>it's a "donald has no clue what the fuck is going on" episode
It's a "donald has no clue what the fuck is going on" episode
Better than the "Obama drone strikes another civilian family" episode
if if if if if if if if if if
I wish he was as well informed as Pelosi and Maxine Waters.
Bin Laden's still dead.
He honestly is pretty retarded. Also, it's about time that Democrats reclaimed Sup Forums. ;P
Kill yourself you disgusting traitorous faggot. i hope your children watch you dangle and shit yourself before you die.
>it's a libcuck is still mad they lost the election episode
Bin Laden was likely an American agent the whole time, if so killing him set Al Qaeda loose to become ISIS and thus created the mess in the middle East, Libya, Sinai peninsula and Marawi.
I'm not impressed.
RIP osama, let us all take a moment to remember that it is entirely the CIA's fault that he existed in the first place
lol wtf is going on with this orange clown lmfao
inb4 muh 4d tic tac toe
except we're still doing that, dumb nigger. Look up CENTCOM civcas rates
>Liberals always project
Too easy
I literally prefer shady drone deaths over "president" dipshit
of course you do, because you're a liberal fascist
>Oops we accidentally flushed Bin Laden down the toilet.
You're a fool
Thanks for the encouragement, user
Lol Jesus Christ. Why don't you cast a spell on me too, buddy
Disgusting Neocon warmonger.
I still rewatch those, some say that's when the shark was jumped, but personally that was the turning point that sold me on the whole thing
>meanwhile donald "not a neocon" trump continues obamas legacy of drone strikes
>Pablo is upset that other countries can flex their military anywhere they want
bin laden was trained by the CIA. Bush gave his family cover to leave the US after the attacks. They were framed, not that i care.
Whoa, this user is either super woke or super retarded. I wonder which one it could be
>ban devices that turn weapons into machine guns
What the fuck does that even mean?
Wtf is this argument...
That was the result of years of intel, and the efforts of a highly trained special forces unit. Simply giving the green light to carry operation doesn't mean he deserves any credit for it.
King Nigger had jack shit do with it.
sorry for the typos
>I don't know what the fuck I'm talking about, but here are some words
Okay, tell me how I'm wrong then.
I don't know just how wrong you are, and neither do you. I've written enough bullshit speculation to know when im reading it, friend
By this standard no president deserves any credit or fault for any military operation
In other words: this is a ludicrous standard. Doesn't detract from the point though, the soft power approach is less costly and arguably more profitable than the hard power approach of Trump
>you're wrong but i don't know why
wew lad
Well yeah, but to say that it was Obama's achievement is ludicrous. He wasn't responsible for any of the work involved on a military level.
"Hey Mr. President, we now know where Bin Laden is and have a plan to capture him."
"Okay do it."
2 krokodil syringes have been deposited into your account