What was the final verdict on this picture from inside Douglas HS showing a seemingly dead black girl?
>FYI there was no black girl among the 17 dead
What was the final verdict on this picture from inside Douglas HS showing a seemingly dead black girl?
Nobody died.
Who is that?
Shills last Wednesday and Thursday were trying to convince ppl she's not black. What do you think?
lol what is she on her period or something
The skin between her boots and pants looks White. Odd picture.
Yeah, it was a false flag by Obama's shadow government to force Trump into pushing gun legislation.
It was just about school was over wasn't, so it was her last period.
It was a false flag by israel.
Do aussies not know what socks are?
I would guess those are socks. Hair and attire looks like typical teenage black to me
wasn't it?*
Who the fuck wears socks that high?
Socks, not skin.
She has on girl boots
How do you know she's dead? Laying in a pool of blood doesn't make you dead
I don’t understand how some of you can make jokes about this tragedy. Very poor form
Proper girls
The Media decides to leave the one black girl out of the death reports. This is the narrative we should be pushing. Does anyone of a jpg of the reported victims?
No i dont know, but i havent seen any pictures of black females survivors from hospital pics etc. I'm just asking hoping someone would give me the story but so far no dice
Knock knock..
Legs look white to me. Hands could go either way. Face appears to be totally concealed.
>no dice
check her body
Is this the best the shills have to offer nowadays? A clear photo of someone’s face being completely black and they say her sock makes her look white.
Legs? Hands? mate, look at the one curled up on the floor next to the blood. Face much more clearly visible than hands or legs, like wtf not talking about the standing alive white girl
Nvm, a true top kek
she might have some dice in her pockets
Look at the quality of the fucking camera. I have no clue if that darker splotch of black is a hood, her neck, or her face. The legs show her in fucking black pants you retarded nigger, and at the break between her boots and pants, there is obviously white. For her "hands" that kind of white splotch next to her thigh can be anything.
Anyone have a pic of all the deceased? Maybe we can figure out who that is.
Who's there?
dk, are you a fed?
Good thinking anons
>Do aussies not know what socks are?
user, there are 395.000 species of venomous spiders in Australia, approximately one hundred thousand of those species like to hide in toilets. Approximately two hundred thousand of those species like to hide in socks. The rest are so big they can't hide.
bottom row 2nd from the left you alex jones retards
Would be the only contender but that bean no doubt has straight hair and the curled up one looks like coon curls
>Australians have to worry about sock spiders
>Clearly Latino girl is the same person as a clear black girl
i coulda sworn i saw a pic of a black girl in the hospital
Could help if you track it back down
i was wrong, it was some kid named anthony
you should arm yourself with some brainlets, they get to these conspiraneets more than any rational argument. they will call you a jewish shill, but that just means they have given up and you are winning.
That is least of their problems leaf bro
Ole bitch boots Anthony?
100% this
Then the media touched up the photo so that she would appear more white, they do this all the damn time.
Is it that unlikely there was a black girl who got wounded that you need specific proof there was a black girl who got wounded?
Yeah:/ Just how I am
Clever post
>It happened.
>It happened, and the government let it happen to supplant current gun laws.
>It happened, and the government did it themselves, all to supplant current gun laws.
>It didn't happen.
>Yeah:/ Just how I am
Retardedly paranoid? And asking arbitrary questions?
Is there concrete proof of anyone wounded?
Nice one.
>even somalian goat herders have iphone5+
>US school shooting pics are supposedly taken by potatoephone
>oy vey it's almost as if its cia psyop gun-grabbing propaganda theatrics
GTK racewar now
Well the POTUS didn't just visit the fucking morgue. and speaking of retards, youre the one asking if anyone was wounded in a shooting where 17 people died. that's not arbitrary, just flat out idiotic
iz u sayin she not black?
concerned citizen.
Mate. I am putting into relation how fucking retarded what you're asking is.
You're asking for specific proof that a black girl was wounded. Give me specific proof anyone was wounded.
Protip: it probabyl doesn't exist because unlike you, most people aren't retarded enough to question that a black girl would be wounded in a 20% black school in a school shooting in which 17 people die. That's just you.
Someone very black looking, on admittedly shitty photos, much blacker looking than the hispanic girl in the bottom row, is shown badly wounded. If i'm taking them at word that she didn't die, that could only otherwise mean she was wounded. Thread was a request to see if this was ever clarified. It has not been
girl running by in 2nd picture has no shoes or socks. I know who likes doing that
It's so warm most australians don't wear/know about socks.
me too. so back off buggaloo and your gay friends too. No photos depict any black victim, so it is a trick of light or an anomaly certainly worth discussion
The real question based on the video:
>Dead body is approximately 12-15 feet from the door
>clearly shot many times
>video is filmed by student who is hiding up against the wall
>this wall they are hiding up against is adjacent to the hallway, based on the location of the door seen later in the video
>all of the students are hiding up against this wall
>if this person was shot inside the classroom, they must have been hit by a spray of bullets coming through the wall
>no one else up against the wall was hit
> If i'm taking them at word that she didn't die, that could only otherwise mean she was wounded. Thread was a request to see if this was ever clarified.
Can you rephrase this because I really don't get the logic.
You think the burden of proof is on the people who claim she might just be wounded rather than killed? Why? Why do you not have to proof it was someone who died, rather?
>FYI there was no black girl among the 17 dead
Holy fucking shit I just realized this
Because youre not from here and dont comprehend how much news coverage this has gotten and is still getting. pretty much anyone involved in it has gotten publicity however small. It was a simple request not an inquiry into what it all means dipshit. And no I'm not going to rephrase shit because the meaning is clear.
No the meaning really isn't clear.
What exactly are you asking for? Proof this random girl you found in a video didn't die?
Well let's see faggot
Is she among the victims?
So she didn't die. What the fuck is there left to ask?
what was the veridict from las vegas?
For the last time you absolute fucking moron. I asked if anyone had read or seen any information that could clarify what happened to this girl. We agree, she is not listed among the dead. So far the answer to the question is no. But thanks to all your useless replies maybe someone with a brain will actually see it and they can help figure out what happened to her because youre about as useless as they get
What proof do you have that the black girl in the picture is dead? There were many wounded black girls....
Burden of proof isnt on me for shit. She looks dead or badly hurt. I want to know if there was any discovery into who she was or how badly she was injured.
There is now burden of proof on you, however, to provide any evidence that there "were many wounded black girls"
Nobody knows retard. That's why this is such a huge fucking problem right now. I'm at the point now that this shooting is a hoax just like Sandy hook. No one dies, they just get new names and a new residency.
Old photos and old scripts? maybe the directors and professional photographers are getting lazy with the theater they produce for the masses.
If you watch the video, a cop comes in and picks up 1 injured who you can tell is still alive. The cop checks the vitals of the dead black girl and just leaves her, no one goes over there to touch her. Why would you leave an injured person? Cause she's fucking dead
You meed to quit your job. You suck ass at it, let me talk to your superior, cunt.
Fuck off we're teammates faggot. If this is some scam let's bust it wide open.
Who is the black girl? Make them wheel out some black girl who can tell her story I want to hear it
> I asked if anyone had read or seen any information that could clarify what happened to this girl.
And I asked you in response why would there be? There isn't a lot of information about the wounded, if any.
Why would there be a specific report about this ONE black girl that got wounded?
You're the one making the claim, therefore the burden of proof is in you.
You can't Jew your way out of this one
They're called crew socks. I wear them. Also, she could have leggings on, or knee high socks.
We deserve all information on the dead and wounded in these situations, and no that doesn't risk national security.
We damn sure need that information when pictures like this appear and do in fact show a dead nigger.
t. A concerned citizen.
Fuck off there's been tons of shit written about them. This one even pictures some of the WOUNDED. No black girl
Who cares if it happened? Doesn't happen in my state because we shoot back. Sutherland Springs was stopped by a man with a gun. Grow up, my guns are here to stay. Now law will justify losing them or my ammo.
>Marjory Douglas
>Famous for stopping
>The draining of a Swamp
Claiming what? That there's a seemingly dead looking girl with black looking skin in one of the videos? I think my OP meets that burden. No one can tell me what happened to her though
Do you know what "tragedy" means? This hardly qualifies as a tragedy. It is immoral, and a crime, but that doesn't make it a tragedy.
You ever tried wearing socks with thongs mate
Isn't it entirely possible that she's simply unconscious?
>Let there be light
This a reference to Lucifer.
You don't want just any information, you want a narrow definition of information that aligns with your preferred narrative. Because every incident in the world can be explained in terms of your simplistic ideology...it's just common sense.
By the time we figure it out, (((they))) will have already made up a narrative incident that makes everything plausible.
can't chimp out if nobody died
You need to go away. Also your reddit spacing is really stupid.
I dont have a preferred narrative brainlet. It's a simple fucking question:
Anyone see or hear anything else about this girl?
So far it's a clear NO
What the fuck do you even mean by this you fucking shill? We deserve all the information. Thats is simple, and true. Why does that trigger you? Kill yourself
They really all did lol
How about that
just like Song of Ice & Fire. Lord of Light is the real bad guy
Just as a question, what about underwear, or shirts? Are Australians the lost white tribe that has no clue about everyday items?
>000 replies
Depending on lighting, it could be a shadow making her look black. Did a white girl die fitting the picture if she was white?
Also possible just a severe injury. It is shocking how much blood can be lost but still live.
When someone is injured first responders take the most critical (unless tagged black for dead) person first. The cop carried a girl out from next to this chick who, if injured, was nowhere near as bad as this person. So, either the cop 1. Decided black girl was DOA (this option comes with her being on the list of dead),
2. has no idea how to be a first responder (likely as a result of the dude being at a costume store and saw the commotion on the news and rushed to save the day),
3. Was acting for the camera (this option results in Johnny Law playing hero while having dramatic elements to satisfy the viewers).
Pick only one