"My name is Eric. I’m currently facing years of prison time as the result of accusations made in the most shockingly hateful parts of the internet. On April 19th I began being targeted by a dedicated swarm of internet trolls known for spewing racism, xenophobia, and misogyny onto the web. Suddenly a hit piece by Milo Yiannopolis caused the targeting to go viral. Several old social media photos were posted, online accounts hacked, addresses published, hundreds of calls to my employers, and countless threats of physical violence made against me, my coworkers, friends and many others. This harassment campaign is where the accusations against me originated."
Comrade in need of help
there is a recording of you assaulting innocents, get fucked
Looks like you were a college professor still living in mom's basement. Fucking sad for you bro. Enjoy the BBC!
>literally no mention to what he did or did not do
I hope he dies painfully in jail.
What's the update on this cunt? I thought he was supposed to go to trial in December?
pre-trial hearing this Thursday the 22nd
bets on his shyster lawyer getting another delay tactic extension?
the rippin and the tearin
>I’m currently facing years of prison time as the result of accusations made in the most shockingly hateful parts of the internet.
I thought he was facing prison time for smashing some poor cunt with the ol' lock n' sock?
the faggot deleted my comment...
fuck this faggot
i'm not eric you fucktard. this is an excerpt from the supportericclanton.com website.
If he pleads guilty he’ll probably get 10 years. If he’s dumb enough to plead not guilty he’ll get 20+. Either way he’s not gonna have a fun time in prison at all. The Blacks are gonna enjoy fucking his little boipussy and Aryan Brotherhood will likely execute him at some point after finding out who he is. That is if he doesn’t kill himself beforehand
i dont see the courts sending him in. he has the whole system on his side.
But you are his BF, sucking on his slimy skinny small pecker for yours and his pleasure.
pics or it didnt happen.
Off by one tho.
The evidence is overwhelming and although some people might get lucky and have *1* felony dropped. This would probably be the first time in history where somebody facing 5 felonies has charges dropped before facing a trial. There’s effectively a 0% chance he doesn’t face significant time. Keep in mind he also violated his bail agreement by hanging out with anarchists and communists which will not look good in front of the judge
Meant to reply to
There's also an unlisted statement. supportericclanton.com
>bets on his shyster lawyer getting another delay tactic extension?
What's the endgame of constantly getting extensions?
I hope he gets raped every single day in prison.
Nice try, Eric.