Just a chain of thought:

> Soros has droopy iris (coloboma)

> Madeleine McCann (missing) has droopy iris

> The baby Alifantis showed off on Instagram around 2016 has the exact droopy iris thing.

Madeleine was around 13 (child bearing age) in 2016.

Possible conclusion? They are keeping her on a secret baby farm in Europe, to produce droopy iris babies using Soros' frozen semen. Droopy eye gene in both parents = bigger chance of baby getting the droopy eye. But some of Madeleine's babies are still born without this valued trait Soros desires in his rapebabies. Like defective dogs, these unlucky (or should I say lucky) babies are killed after birth, or, perhaps, raised as elite sex slaves.

The question is: why does Soros need to mass-produce droopy iris babies? Is this an ego trip thing? He wants the future to be in the hands of people with the same birth defect? Or does he use them as living blood bags and organ donors for his aged, failing body, like Rothchilde did before him? Will the Marked rule the world in just 15-20 years or so? Or will we never see them again?

Remember the Alamo

Other urls found in this thread:

The child I was talking about:


Sigurd "snake in the eye" kin. Keep blaming da j00z

Coloboma as incest mark of Caine

this thread serves as a reminder that not all autism is good, in fact some autism is fucking tragic

The white rabbit symbol showed up on places suspected of being child farms.

In addition, the conspiracyfags have been saying for years that abductions have occured for years in order to populate large underground societies.

Question, considering our current state of technology - is it plausable people are farmed (pharmed) for human research purposes? How many people go missing ea year? Where are hot spots?

The saggy eyebags thing though, you lost me. What exactly is the point of breeding this phenotype? Is Soros special in some manner?

what is it about pizzagate that you find unbelievable or autistic? it's completely fact based. i won't pretend I have all the answers, for example it is not known exactly why and how are the children used, but it is a completely plausible thing.

You all are so amazing you are doing so much for the world what would we do with out your Amazing superness FAGS!

The Soros thing is a bit conspiracy-ish. But the idea about about children being from Madeleine is a-okay. Though, not in a legal sense, of course.

All I can think of when I read threads like these is that the OP is the sickest fucks of all. In order to come up with these insane stories you have to have had a thought of doing these things yourselves as well. As if when you would be in absolute power, this is the kind of things you would do, but since you're not in absolute power, you're expecting the ones that are to be into this kind of shit. Neck yourself.

I am asking the same question. Why would he need these babies? If he does breed them with the help of little Madeleine, that is, and it's not all just in my head. I won't pretend I have a sane answer. Perhaps he thinks himself special and is growing heirs to the multiculturalist throne. Perhaps, like any man with a god complex, he wants to create in his image. Perhaps it's all a pipe dream, man... The truth is a slippery snake... in the eye....

Someone posted a chart pic here a while ago, that explained the droopy iris thing. Apparently, it happens to people with an enlarged pineal gland.


Mengele was also very fascinated with renal colobomas and spent quite a bit of time and money trying to understand their cause. Mengele was possibly interested in colobomas because they are more likely to appear when both parents have them. Meaning you could have a physical marker marking your bloodline. This was before DNA.
Also the same gene involved in colobomas is the gene which causes cancer.

This is the same type of shilling that used to be used on reddit when /r/pizzagate existed. "You guys are just pedophiles trying to find sources!!!" The entire argument falls apart the second the person reading decides to do their own research. Which they always do.

I dream of a world without evil, brother, without secrets, without cults, without conspiracies. I want a world where pizzagate would look like a sick, twisted fantasy, and not something as plausible and fact based as it is. I have no evil in my heart. Only hatred for those, who think of other human beings as cattle. I would never use my frozen semen to breed children with birth defects using a kidnapped 13 y.o. girl. I'm saying (((SOMEONE))) would.







Im phonefagging right now, I have the file but don't dare go through my photos in public. A few moments of googlefu reveals the subject matter is called iridology.

optimistic view:
OP is suffering from a psychotic episode (curable, might go back to leading a normal life)
pessimistic view:
OP is full-blown schizophrenic.
seek help, seriously.

>Madeleine McCann (missing
No, she's not. Her parents killed her. Trying to turn a simple murder into some big conspiracy is weird.

>optimistic view:
>OP is suffering from a psychotic episode (curable, might go back to leading a normal life)
>pessimistic view:
>OP is full-blown schizophrenic.
>seek help, seriously.

you're just racist bro

This is quite interesting. Perhaps, the babies are used for harvesting and consuming the gland at the Ceremonies? They say this gland can make you see all matter of things. Maybe this is how they talk to Moloch?

Why would they kill her? Why would Clement Freud (later found out to be a serial child rapist and a big pal of the Clintons) console them at his ranch? Do you see how it all piles up?

Rich and powerful people having sex with children and acting decadent is not exactly a novel idea.

>Do you see how it all piles up?

Ever thought why?

because it is the thing most condemned by society. if cows were the most sacred thing to us, they would slay cows instead. in order to gain more control, you have to incriminate yourself by committing the crime most shunned by society.

what you are doing is 100% randomly attributing anything to the pineal gland, treating it as some kind of container for your delusions. something weird is happening to the world !? it must somehow be connected to the pineal gland, because the pineal gland is magic !!!!111111
i would treat your posts with respect if there was *some* kind of frame of reference here. actual texts with unconventional theories etc. - but you are simply 100% randomizing.

dude, i'm not saying I believe it, this is more of brainstorming. sometimes the things you storm out might sound a tad silly... sometimes you hit the right spot. not for me to decide which idea is good. i'm just spillin them out.

i guess if you're that interested and (unlike 90% of the /x/ - /fringe/-people) capable of looking beyond random "whoa dude the pineal bro" stutterings of potheads, you should do what one does when one seeks actual answers and not just the warm feeling of fake insights and shocking conspiracies:
read a good book about it.
it's a choice, really: do you want the fuzzy feeling of just letting off steam here, or actually some kind of knowledge?