What do you guys think will Turkey invade Greece and also take over the rest of Cyprus? And when will it happen? Should i pack up my shit and my pregnant wife and gtfo of Cyprus?
I got an Australian passport.
Is Turkey invading Greece and Cyprus
The aussies will treat you worse than whoever wins the war because of their sick bants
nah stay there we're full
I warn turkey to stay out of reece.
You get your little battle tanks from us yes, but we invested so much money into greece that we basically bought it and I would really love some direct access to the mediterranean sea thank you.
Ive lived there long enough to know you are right on that
if it starts something I'll volunteer
But the turks also buy battle tanks from you yes ?
dont worry germany still has the remote dead switches. any leopard vs germany will turn off.
Why would Turkey invade Cyprus and Greece?
There is still an open bill for the current 350 they bought in 2009 or 2011 and now they are talking about buying additional 1000 Leopard 2 and some tank destroyers I think.
Krauts playing both sides as usual I see. Also I hear the Queen of England’s husband still thinks he’s the King of Greece, kek.
Time for you cumniggers to get btfo again and Mediterranean masterace to rise again xD
Sorry the brothel is full.
brown countries don't invade other brown countries
Turkey is going to deal with the Kurds first. That's the plan, and new ottoman empire.
The EU made a deal with them involving Greece.
[ARCHIVE OF Knowledge Bomb THREADS(take the time to read all OP's)]:
Last I heard they’re gonna team up with Putin and buy from him.
What will happen when Russia and Turkey unite with the East and the Orthodox bros?
The West gets fucked with no way to collect their debdts.
They will not do it ofc, because all europe wouldstand with greece and the consequencies would be a huge redpill on all europa. and probably the end of turkey forever
Sure kike, sure
Correction: They just want german technology and materials for a tank factory. Not actually ready Leopard 2 tanks.
1000 units for roughly 7 billion € I think
Its just business
Erdogan requested cooperation with Rheinmetall which is already partially owned by turkish investors but has been producing weaponry for germany for a long time now. It has also been rumored that the russians have interest for german weapons aswell but these are only rumors
> Erdogan requested cooperation with Rheinmetall which is already partially owned by turkish investors but has been producing weaponry for germany for a long time now. It has also been rumored that the russians have interest for german weapons aswell but these are only rumors
It smells like 1914 all over again
>roaches overrun Cyprus
>bongs still have bases there
>roaches accidentally airstrike the Anglos
>Ankara and Istanbul gets glassed in retaliation
If anything Greece will demand sea miles from Turkey, Turkey will respond aggressively, Russia still step in and if it escalates to war you got Russia, thousands of volunteers kicking on Turkey while he is up and while he is down.
I like this scenario. Plausible ?
I thought Russia is siding with the turks
Yeah not happening. This commie Brit government would never bomb musims.
I have a dream...
Get Your family out of there if you can, bro.
We can be racist but as long as you aren't a fuckwit it will just be bantz.
Why not friend ?
My man
Migrant Sweep when
How many of you would seriously consider joining an Azov-tier foreign volunteers battalion to fight the t*rks and the t*rkish army in the name of Europe, if T*rkey invades greek islands?
Why not? How many Anglo bases in Cyprus? A few right? Some dumb fuck roach pilot sees Anglo base, mistakes for Cypriot, bombs it and kills 30 Nigels. Minimum is that UK at least air strikes some roach positions in Cyprus
You underestimate the eternal anglos lust for blood. Sure, they'd never bomb Pakistan or Saudi but roachland is a different matter
None of you, 80% of Sup Forums are larping neckbeards
turkey is going to get its shit rekt if they actually try to pull something like that off.
erdogan is on the naughty list of pretty much everyone, and the kurds are asking for an excuse to fuck shit up - only this time IN turkey-.
erdogan should have died at the recent coup.
it would have made things much easier for everyone (including he turks).
I'd like to see Nato dissolve and watch Turkey and Russia split up the Balkans and the rest of Europe While Iran takes the the entire middle east over.
But Turkey could obliterate Greece and southern Cypriots
Turkey might have cockroaches, but Australia has huge as fuck spiders.
>Turkey has F-35s
>Greece has not.
they are shit like your family you muslim shitskin
Last time the Persians tried to do something a wind of freedom swept away their pride.
If anything happens the Greeks will journey to Delphi and consult the Pythia who will bless them with the wisdom of the Gods and the solution to their troubles.
It worked before, why should it not work now?
Turkey have to justify if they were to invade Greece or Cyprus. Greece is an NATO member, just like Turkey and Cyprus is an EU member. Greece, Cyprus has to attack Turkey in order to for Turkey to justify war against Greece. Turkey main focus as of right now is Syria, Iraq and of course terrorism within Turkey. Turkey would not attack Greece nor Cyprus, if they cannot justify it. Maybe, claiming and grabbing island in the Aegean sea that weren't given to either Turkey or Greece according to treaties. Turkey has power but I would say Turkey is not a regional power yet but has a potential to be one.
Oh right, here comes a "pourquoi?" guy .
I dont know, what do you think ?
Do you think Greek-cypriots will let you go like this?
Listen, when a war breaks out , the country that is in war situation declares military law.. which means that law is a fucking LAW, you cant avoid it . If you try to run away to avoid enlistment or hide , they will catch you, imprison you and most likely to execute you or send you on a working camp.
Cheers on that .
Also, save your family and stand there to fight . There is no excuse for you to let your country alone .
>tfw you'll get to kill mudslims and single-handedly save Europe in your lifetime
It will work now too bro.
Greeks have been beating back the subhuman turks for millennia and will do so again at every opportunity.
He's a delusional idiot being fed propaganda by his salty Greek Cypriot grandparents.
No one on the North wants to invade Southern Cyprus. They're happy as they are currently, being able to travel and work is enough for them.
Cyprus is extremely likely to go down first, since is not part of NATO. They're not gonna attack Greece directly but use Cyprus as bait to provoke Greece into declaring war to Turkey. If Greece attacks Turkey first, NATO is gonna be forced to invoke Article 5 in favor of Turkey.
Hope it doesn't happen but in case of war, Cyprus is pretty fucked.
yeah nah nah yea nah yea nah you'll be right mate
ypu know cyprus is an EU member? european members are bound by treaty to help them in case of war and Greece is free to go full Plataea on the asian hordes without NATO kicking in
>You underestimate the eternal anglos lust for blood
Ivan is wise. Listen to Ivan.
I'm pretty worried myself. I think their immediate goal would be a sort of 'finlandization' of Greece & Cyprus.
>Finlandization is the process by which one powerful country makes a smaller neighboring country abide by the former's foreign policy rules, while allowing it to keep its nominal independence and its own political system.
the only invasion i foresee is of turkish women coming after this dick
Does that wannabe sultan erdocuck really think that he can invade Greece just like that?
Fucking stupid af
does he not realize that he has fucking Russia to deal with?
This would be fucking perfect since Russia wants to reclaim back Konstantinople, Byzantium back for themselves.
The Russian Empire is the only one that was mightier than the Ottoman Empire and was going to conquer Istanbul during the Crimean Wars but of course France and Britain intervened and saved the old and sick man of Europe.
I don't hate the Ottoman Empire, I admire them because they had the greatest Islamic empire in history and also contributed a lot to science and other technological advances.
Can we really blame the Ottomans for conquering Byzantium? They conquered it fair and square, and if we want it back we have to take it back fair and square, no nukes, just straight up old fashioned war.
i think behind this invasion are the turkish women who cant help but desire to be raped by spartans after they watch their mudslim cucksbands die