreigners. (So you can't even fucking integrate)
Then imagine, the fact that the Swiss prefer nogs from the Congo and Albanians to you who respects their laws, learns the language and contributes to the economy because your Le Eastern European Gypsy.
That's what they want.
Fight it user.
It is very hard to improve yourself if you're not in the good environment, it will lead to frustration. The West is good because everything needed to improve is available easily. You can still emigrate and not participate to the degenerate behaviours. But staying in Egypt giving your state of mind is no good, I've tried in Algeria, and I couldn't
Since Egypt user seems to be gone, may I ask how you other anons deal with the blackpill?
Its just all so tiresome sometimes and I'd like to know what gives you strength in those moments.
Sort your lobsters out XDDD
You have to fight for your ideals.
There are many of us, growing daily.
They always talk about the people that got 'left behind' but that number is growing by the day, the more ridiculous the lefts rhetoric becomes.
The day of reckoning WILL come.
You are an Egyptian and you should be proud of your country's heritage.
You cant be completely alone in Egypt. try to find people with like-minded views and become active! It is definitely worth striving for.
How about you stand up for what you believe in, manlet?
With others that do their part we can actually win this war!
>ID: SXDtrFby
now imagine this feeling, but you are already in a developed country and are white
all i want is a wife and child but women are so masculine now adays I have to fend off 20 other whiteguys just to be with her for a few months at best and no future stability for a child
>seek help ano-
im a therapist with a phd. i know too much for any form of help to be effective. the world simply needs to change and like op has stated, the impact is too minor and wont even rise in my lifetime
You'll get used to it.
Therapists are a sham.
>Sup Forums
>good company
This is so funny that it makes we want to pull a Cobain.
Good company my ass. There is nothing but vitriol and LARPing here.
I know how you feel. I moved around a lot my entire life. I feel like a nothing man from nothing land. No connection to anything or any group of people.
>i wish i was born white
And I wish I was never born at all.
>muh whiteness
Is overrated, a meme. Stop buying into it.
Yeah I get that, apologies for flipping out, it just all gets to be to much sometimes and I lose it.
my purpose is to protect liberty when nobody else wants to.
Men don't have feelings.You can lead,follow,or get out of the way.
The most important thing you can do for the white race is keep your own life in order. Start with yourself. You must be competent, reliable, hardworking, and, above all, happy. Do people in your life trust and respect you? What does your family think of you? Are you capable of raising children? Racial politics doesn't have to be the only factor of your life. And if you can't achieve such things for your self, then the chances are very high that you are not ready to be a political activist, either online or in real life. Because how can you make a difference for the race, for the lives of many, if you can't even make anything of your own, individual life? How can you make a real difference in society, when the greatest extent of your capacity is to be out-organized by jews on social media?
Always remember: we live in first world countries and have opportunity that most people born on this planet do not. Things aren't as good for us as they were for our parents. But billions of people in the third world would still kill to have the opportunities that you do right now. So take care of yourself! Work your ass off, every day, to build a good life for you, and for your family. Clear your mind of self destructive thoughts, and keep yourself focused on realistic goals. Work hard, but also do fun and wholesome things with real people in real life. That is very important. Nothing on the internet should ever take away from your real life.
Shit copy pasta m8. He's not white and doesn't live in a 1st world country.
you must do what you can in your home to improve your people and country fortune favors the bold. Even if you never see the results enlightenmemt comes whenyou can look beyond yourself and your own life and do what is right regardless.
I found that out right after I posted it. My bad.
internet tough guy detected. get a life and or a clue bozo.
You need to take a road trips with me. Lets roll
Didn't mean to attack you. Just don't rely on the pasta all the time, its usually better to say less but have it be specific to the given situation.