Hunter X Hunter

I wish my mammy was Cammy!

Other urls found in this thread:

Do we deserve cammy?

I wish Camilla would poo in my mouth!

i'd take advantage of that

>it's an autistic cammyfag episode
Oh boy

>people still think killua is weaker than machi

Billbro has to get Leorio to come heal him with a hug.

can nenbeasts fuc?

Hallelujah by rufus wainright

Now, I've heard there was a sacred prince
That Benjamin fears, because of her sins
Not one of her enemies know what to do
She'll kill them all, the peasants, the filth
Fuugetsu shall fall, tubeppa gets killed
The baffled king even fears Camilla

Oh camilla
Oh camillac
Oh camilla
Oh camilla

Your beast was strong but you needed fuel
Momoze you went to bed to soom
And now you'll never be freeeeeee
Fuugetsu is next that stupid whore
Women on Sup Forums, no no more
From my lips I sing oh Camilla

Oh camilla
Oh camilla
Oh camilla
Oh camilla



when is Togashi going to bring back /ourguy/?

Buckle up, boys. I can tell already that this thread is going to be absolutely garbage.

I named my gardevoir Camilla. She likes me

>Edgy fucker scared of people stronger than him
>stronger than anyone

Tompa at least was voiced by Togashi to become the recurring shitpost, but this dude is just outdated and busted.

Why is everyone mean to cammy!!

I'm pretty sure he's stronger than your favourite character.

cab we please get a new thread
very rude sage

Cammyfag has been wanting to make an HxH thread for a while, so he's going to have a field day

If the Quimera Ant Queen had eaten Tonpa, would Meruem still have fallen into Netero's obvious trap?

It's fucking Friday you doublenigger you couldn't wait till sunday to go full shitpost. Sage for shit thread.

Nice scribbles Togashi

I'm not shitposting. Goreinu is one of my favorite characters

What did Sopa de macaco-kun mean by this?

Killua isn't edgy

Togashit is a lazy fuck

What do gourmet hunters think about sopa de macaco?

New thread, cammyfag is pure cancer.

Definitely, at least he has submitted to GODA.
Fatty would probably gobble it down, don't know about Menchi, maybe she'd really like it, she is a lady of refined tastes after all.


>huemonkey is a wan pissfag

He's too busy fucking Pitou in an alternate universe.

>Being this assblasted.

Never watched that shit. Listened to the opening multiple times though, it's great.

>killing people in an exam that allows murder is edgy
Are you retarded by any chance?

Don't try to steal my friends. Delete this

>ass blasted over cancer
nigger you wish

All they did was bump into him. They didn't deserve to die

>killing people for bumping into you is okay now
They were on an airship and took a break. Killuafags sure are deluded

>replying to killuafags
>acknowledging killuafags


You got tickets to see the new heavens arena match. You can take one human hxh girl with you. Who's it gonna be /hxh/

Being immoral isn't being edgy necessarily. I bet you think Hisoka is edgy too. Also, Kurapicucks have no right to talk about edginess.

Bubblegum girl from CA

Mito-san so I can try to marry her and get a top tier Freecss son

There needs to be more cammy fanart

I don't usually get drunk bit when I do I open a nice bottle of Camiller lite.


>Not the first post from this IP.

Pitou is the best and cutest girl

Well yeah I make sure to talk to everyone
Moar plox

She has an asphyxiation fetish. Hanzo's clone just overdone it a little.

>Muh dad is so cool when he rips out people's hearts there's no blood
>I wanted that ball so bad that I would have ended up killing that geezer
Almost wanted to see the little shit try and get BTFO

this thread is pure cancer, saged.

yes, though

Cammy is a spoiled bitch and will never be anywhere near as pure and perfect as Pitou is

She's taken

He was annoyed, a bunch of dudes has bumped into him, he killed them relieve his stress.
If anything, it shows his utter disregard for human life at this point.

If you had to choose between being fuugetsus beta orbiter and camillas slave that she abuses physically for fun(not sexually) what would you pick? I wouldn't mind getting kicked by a real woman

Okay retard

what kind of vodka speak is this

Okay in all seriousness Camilla is the better choice. Pitou acts like a retardes cartoon character. She would fail every job interview on site. Furthermore she's just a poor man's zazan

>basing your arguments on 2011's dialogue
You are so fucking desperate. Try reading the manga, slowly.
He is though.

reminder to sage the shit out of bad threads

Who is next on the list to get rubbed off?

>being this mad about your thread not being used

Nah he was justifiably angry in that scene, and he still has nothing on Killua in terms of edginess

darken Momoze's pic.

Fugetsu is probably next.

Killua's edginess faded so fast that it was shitty writing. Can you give more examples?

Either Sale sale or tyson. I really don't like tyson.

The 288th Hunter Exam during GI was such dogshit bs it almost made me drop the series when I first read it. You can meme about O MY RUBBER NEN or O MY EMPEROR TIME or O MY 4th PRINCE all you want but there's no bigger example of a time where Togashi dipped into hack writing than "Oh Killua takes the exam again and he beats everyone in 2 seconds Oh and chairman already has a license ready for him totally not because of favoritism Oh and Killua is the only one that passes :^)))))))" what even came of it?

I can understand people liking GI because taste is subjective but no one ACTUALLY believes GI is objectively good, right?

it's about quality assurance niggerfaggot, not petty emotions.

I want Camilla to lick my bunghole

The same thing could have been done with hisoka or illumi. Or any nen user. I think you just don't like killua. Jealous cuz his childhood was better than yours?

Ging was also the only one to pass his year iirc. It's still shitty writing though. Netero is a wise guy and has radar for ears.

Lucky there was no Hisoka or Illumi that year to kick his ass right there

Why? Hisoka could have done it. Any strong nen user could have accomplished it

>cammyfag opens a new thread, OP and first 2 posts are from the same IP
>he bumps the old thread 5 times to make it reach the limit
>he is still promoting his shitty thread
>Why do we have to deal with this? I thought hxh was supposed to be slow.
becuase lol im such a troll XD

Pitou would rip Cammy's head off in a second and wouldn't even bother using her as a puppet.

>pretending to be the person you call cancer

Do you not like cammy because she makes you feel weird down there?

It had much more applicants, none of them knowing nen is a bit surprising. But yeah, calling it shitty was harsh since an exam might have been boring.

Oh I see why you like pitou now. Because you're just like her. As in you feel all alone in this world. You're obsessed with a certain someone but he doesn't want your smelly four fingered self. And when you see Camilla you see everything you want to be. Everything your chasing.


Fugetsu is too obvious, I think. She's blatantly in the weakest position at the moment, a succession of weak, easy kills sounds boring as a story.

let it got mate this, you ruined your chance for a semi-decent thread because of autism


Even if cammy didn't exist no one would care for pitou. You still have cheadle.

Cummy worst girl!

Hop off my dick, retard. I'm not saying it's unlikely, I'm saying it's unearned and it cheapens the whole thing because it was used as a side note to put the minds of fans at ease.

Except that wasn't the case because in the 287th they all failed during Menchi's part of the exam.

Let us settle this

Tse is in Sale-Sale's room?

I'm guessing that is related to the blood on the floor.

Can you seriously just fuck off

If hisoka wanted he could have killed everyone during the jog with llumi. They would have been given licences then and there

Go cry somewhere else

>more votes than unique IPs in this thread
> ~10 seconds between votes


But how did he kill him? He should have had bodyguards


Reminder that Leorio is also a hunter. He should have been eliminated after Killua went in the "arena".

Yeah nah that's your headcanon