Uhmm guys...
Uhmm guys
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YEAH he's a fucking fake crisis actor being fed lines by leftist fuck media
malcolm in the middle
I'm a skeptic too, but this kid's dad is FBI. It's not unreasonable to think his family moves often or large distances. It's not like he was pushing an agenda in the first clip like he is now. They don't hire crisis actors to argue with lifeguards. This is tinfoil hat tier.
>skeptic too
>tin foil hat tier
you didnt watch him rehearse then you fuckin shill retard kys shareblue genetic defect
I never said he didn't rehearse the lines he's spouting now. I believe he's being used by the media to push anti-gun shit because his dad was involved in similar shit not too long ago. But to think there's any significance to the fact that he was arguing with a lifeguard in California 6 months ago is just silly. When red-pilling normies, you don't bring up every ridiculous possibility. You stick to the shit that's undeniably suspicious. This isn't suspicious.
how many kids end up on TV interviews once, let alone twice in completely opposite ends of the country?
I'm not buying this scam, you can buy it, but I'm not
But why would he be in an interview about arguing with a life guard? If this kid's "job" is to be an agenda pusher for the camera, then what the hell is the point of him being in the first video? Why would they "blow his cover" with a meaningless appearance like that?
>he was on vacation in California and witnessed some guy argue with a lifeguard
What are the odds that there are 2 people in these school shooting stories with the Last name 'Israel'? Sheriff Israel and pic related.
Reminder that poorly-paid shills from a certain shithole will try to turn the dumbest possible thing into a conspiracy if it means being a troll
Lifeguard was pro trump anti-snowflake he says so himself, kid was pushing the law enforcement overreach agenda. MSM is sloppy
About half an inch in this case
You have to go back
funny your ID has WHORE in it, now address this shit about him rehearsing his lines
DID YOU OR DID YOU NOT read my post after that where I agreed with you about him spouting rehearsed lines. It's caps lock no-filter retards like you that make normies block out all conspiracy theories, even when there's good evidence.
This is BAD evidence. It makes you look like a fucking loon.
>Lifeguard was pro trump anti-snowflake he says so himself, kid was pushing the law enforcement overreach agenda. MSM is sloppy
This is a mighty big stretch, and I could see it being a possibility. But it still makes you look fucking crazy. Stick to the SOLID evidence, like the fucking weird shit the kids are saying about the police shooting blanks for a drill, or the pickup truck taking away big black bags out of the back of the school, or the fact that they're demolishing the school just like Sandy Hook. Not this garbage that is VERY easily explained away.
bla bla bla fuck your verbosity shill turnaround pushback faggot
you can buy he went coast to coast as an MSM witness if you're retarded, I won't especially in the face of his rehearsing coached lines. DID YOU FORGET THAT CONTEXT YOU STUPID BITCH
wew is a faggot shill eat my skills
Damn, could you make it any more obvious that you're an idiot? I appreciate that you're on the side of the good guys here, but you're doing more harm than good. Political persuasion requires finesse. I don't understand why so many people fail to realize that. It would be like running up to a liberal and saying "Obama is a gay Muslim Jew Socialist from Kenya and you should support Trump because he is AMERICA FIRST!" Even if none of that is incorrect, you've still become a walking stereotype in their eyes and they will instantly disregard anything else you have to say.
jesus that is one of the jewiest faces I've ever seen
he's not a crisis actor, he's just an attention-seeking loser that happens to already be a political activist
Yeah man, you're right. He's an FBI crisis actor that they deployed in California to argue with a lifeguard about putting a boogie board on a trash can. Is there anything these bastards won't do!?
when did that life guard interview air?
from manchester with love
what, you thought fake news was just a meme?
>'m a skeptic too, but this kid's dad is FBI.
That's his cover. He's an adult LEO embedded into the school to spy on kids that smoke pot. When he "graduated" they had to move him to another school.