This kid has a booking agent apparently!
This kid has a booking agent apparently!
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man this 21 year old kid must be bad luck
He's so fucking ugly.
He is American
whats up with Sup Forums being obsessed with underage boys? its really creeping me out desu senpai
He is jewish and a parsite. Fuck off.
Operation Orion
What's your booking number?
news broadcast of top photo of David Hogg
These two are going to expose the first false flag that will be made public.
Expose this faggot on fox news. FFS This needs to be on tuckers show
>missing the point this much
you guys make yourselves look retarded with this shit
>he was interviewed before! False flag!
instead of going after kids which is the best way to get people to hate you and not take you serious yall should be putting together marches FOR gun rights like they are AGAINST gun rights
>muh kids
are you denying that kids arent what tugs at the heart strings the most ? You truly think going after kids is whats going to get people to believe yall ? No it all good though they continue to march against gun rights and yall continue to blow 47 year olds minds on twitter
It's just a sad thing when kids are shoved in front to defend against any critical inquiry of what really happened.
They know each other from the theater department at the school. Wonder if he's ever been in any local commercials.
>The group, who mostly know each other from the school’s theater program
Not an argument
Good. I hope he talks us into a ban on assault rifles, a buy back program, a comprehensive registry, and liability for gun companies. About time.
I thought this faggot looked familiar. Him and his dumb friends got a pretty cool life guard in some shit because their kike parents are goddamn busy bodies.
just pointing out the retards. no argument needed if you interact with the outside world. these are generally NEETs who have no experience with reality.
Still not an argument
well its the reality of whats happening and its a plan that is actually working for them
I have not seen any plans for a march for gun rights but these kids are organizing a march that is guaranteed to make headlines for 1-2 weeks
Such a dirty play by the filthy kikes
no argument needed. the retards speak for themselves. you dont need to make up bullshit to defend the second amendment.
I'm a liberal and even I'm outraged by how they use crisis actors for shit like this.
Reminder the Sandy Hook victims' parents hired a professional lobbyist in pretty short order
It isn't just about defending the second amendment. It's about identifying the mechanisms being used to manipulate the public.
shut it down!
Poor AR fags
The writing is on the wall
>sand on boogie board
what did they mean by this?
Yup, the shilling is quite obvious. Glow in the dark.
funny pic I give you a good noodle
terrible things happen. you don't have to become willfully delusional in order to cope with them. man up and quit acting like a child using his imagination to cope with traumatic experiences when you haven't even been traumatized by the event.
yes, you have no compelling evidence to support your claims, so i must be a jew. hahahahhaah you guys are such pussies.
>you don't have to become willfully delusional
Says the guy implying everything
i didnt imply anything except that the posts i replied to were retarded.
You implied quite a lot there, bud. But being as how you're contributing nothing to the conversation I'll just ignore you.
Wow, I always thought that stuff like this was made up bullshit by nutty conspiracy theorists, but this is obviously fucking staged.
At least the children being interviewed are 100% actors how play a role to support some political narrative.
Can't the gov sue against something like this? If I started hiring actors in Austria to play victims in media for political gains I'd be thrown into prison for that.
ID is pedr, pedar in russian is pedophile
>don't try to find out what happened
>march in the street
Well, when it's the gov doing it...
>implying it's not the american government doing it
Why should the current gov be doing it? Maybe some rogue part of the gov but Trumps administration should be able to uncover it.
It's the most disgusting thing I've ever seen politicians do .. acting child actors after a school shooting to promote their policies.
Let's imagine a scenario in which drunk driving was legal. Now, a drunk driver plows into a vehicle, killing my sister and my mother. Would you not, after that do everything in your power to make sure drunk driving would become illegal?
I fail to see what's so weird about these kids reaction that right wing retards keep shouting conspiracies. Could it be that that the fact that they're protesting is against your agenda and that's why you are autistically screeching right now?
yes march
thats what they are doing its what gets attention
but no yall can continue with a public smear campaign of some kids that 98% of people believe just went through a school shooting
that will definitely get people to believe yall
Well, even if what you say is true it's hard for trump to publicly question the narrative and say the children are actors and the whole thing was a staged event.
We are being raided right now.
Parkland is the most obvious false flag to happen yet and I think they know it.
Every thread is being shilled hard. The shills will not acknowledge any of the facts/arguments and just keep trying to D&C.
>pedar in russian is pedophile
Unfortunate for those born named Peter...
Because this "kid" is over 20 years old and has been a "witness" to multiple school shootings in multiple states, has been featured prominently on CNN and is the son of a man who works at a weapon's simulation company.
Pure coincidence though, I'm sure.
Of course he can. Just look at these pictures, how are jews going to spin this to make it look like this boy isn't an actor?
Trump also tweeted that he was being spied upon by Obamas admin during his campaign even though everyone said he shouldn't have done it.
And in the end he was right about it.
I'm sure you have concrete evidence on your claims?
What the fuck is a weapons simulation company
I'm sure you can read a fucking 62 post thread and figure out what information I'm referring to
They are going to take the guns. MSNBC this morning suggested that the only solution was a national gun buy-back program "like in Australia."
Ours will start as a "voluntary" buy-back. Then the narrative will become, "But it's been so successful, let's just make it mandatory." And the sheep will fall in line, because it's "for the children."
This shit in surreal. I've seen local news filler pieces before but usually it's something nice local kids did for poor people and not something completely banal. Makes me think someone called in a favor to get it on the air.
Yeah but when kids are involved people lose their rational abilities.
Cubic isn't the FBI ffs
Hm, i seem to have missed any connection of him to any other shootings. Care to link?
"It's for the children. We have to do it for the children."
Holy shit guess who he reminds me of
They’ve got you working very hard today huh shlomo?
Fuck off Shareblue
this literally proves it isn't fake though
kid is a typical opportunist kike with a kike yenta mom obsessed with getting her faggot son into an ivy league college. he and the dike androgynous mutt are literally dancing on their classmates' graves for social media fame. no shame
How many times do you think that kid has been raped in the ass by kikes?
hint- there is none
Well, and that's the best case scenario.
The future of American gun ownership, remember if you die in the simulation you die a little in real life
Oh he's back in Israel, no doubt having a good chuckle about it all again
nobody would ever be willing to pay me to talk shit to NEETs who will be on gibs their entire lives. I will consider any offers, since it is such an enjoyable activity.
Fred Herbert is the most unfunniest soundboard ever, Fred fag.
>which is the best way to get people to hate you
precisely why this FF is such a perfect crime
>calls people NEETS
>spends all day photoshopping pictures to post on a Chinese basket weaving forum
Introspection is not your strong point.
why couldn't that kid kill those 2 jew faggots?
jokes on you, im self employed and don't even have photoshop installed.
entire global media is doing ride-alongs with their bus trip today to Tallahassee like it's a fucking presidential election. nytimes is live tweeting it
>totally organic. totally
You said it brother. This wouldn't keep happening if they just made school shootings illegal. Dumb amerimutts.
Lol, my company has worked with Cubic before.
They're just a government contractor.
That's crazy though...
This whole thing is a lie.
No. The correct allegory would be to make cars illegal. Neck yourself.
You have 15 posts in this thread, it's pretty clear you have no life
Hi Share Blue!
>Being in a school shooting makes you an expert on gun policy
>12 year old knows how to fix a complex problem
Fuck the left. You will never take my guns.
> kid
Yeah right. Just like those somalian "12" year olds.
Just because you don't eat enough, shave and slick your hair back with crap doesn't make you a kid.
Maybe the little pricks at the pennsylvania avenue office got him the agent.
yes 20 mins of free time means no life. ok.
show us all seventeen bodies or it's fake news