Is this coming back someday or are we just delusional?

Is this coming back someday or are we just delusional?

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I think Scientology is a bigger movement. So, explain to me how Nationalist Socialist is more sane?

It's already back

It has its place for sure. If we saw genocide from Serbia so recently, Ethnic cleansing in Africa and the beginning of the total destruction of the big 3 European powers we'll always have a margin of people that are willing to follow National Socialism. It'll live because its not an unreasonable ideology and strives of pride and racial love

It is. Maybe not with the same symbols or name, but it is coming back.

Popularity is not truth.

It never left.

its already back

10. “If you push a negative hard enough, it will push through and become a positive.“

I agree

> Scientology
> Bigger
> 25000

Kek. National Socialism is the idea that those that built the society should rule it, this pertains to race and ethnic collectivism.

11. Political polarization will be worse/the same/better in 2023: 50%/30%/20%

............The culture wars will continue to be marked by both sides scoring an unrelenting series of own-goals, with the victory going to whoever can make their supporters shut up first.
''Communism Leads to Fascism''

Those are interesting thoughts. I actually have been thinking how public opinion change and I think people slowly will start to change their opinions. Especially now that so many years after WW2 have passed, a lot of the anti-Nazi propaganda starts to wear off, even though that propaganda is still active in things like the movie industry.

ye but I just love my country and want the muslims, gays and jews gone.

The jew would love it, since they beat goys under that banner so handily last time that no one sane will align with you under that symbol.

Reality is democratic, so I disagree. God is a real and tangible force in my life because of all the facts supporting is actual functional existence within our universe and day-to-day life.

But ya, nationalism during a time with multinational corporations is definitely going to help stop the global corporations form getting away with (whatever it is you think is wrong with the world)

Yeah, I always thought of the possibility that Hitler was a psy ops. Also look at the result of WW2 - The state of Israel is established and Jews cannot be criticised. Also, Europeans and Americans are so liberal now bcs guilt that they are genociding themselves out of existence. I feel like Hitler may have not deliberately have been a puppet, but that he was controlled without his knowledge.

>i just love my country but i don't want to implement the measures necessary to save it

It will require everyone with a personal connection to the Nazis to pass away (=grandchildren). So I'd say the ETI is around 2070

Not in the same way as it did in germany, but as a fundamental ideology? Definetely, as multiple empires through history have been de facto natsoc.

>unironically thinks there won't be any holocaust survivors in 2070

The best critique of hitler is that he was a soyboy. he lacked ruthlesness which is why stalin won and hitler lost. Stalin was basically natsoc too though...

4th reich naow

I actually like Stalin and but I don't mention it because I get a lot of bad wrap. Stalin hated the Jews and one of the reason he killed so many people is so he could clean his government of the zionist scum. I still think they killed him. Hitler attacked Stalin because he was convinced by people around him and by the English (that they would support him and that he could totally manage it). I think if we talk about kikes, Stalin is prob the only one during WW2 that I can claim without a doubt was clean of jewish tricks


With the revolution, comes the counter-revolution.

Honestly talking the great tragedy of WW2 is that its main conflict was hitler hunting illusions of jewish bolshevists which were already in the grave by the hand of stalin.

pure, unadulterated delusion

It's coming back and probably harder than even we expect, BUT LATER, I say in 10-12 years in many countries.

this is the truth tho
guess we gotta live the varg way from now on

I think Hitler had honest intentions, it's just that he was manipulated. He should've joined with Stalin and BTFO England and the U.S., but I guess someone really didn't want that to happen so prob repeated to Hitler how much he needs to attack the Soviet Union. There is a theory that Hess actually talked to the English and that the English said that they would support Adolf Hitler if he attacked the Soviet Union. Adolf Hitler hated the russian people and communism in general because of his experiences in Weimar Germany with communists so he got easily tricked and attacked. Then England only needed to stab him in the back.

Well to me it seems more likely that the soviets would have attacked germany had barbarossa not happened, but then again the soviet plans of attack were probably fueled by the backstabs hitler did. Also the matter of fact is that when communists say "facism is the final defense of capitalism", they're kind of correct since hitler basically betrayed natsoc by siding with the german industrialists.

>that the soviets would have attacked germany had barbarossa not happened,
I doubt it. It is a well known fact that Stalin chose not to make war preparations. In fact if Stalin had prepared for war, Hitler would've never attacked so hastily. He relied on how much unprepared were the Soviets for a war. Stalin couldn't wage war in the next 5 years at least. The conclusion is that Stalin indeed for one reason or another trusted Hitler completely.

I mean the soviets had certain top secret plans ready in advance, and furthermore their armies were positioned to prepare for an attack. Although I somewhat agree with you as Stalin thought that operation barbarossa was an anglo plot.

at least the nationalism part

I think we can objectivly say that is coming back. Even more, I sometimes think if what elites are really pushing for is for this.
We know for sure that the perfect moment for fascism to appear is when a crushed nation faces the menace of comunism. Then fascism,
with a bit of this from and a bit of that from the right, is the most appealing ideology for everyone than is not already a communist.
But the thing is, don't you think the elites are very clear of what they intend to do? Isn't this a so obvius plan for everyone who studies it a little bit? So, if it isn't that obvius, but a more subtle and carefully elaborated plan?
What if they are just pushing for the perfect clima of fear and war that is so good for fascism to appear? I sometimes think that we have an even more white supremacist leaders than ourselves pushing for the next race war that free's us from guilt and empathy.
But it is kind of next level paranoia, so I don't think is the case.

with a bit from this from the left****

Dunno, the whole thing is really fishy. There are definitely things we don't know.

with a bit of this from the left***************************
OMFG I'm so retarded right now I need to sleep


Why would you want an organization that killed or wanted to swathes of europe back? Nazism was kind of a failed experiment.

Dude it was so enjoyable to have a walk on the occupied france from the axis. Nothing compared to te germany ocuppied by the soviets or your burguerland

>pic related


RWDS when?

Doesn't really matter considering American demographics, but there is still hope for Europe.

The U.S is heading towards a civil war, but who knows if it will be in our lifetime.

lmao if that were in America I'd steal the shit out of that flag

Once the age of decadence is over it will naturally come. Hitler was fighting against the current. He did so bravely.

The last will fix this. He was the final before the last.

yes, but in israel, tough luck nigga

German national socialism wont come back, but fascism will. Its more nebulous, harder to pin down.

stalin was manipulated by jews, too.
Not russian jews, but US/UK jews.
Their conflict was inevitable, because fascism and communism are natural enemies.
What he needed to do was tell japan to not fucking bomb hawaii, and to leave china alone and bomb russia at their back door while simultaneously deflecting air support from alaska rushing to russia's aid during the blitzkreig

There are two problems with that. First: Japanese wouldn't listen. They were quite stubborn. Second: Russia is really vast. They could afford losing some territory. Japanese would have had a horrible time just moving into Russia. I also don't think the U.S. would've let Russia just being BTFO by Japan and German knowing that the States are next.

I don’t care about NatSoc, but we need to start cutting up Jews with swastika knives.

Even if it did come back most Sup Forumstards would be sterilized or shot by the ideology they love. Best case scenario second rate citizens without reproductive rights.

sleep well, young prince

are you a nigger? why would you steal that flag otherwise? crime is for the subhuman

Judge policy by the fruit and quit believing words of known liars. You will easily observe with your eyes that they never left. They won.

It's already here.


Most Sup Forumstards are effectively sterilized and killed by the liberal dogma anyway. Nothing to lose but our chains.

We'll end up falling behind because once civil war hits us again, we'll more than likely be in the 3rd world war. Germany's gonna take back its pride and come out on top again.

Of course I'm just basing this off of the predictions of some old south african man. Can't remember his name.

I Germany maybe, I don't know how it would come back in any other place 2bh

fighting those who wish to destroy you is a self defense situation buddy.


You call murdering minorities sane?

what are you

one of our colonies.

The world would be a better place in the long run. But the inability of most Nazi advocators here to understand they would not be desirable in the fascist state is lamentable.

If you don't want to end up like us, then yes. It is sane.

Well, the thing is, japan attacked us over oil sanctions and they believed to have acted in defense over their country's livelihood. All Germany needed to do was say,"Hey, help us take russia and you can have new oil. Russian/Finland oil."
Yeah, russia's big, but they had everything prepped for a full on frontal invasion(which was why germany attacked so hastily). All Japan had to do was keep the US Army Air Corps alaska squadrons from assisting Russia by blockading the bearing sea and holding the peninsula by the bearing straight. There's no way US aircraft would've risked going around through the arctic.
But these are just wishful thinking hypothetical situations

What do you mean by end up like us?

>russia's big, but they had everything prepped for a full on frontal invasion
No, they didn't. Stalin didn't prepare for war at all.

It`s kinda back not in a same form as you might you think and maybe 1000 years will now materialize

You're right, I was blind by the fact he was disabled.
He not only aligns with communists, but is also probably leeching off disability.


Well he did prepare for war, but it was against his own people

A mongrel state with an average IQ of 79 without racial identity, an enormous shithole in permanent stasis were nothing advances in either the political or economical areas.

The Masons here promoted miscegenation in tidal waves here around the 60's and everything went to shit soon afterwards. Brazilians don't like to be reminded they are mongrels.

Regardless, japan would've been better off than if stalin had prepped lol

I think the Japanese should've coordinated more with Hitler, instead of acting all high and mighty and doing shit on their own which eventually got them all into trouble.

Ive got some brazilian mutt(she's primarily white but she looks like she has some south american genes in her) trying to get me to come visit her
(she was an exchange student)
She wants my seed
Should I ignore her? Hump and dump at least.

Also (4:11)

and how did hitler get to power? democracy
fucking shit tier anarchist

fuck mang

Ignore. If you're white marry a white woman, if you're a mutt too don't have kids for the good of the USA.