The Midwest should secede from the JEWSA.
A humble proposal
Lots of kikes in chicago
Yeah do it cunt
The times now.
I second the notion
Keep Minnesota out of this, we want no affiliation.
Join us. You're not the only one who wants it to happen.
>including minnesota
You're just asking for future problems.
Minnesota's a lost brother. They need our help.
AZ land of the gun here. Please do fuck right off, as your STD-ridden honkey trailer parks will not be missed, nor will your murderous metropolitan Africans. Please take Wyoming, Kentucky and West Virginia with you. Your refugees can crash on the moon.
>keeps chicongo
>keeps michigan's lower peninsula
>keeps minnesota
There's no point anyways
t. other cactusanon
Niggerapolis, MN is a lost cause, but the rest isn't. It's pretty nice up here in the woods.
>used to want to move to the midwest but its lost now just like the rest of this country
Mestizo state. Discarded. Have fun being a third world shithole without us.
>latino nation in the southwest
>african nation in the souteast
>white nation in the central areas and far northwest
>northeast and west coast remain dens of multicultural degeneracy for the weirdos who like that sort of thing
Best partition plan.
begone mutt, actually white men are talking here
bet you live in Minnesota you little nigger bitch
>any larger city in Ohio
Remove those and then it might work
Illinois and Ohio are too fucked up. We would have to get rid of the nigs from those states first.
How's Alaska 50%? We have no nigs or spics here. It's too cold for beans to grow ffs.
bet you're 1/4th mexican.
We're gona turn our containment cities into nuclear testing ranges.
>How's Alaska 50%?
According to the 2010 United States census, the racial composition of Alaska was the following:[6]
White: 66.7% (Non-Hispanic White: 64.1%)
Black 3.6%
Asian 5.4% (4.4% Filipino, 0.3% Chinese, 0.2% Laotian, 0.2% Japanese, 0.1% Indian, 0.1% Vietnamese, 0.1% Thai)
American Indian or Alaskan Native 14.8%
Pacific Islander: 1.0% (0.7% Samoan, 0.1% Hawaiian, 0.1% Tongan)
Two or more races: 7.3%
Other races: 1.7
Landlocked and nigger cities like Detroit /Chicago.
The PNW / Cascadia is the real deal not the Midwest LARP.
PNW hasn't done shit for years and cascadia's just a meme.
Aye West Michigan and Northern is based but please let's give the East side to Canada.
lots of niggers and spics in kansas
PNW is Cascadia you dumb fuck. Cascadia is just a better name for a country than the 'Pacific North-West.
I expect half the mid-west would join with Cascadia anyway.
Enjoy life without agricultural subsidies.
Enjoy no ports at all.
Bad plan.
Why wouldn't you include Wyoming, Montana, Idaho and Utah?
>Chicago, Minneapolis, Milwaukee, Detroit, Cleveland, Cincinnati
>Minnesota at all
Fucking lot of house cleaning there senpai.
And there’s dozens more down south
Lol nope. We wouldn’t share an ethnostate with faggots.
probably full mexican
We’ll be just fine without anything you said
The Midwest is a good place to start. Once we become powerful we will add them as territory
Compared to the south, south west or California we can get the job done easily if every white Midwesterner lended a hand.
Minnesota is filled with Scandicucks who will sell you out to niggers in the blink of an eye, just like their European cousins.
The German and Anglo parts of the country are all that are worth saving, and they should unite as one.
>Midwest is a good place to start
No ports to Asia.
No ports to Europe.
What are you going to do to out-compete china; you don't even have industry, just opieats & herion.
Team work makes the dream work!
Oil and food, well just deal the Canadians as an intermediary.
So, This is the power of Australian shitposting...
Canada is going down the toilet even fast than your 'country'. Leaf-land is full of blue-pilled faggots who will sanction your ass, not support you.
Yeah well the Midwest narco-state is worthy of shitposting.
Fuck you traitor, give me the Union or give me death
t. Illinois
Can Pennsylvania and the Northwest join you guys as well?
>Abo trying to divide the Northwest and Midwest's friendship
In any scenario where the Midwest has separated were past the point of sanctions and on to eating dogs and fending off bandits with burning tires anyway. Well just tell them were Muslims exporting Peace Grease and all will be well.
Pennsylvania yes. Northwest if the Northwest Front never acts.
>le 49.5% face
As should New England.
Pennsylvania isn't in the midwest bub
True, but there's too many white liberals.
Hmm, are Irish people welcome?
>not a single state over 90
It's so low!
Moving to Ohio soon. Lil depressed, I heard it's one big druggy nigger kingdom. I have few normie friends down there and I made a joke about "Ohio has an nigger problem" and they all got mad at me. Ohio use to he so comfy and now it's a "cracker walked on the wrong block and got shot!" Ooga booga sorta shit. America has loss