Do you support trump banning bump fire sticks and binary triggers

Do you support Trump's gun control?

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Listen, you fantastically retarded mothefucker. I'm going to try to explain this so that you can understand it.

You cannot control an entire country and its people with tanks, jets, battleships and drones or any of these things that you so stupidly believe trumps citizen ownership of firearms.

A fighter, tank, drone, battleship or whatever cannot stand on street comers. And enforce "no assembly" edicts. A fighter jet cannot kick down your door at 3AM and search your house for contraband.

None of these things can maintain the needed police state to completely subjugate and enslave the people of a nation. Those weapons are for decimating, flattening and glassing large areas and many people at once and fighting other state militaries. The government does not want to kill all of its people, and blow up its own infrastructure. These are the very things they need to be tyrannical assholes in the first place. If they decided to turn everything outside of Washington D.B. into glowing green glass, they would be the absolute rulers of a big, worthless, radioactive pile of shit.

Police are needed to maintain a police state, boots on the ground. And no matter how many police you have on the ground they will always be vastly outnumbered by civilians which is why in a police state it is vital that your police have automatic weapons while the people have nothing but their limp dicks.

BUT when every random pedestrian could have a Glock in their waistband and every random homeowner an AR-15 all of that goes out the fucking window because now the police are out numbered and face the reality of bullets coming back at them.

If you want living examples of this look at every insurgency that the U.S. military has tried to destroy. They're all still kicking with nothing but AK-47s, pick up trucks and improvised explosives because these big scary military monsters you keep alluding to are all but fucking useless for dealing with them.

Dumb. Fuck.

He should cede absolutely no ground on gun control

He's betraying his base if he does otherwise.

Wrong. He should repeal gun control legislation.

Nobody I know uses bump stocks.

Nothing of value was lost.

Nice pasta


I don't have or use one but it is always one little thing, next it will be hand guns, then are 15s etc .

Doean't matter to me because I know how to bump fire a gun without using any device.

If you want to ban the people's arms you are an enemy of the people, I smell fucking Ivanka behind this one

>Doean't matter to me because I know how to bump fire a gun without using any device.
What about binary triggers, or light trigger pull that you can fire fast should we ban those?


>Do you support trump banning bump fire sticks and binary triggers

>Do you support Trump's gun control?

>He should cede absolutely no ground on gun control
And yet he seemingly is making the motions to do just that.

>I don't know anyone who owns firearms therefore if firearms were banned I'd be fine with it.
That's how you sound right now.

hes doing what he has to. its called placating the hysterical brainwashed leftists. when leftists break out into illogical tantrums, the best thing to do is acknowledge their booboo fweelings and lie to them. the bump stocks wont get banned, there wont be the votes and more importantly they are perfectly legal under current ATF regulations and law so the ATF definitions of a machinegun set since 1934 would have to change. none would hold up in court

in an important election year. if republicans lose the midterms nothing will get accomplished the next 3 years. therefore its wise for trump to coddle the leftists even if its only symbolic. what else can he do anyway, with a media propaganda force that is stacked against him?

if conservative rightwingers ever want to get anywhere they need to start having a media presence. we need to break up the monopoly stranglehold the left has on news and cable tv media. internet has helped immensely the last decade but its easy to get drowned out in noise and many people still rely on the same leftist media establishments online for "news" (propaganda)

Sup Forums should be asking itself why it hasnt dedicated its life to destroying CNN and MSNBC. and why hasnt Sup Forums volunteered for a local rightwing political candidate? just sitting on your asses isnt going to cut it. Trump can only do so much by himself. and hes fighting a mountain of opposition (leftist gov officials, deep state, dems in congress, rogue dem governors, academia brainwashing etc)

why does a civilian need a bump stock? Is "muh fun" seriously worth it? I'm opposed to most additional gun control measures but the legality of bump stocks is clearly against the spirit of existing legislation

Because it's our right to own it? Criminals don't care do you fucking understand how easy it is to make a full auto illegally? It won't stop anything but him from being re elected.

>why does a civilian need a bump stock?
It's our right.

> Is "muh fun" seriously worth it?
It's our right.

>I'm opposed to most additional gun control measures but the legality of bump stocks is clearly against the spirit of existing legislation
You're a fucking gun grabbing faggot. Fuck off.

Guess you want arm braces banned too to promote the unconstitutional laws.

the spirit of existing legislation is clearly against the spirit of the constitution. automatic weapons should not be regulated at all

The reality that many people fail to face is that he has been a NYC democrat for 50+ year's. He is maybe center or right of center at best. I does not like guns and does not grasp the need for the 2nd ammendment. That is why he also gave so much ground on immigration. He is not a constitutionalist. He is a populist. Ill support him on his conservative agenda, as emaciated as it is, but I will not support him on his leftist agendas.

>The reality that many people fail to face is that he has been a NYC democrat for 50+ year's. He is maybe center or right of center at best. I does not like guns and does not grasp the need for the 2nd ammendment. That is why he also gave so much ground on immigration. He is not a constitutionalist. He is a populist. Ill support him on his conservative agenda, as emaciated as it is, but I will not support him on his leftist agendas.
He, like all politicians don't actually care about the people (especially the White race) and only care about money and power.

This act gives more power to the government.

Idk man. There is a large silent/shy conservative movement in this country. I think Trump needs to double down and lurch right. Show some conviction and stop appeasing the left.

>This act?
What act?

>What act?
Banning bump stocks

No! Its stupid and is pandering! FUCK OFF! I GIVE NO MORE INCHES!

>why does a civilian need

Fuck off. Just fuck right the fuck off. We don't fucking sit around and let the government decide what the fuck we need.

Slippery slope.

No. And I hope he enjoys his single term.

>Slippery slope.
That's what these cucks don't understand.

The gungrabbers are fine with banning firearms one firearm and one firearm accessory at a time.

This just plays into their plan.

>he thought a nyc billionaire kike lover who was demoshit for most of his life and supported gun control would ever be on his side
>thinks that giving into the antis will stop them from coming after ARs and magazines over ten rounds next


Right. Capitulation will only hurt the citizens. We give an inch, they take a mile.

Yes, obviously. Trump is banning a tool that has been used to kill whites en masse. It's the only logical choice to protect the white race.

>Right. Capitulation will only hurt the citizens. We give an inch, they take a mile.
If this goes through, you'll see the gungrabbers demand the ban of "assault rifles" then "high capacity magazines" then "handguns" etc etc etc.

No and I'll site it as why I won't vote for him again if it passes.

Im so sick it. Im reminded of a Thomas Jefferson quote.
>The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is its natural manure.

>>The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is its natural manure.
Sup Forums needs to quickly and seriously get over this delusion that the politicians are "for us" and that "voting works."

Well, Trump is better than Hillary. So in that respect voting a point. But the rot in this country has permeated every aspect of society. The nepotism is unabashedly prevalent at every level of govt. I honestly dont know how this is fixed.

>Well, Trump is better than Hillary. So in that respect voting a point. But the rot in this country has permeated every aspect of society. The nepotism is unabashedly prevalent at every level of govt. I honestly dont know how this is fixed.
Unite with antifa let them have a revolution then fill the power vaccum with uncucked Americans?

Yes. You don't need bump stocks to bump fire and you can easily make one yourself.

>Well, Trump is better than Hillary.
In the sense that a small pile of shit is better than a huge pile of shit.

>So in that respect voting a point.
When it comes to the issues that really matter (White survival for example) all candidates and all parties are the same.

> But the rot in this country has permeated every aspect of society. The nepotism is unabashedly prevalent at every level of govt. I honestly dont know how this is fixed.
Not with voting.

No. Antifa is not the solution. Maybe article V convention of the states? But like i said, every level is corrupt. A tyranny doesnt just go away peacefully.

Use Trump as an avenue to push the Overton Window further right. He singlehandedly pushed it right when he called out antifa and the media had to backtrack on their rabid support for anarcho communists. That's an asset that can't be underutilized.

In the past few years so much has already shifted, and that's in no small part due to the left pushing too far and creating a response. The aim needs to be long term, just as it was for the communists

>Nobody I know uses bump stocks.
of course they don't, you're in fucking Poland.

so.. now libruls are against gun control, and love Russia, and magapedes are pro gun grabs and hate Russia.

a fucking

>so.. now libruls are against gun control, and love Russia, and magapedes are pro gun grabs and hate Russia.

>a fucking
How's being against gun control make anyone a liberal?! Absurdity go back to Russia

What a terrible fate the last generation has left the nascent. But, if i must be frank the white nationalist movement is a moot point. That will gain no traction in this country who's up an comming are not white. The ideology is what will matter and the clarity in the deliverance of said message.

>That will gain no traction in this country who's up an comming are not white.
It will gain traction among the whites who are living in a post-majority USA

>What a terrible fate the last generation has left the nascent. But, if i must be frank the white nationalist movement is a moot point.
The White Nationalist movement should be about saving the White race above all other issues.

>That will gain no traction in this country who's up an comming are not white.
Fuck em.

>The ideology is what will matter and the clarity in the deliverance of said message.
Which is why the parties and the media hates WN's. Because the parties and the media want the White race dead.

Stupid move. Appeasement escalates conflict.
Now there's gonna be more school shootings, and they will come with more demands, and then they will ban drum magazines.
Next up is probably high capacity magazines etc etc.

Give them the finger, and they take the whole arm.

He could reverse some obama anti-gun executive orders at least

I've never been to Mother Russia, tovarish.. I mean, comrade.. eh, I mean friend.


Guess we need to push back with the goa ,nra is completely useless.

Bump stocks suck so yes. If you own one, you're probably actually retarded. Binary triggers K have no experience with so I cant comment on them

Don't own one not what this is about it's about allowing the govt to bully us.

>I hate high capacity magazines, they increase the chances of firearm jams therefore I'm okay with banning them
This is how you sound right now.

I find it amazing that so many so-called firearms rights advocates are supporting more gun control just because of the accessory being banned and who is advocating it.

Bunch of faggots.

He won't actually do it, nor can he. He'll just have it tossed into a bill that the Dems won't work with like he did DACA. Just so he can shit on the Dems again.

It's like you faggots aren't even paying attention.

Common sense changes...

At least this well...


I stand to make good money if the things are grandfathered, but I still don't like it.

He's a shill. Those of you who haven't realized this yet are going to be really disappointed in the coming years where he concedes quietly more and more to liberal jewish pov.

Why do you think kikes backed him? Why do you think he has a kike grandson? That he married his sons and daughters to kikes?

Stop being a slave, the USA is the enemy of all white people. It hasn't been what the founders intended for nearly 150 years.

They are your ENEMIES. Never your friends.

says the faggot with a memeflag of a political party that restriced gun rights.

eat shit faggot

The only reason gun free zones don't work is cause they're surrounded by gun zones.

>says the faggot with a memeflag of a political party that restriced gun rights.

You actually believe the bullshit that the NSDAP were gungrabbers?

Do you believe the Holocaust happened too?

>eat shit faggot
Said the bitch willing to give up his firearm rights because Trumpberg said so.

>restricted gun rights
Only for communists and jews. The people who CAUSE this mess you see in the USA. Fuck off Trump fag slave. You plebeian fucking 56%er mongrel.

He never said bump fire. Idiot shill.

All of you are fucking retarded.

That's because they are NRA bootlickers and only believe in muh sporting clause

Mutts just didn't wanted to listen


People still type this?

That's what he's talking about

>That's because they are NRA bootlickers and only believe in muh sporting clause
"w..well as long as they don't come after my hunting rifle I'm fine with giving up my semi-auto rifle. At least I still have some firearm rights."
"and he's still better than hillary!"

Im sure Uncle Adolf would be fine with gun rights if he were Le Fuhrer of USA

you fuckin memeflag fags are the absolute worst.

Youre right though. He did disarm the Jews first and foremost. He also had strict regulations on "muh Aryans"

fuckin tools

Not now though, wait until the narrative shifts to the next fucked up agenda so they won't have a week's worth of material to respond with. He should do this with everything.

I will absolutely start killing Jews in response to any further gun legislation.

>Im sure Uncle Adolf would be fine with gun rights if he were Le Fuhrer of USA
How would you know? You believe everything the Jewish media says about Hitler.

>you fuckin memeflag fags are the absolute worst.
As opposed to your masonic dish rag meme flag?

>Youre right though. He did disarm the Jews first and foremost.
And I'm sure you believe Jews have a right to be in White countries don't you?

>He also had strict regulations on "muh Aryans"
Suuuure he did. And the masturbation machines were real.

>fuckin tools
But you being a tool of ZOG is fine?

If Sessions comes after muh guns before investigating PizzaGate I will literally go to war with the government.

German citizens had tons of gun rights under Hitler

>Against the spirit

Because the spirit matters. Bump fires LITERALLY fall outside the definition of regulation.

banning wat?


terrible decision by trump

Who's that Pokemon?

It's a matter of principle. Bump-stocks may be gimmicks but preventing their ban is way of sending a message to the loony left that their macro-aggressions against America will not be tolerated anymore.

>It's a matter of principle. Bump-stocks may be gimmicks but preventing their ban is way of sending a message to the loony left that their macro-aggressions against America will not be tolerated anymore.
You're a complete fucking shill