Is Krillin redpilled or bluepilled for marying an android with functional sexual organs?

Is Krillin redpilled or bluepilled for marying an android with functional sexual organs?

Bluepilled. Androids will never be spiritually equivalent to real women just as artificial wombs will never replace real ones.

she was a 改造人間 which means she started as a human

The most Red Pilled man on the show.

Redpilled, he used the dragon balls to turn her into a real organic women but she kept her logical thinking from her android programming

Roastie detected.

Not *never*. Eventually AI will become extremely advanced.
But in the short term, yeah, sexbots are just toys and artificial wombs will be too expensive to make a significant difference in the birth rates.

She's a cyborg you stupid fucking nigger.

>Androids will never be spiritually equivalent to real women


She's an android made out of living cells.

sounds like an obvious improvement, to me.

krillin is the most redpilled fucker around.

they're functionally cyborgs now, not pure anatomically human.
they retained their power and even greatly improved it, while keeping their infinite power reserve.

the androids kicked serious butt at the tournament.

20 years and we'll all have android 18 waifus.

Bulma was my first jerkoff material

Color me cynical but I don't think we'll ever see sex robots that sophisticated. A human in every distinguishable way. Pretty much the only indication she's an android other than being called one is that one part where she gets explosive devices removed.

>spent countless amounts of time, energy and money on Marron, a ditzy, whiny gold digger who left him for a bunch of other guys while he was fighting the Red Ribbon Army
>fell in love with Android 18 who loved him unconditionally and gave him a daughter, and became a strong and hardworking provider for his family
You tell me, user.

13 was originally a human, & they l8er in the series wished her back into being a human; so he basically wooed a woman who didn nee no man

Maximum redpilled.
>strongest human in history of the DB universe
>marries the hottest girl in the story
>one of the most important characters

Krillin is based.

Krillin did the most redpilled thing ever. He got the dragon balls and wished for android 18 to be human.

She’s a cyborg, not an android.

Uub is stronger than Kuririn

Uub is not fully human as he is the reincarnation of Kid Buu.

she's not a 'sex robot', she's a human who had terminator bits planted inside


Tien is stronger than Krillin. Tien actually put up a fight against buu.

>t. manlet

>blue hair
>blonde eyes
>forever 18
>100% loyal
>sex robot that also has the ability to reproduce (which she has)

android 18 is literally the perfect waifu and what we should aim for in real life

Bulma is a thot tbqh