What is up with the amount of communist loving Marxist women...

What is up with the amount of communist loving Marxist women? I also saw FOUR profiles within the hour praising Karl Marx.

Is just trendy now.
Woman crave for social acceptance all the time.
If Hitler was social accepted you will see a lot of those profiles starting with "Sieg Heil"

>English major
>Anti military
>Anti law
Is she trying to go for the world record of red flags in a dating profile?

look at that face. She has no soul

public schooling

>on tinder

Found your problem, dumb ass.

Because they're lazy cunts that want something for nothing just like ((Karl Marx))


it's just a fashion trend. these women will either get dicked, or grow old alone and become miserable cat-ladies that educate the next generation of annoying cunts eager to jump on the next bandwagon since they can't find a hard dick to jump on

In some parts of the US the Marxist/feminist/anti-Trump tinder bios are much worse than others. DC is particularly bad

>How to make sure you end your life used up and alone

>English major
literally me

Needs to dye her hair and put on a few pounds.

You should like them and (if they for some reason like back) redpill them on marxist views about race.

>wanting to date pic related


Those accounts are probably made by faggot niggers.


i always find it weird that ivanka and milo lookalikes got snuck into the background of that pic

do you have more of this kind of art

It's a fad. It won't go away though, it'll lead us right into the gulag of history.
It's a fad not because it is temporary but because it is shallow.

Pin her down and fuck your politics into her.

It's a just a meme phase. I knew sluts who let the entire high school team ran a train on her, but now she found herself and she's a full blown lesbo.

>likes Andrew Dworkin
What a red flag.

>andrea dworkin

this bitch is either trying to be cool by liking a person hated by nearly everybody, or was savagely raped as a kid.

You're not reading the real message behind her profile

>Don't swipe right if you're in the military or law enforcement

She literally wants a right-wing military guy to come fuck the shit out of her. No joke.


I can't believe OP can't 1+1...

>20 year old student
>English Major
>Northeastern University
She's been indoctrinated into the Leftist cult because it's the trend on her campus, maybe even before.

She's basically looking to be abused by some beta soy boy, so she can say she was a "survivor" of rape.

Never underestimate the lengths a woman will go to portray herself as a victim.

>looks at picture
nothing of value was lost.

But she has an iphone.

Art school as an institution is falling apart.
The women are dropping out left and right to become instagram panty sellin mamas on daddy buck$
As these institutions crumble so will women’s safeguarded pinko commies lifestyle.

The (((school))) is doing what it is supped to be doing - brainwashing goyim.

>likes Dworkin

A feminist who literally believed penis in vagina sex was rape by definition.

>on Tinder

Either clueless and repeating names she's heard, or you're actually in danger of being fucked for life instead of for the night.


Wtf is with the left's use of the word "sensible", it's like subliminal forced group think. You know that bitch means "legalize all drugs" regardless of how many children are ODing while still in school, but this very same bitch would refer to mass gun confiscation and illegality as "sensible gun control". Seriously how fucking brain washed are these people, I guarantee you 10x more children died from drugs illegally smuggled from Mexico or china last year than from legally purchased guns

Just put it in her butt and ghost her, lad. Who cares, its tinder.

they’re in college and I’m pretty sure most of their majors make them take some sort of sociology course, which 99.9% of sociology courses are heavily influenced by the work of Marx
I’m here in california, and I can’t tell you how many chicks from UCLA/USC/UCI on tinder have anti trump and pro leftist bullshit in their profiles.
sad thing is most of these women’s majors are like psychology, so these are the types of individuals that are going to be taking care of our mentally ill

Simple. In modern ethics, it's the only way women will get supported by men. Without marriage, the possibility of them getting a permanent slave to keep them in food and clothing, is nearly nonexistent. So they turn to government to provide them with the easy life they feel they deserve.

Just for having one more hole then a male...

>not playing with fire

What's with all the cum stains on her shirt?

>Smug Face

Its just low hanging fruit. On the surface Communism does sound good. A society without want would be good. The problems arise from how?
For people like rando tinder whores, being associated with good things is good. She doesnt actually believe in worker's rights. She believes in dopamjne highs and the acceptance of petty peer groups

That's a man baby.

I would shocked if it didn't a feminine benis.


Nope, you are a liberal

>not being good at anything
>not trying to be good at anything
>hating physical work
>never has worked through drudgery
>feels they deserve more despite not trying to improve oneself
>smoke dude weed
how to become a marxist 101

Kek. Literally any of those disqualifies her from western civilization.

You live by a bunch of kikes. The face is a dead giveaway.

>Designer dress

I would hatefuck the shit out of this bitch.

Also stupid haircut and septum piercing

>those glasses
Did she really have to say she's a marxist? Anytime a woman is wearing glasses that cover her whole fucking face, she's a dirty communist.

Needs to include her niglet baby.
Actually this bitch probably aborts them.

>tfw no radical marxist gf
end my fucking pitiful existence there is no point in going on.

she's gross and she looks like she smells weird

I'd let her peg me

i'd become a card carrying communist to get a crack at that ass HHHNGNGNGNGN

Confirmation bias you fucking retard.
Commies use tinder to feel something about their miserable lives.
You think conservative women use tinder? Or even any women with an inch of self respect?
>inb4 buh buh t-there’s no women like that left
Of course there are, but if you use a hookup app and frequent a pornographic Mongolian sweater knitting forum, you’re too stupid to know where to look

thas a weird lookin tiddy

>radical marxist
>shops at target

>hurr libs get the bullet too
Le edgy communist strikes again

They are not about educating, they are about indoctrinating.
Remember women have the minds of little children, and are easily fooled.

Were they all irish?


>Marxist women
>All using the jPhone(tm)

really makes you think..

> cringeworthy

>t. user who probably also wants his wife to homeschool/be the primary educator of his children

You miss the entire point of true patriarchy you utter mong. It’s not to oppress women, but help lead them to achieve fulfillment and success from what they’re naturally inclined. Men hating women is the most Jewish shit, I swear.I bet you’re a fag too.
Everyone reading, know this: this is a shill mentality, to say women are too stupid to resist snake oil politics yet should be at home teaching your children. That they have the minds of children yet are supposed to intelligently and efficiently manage their homes.
Get off this site. Read the Bible. Stop feeding confirmation bias.
Woman was made for man, but also man needed woman. He’s not supposed to be her king, but the head of her house. He’s supposed to love and cherish her, and she him. Women are capable of being great, but in the current age they have wayward fathers and husbands. How can they possibly stand a chance if the head is cut off?
He who has ears, let him hear.

She's the kind of girl who probably eats ass on the first date.

Marxism is the future and nobody really wants to be associated with the right anymore.

This is basically why you are all kissless incels.

Should have died when you were all babies desu

god I'd smell her filthy farts

>Marxism is the future and nobody really wants to be associated with the right anymore.
>This is basically why you are all kissless incels.
nah m8
>Should have died when you were all babies desu
i agree

communism is a mental virus, a bewitchment of intelligence.

It provides answers for most intellectuals perceive (social inequality), with explanations that sound scientific and historical, while at the same time indulging their desire to sit atop the moral high ground.

So women are smarter after all.



>Goes to George Washington
>Doesn't think she is a part of the bourgeoisie

typically more masculine people prefer more punishing fiscal and social policies.

you just gotta throw it back at them

Tinder is the worse place to look for a relationship, no wonder a lot of them are on there.

Tinder is for trainwrecks (I use it so I would know). You should not base your perception of reality or women on it. All of my friends' girlfriends / wives are normal. You have to face the fact that most of the normal girls are already taken.

Sage the shills headed to the gas chambers

I have contemplated this image for hours... It took me about a week to decide what it means.

>Tinder is for trainwrecks (I use it so I would know). You should not base your perception of reality or women on it. All of my friends' girlfriends / wives are normal. You have to face the fact that most of the normal girls are already taken.

I see you also engage in the extreme sport called "putting your dick in crazy".

I gotten a few scares but nothing major so far...

>don't swipe right if you're military or law enforcement
Which is hilarious because even the mangiest fucking deck-monkey can pull something better than her high-maintenance Xanax-addicted ass.

It's some bitch on her phone.
How does that take a week to figure out? It's not a hidden 3D image, I saw it within the first second I looked at it.

No it's not. Its a deep piece of art.
>Sheeple women / phones
>Relationships, consumerism, looking good, attractiveness

But then there is something else, something ominous...
The overhead approaching bombers; WWII style, then there is Putin, the 'strong man'.

But where is the western counterpart to Putin?
Look closely... can you see him?

Cunts will do literally anything to signal that they would be a good mate. Unfortunately in our society, that means being "intellectual." Even more unfortunate is the fact that being an "intellectual" in our society means being Marxist. She, like many others is just trying to show how big her brain is to attract some soyboy bugman instead of showing how big her tits are to try and attract a high-T Chad. Its the fault of the Jew that she is a Marxist, but not his fault that women imitate whatever they are told is chic.


Don't let their politics dissuade you. I just stumbled across this yesterday.


When will you understand that a robot waifu can't yell at you, can't abuse you, can't take your money.

She is there for you 24/7 and won't deny you her holes.

>But where is the western counterpart to Putin?
Found him

there's a bunch of weird shit in it that is kinda unsettling, to me at least

>sheep with dog/wolf teeth bottom left
>oddly long and ornate earring
>gucci models have the same face middle right
>weird text hidden in the billboard ad middle left
>starbucks woman skeleton face middle left
>main girl is head down, eyes looking up, the way an abused person does

Just your typical useful idiot.

Yo user where do you live in Boston. I live close to Northeastern.

lol I enjoy a nice ass but that just looks ridiculous. baboon ass

What trait is important during warfare?

>What trait is important during warfare?
Being Jewish. Then every fights for you and you barely ever get hurt.

>i'm undocumented

>ICE her

She is looking for guidance. Where is it?
Who dose she need to survive the coming storm?

Its called college

Getting closer. All those DUMB sheep, All those DUMB Gucci models and advertisements. Even she is DUMB.

That bitch is shaped like a skeleton

> fuck every leftist whore you can get your hands on
> when they're fanging for second message them that it was a mistake, you shouldn't have gone through with it and wanted to stop half way but felt pressured
> they start to resent people that claim to have wanted to withdraw consent without saying no
> they attack eachother
> go marry a good woman
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