Media sexualized the shit out of tennis player Martina Hingis in 1996 when she was just 16.
No one gave it a second thought.
Do you understand how brainwashed you are by current feminism which wants you to accept older women as partners?
Media sexualized the shit out of tennis player Martina Hingis in 1996 when she was just 16.
No one gave it a second thought.
Do you understand how brainwashed you are by current feminism which wants you to accept older women as partners?
>Do you understand how brainwashed you are by current feminism which wants you to accept older women as partners?
consent age is 14 here.
But it's still considered pedo if a 30 year old hook up with a 14 year old, right?
No, 16 is PTP.
they are sexualy mature even at 14-15 sometimes
>Do you understand how brainwashed you are by current feminism which wants you to accept older women as partners?
At this point I couldn't care, there's too much at stake (literally the end of white people) not to play along. At this stage, it's like we're on a leaking oil tanker and they're threatening to light matches, they'll kill themselves too and we're wet with carcinogenic anyway.
fuck I jerked off to Hingis so many times
barney frank had sex with a page so now all kids must be 16 to be a page because thatsthe age of consent so your not a pedo if you fuck a 16 year old i know my niece was 16 and she fuck a 40 yo guy my sister in law was pissed tried to press charges state trooper said there was nothing they could do
Only if it's a republican
Seriously, you jerked of to HER butt?
The only people who actually think it's "pedo" to be attracted to 15-18 year olds are middle aged roasties who are bitter that they look like shit, parents that want to discourage older men from dating their daughters, or people who try to be PC and claim it is so no one calls them out(and because it's illegal). The reality is men of all ages and cultures are attracted to teenage girls whether they admit it or not.
a woman is full grown by the age of 16. if you're attracted to 20 year olds, newsflash guys, you're attracted to 16 year olds too. they're biologically indistinguishable. nature really did intend for us to breed by that age. where i am AoC is 16. but yeah, some places it's higher and i think that's a poor decision.
on the other hand, there's stuff like what happened to brooke shields. she was being published fully naked at age 10 in playboy publications. fucked up shit, man.
Because as you grow up you should be attracted to your cohort. Only degenerates are attracted to children who aren't intellectually developed
>intellectually developed
Women in general are not intellectually developed you mutt
Brain development is not complete at 20. And a 16 year old lacks life experience. Being 16 and attracted to 16 year olds is normal. Being 30 and attracted to 16 year olds is not
>Mutt calling a mutt a mutt
At least I don't need mental gymnastics to justify why I want to fuck children
>state arrangend marriages
Here we go.
I like how her skirt is at its full length...
Not pedophilia user. That is Ephebophilia.
Is that a fat tranny?
That's easy to do when you're a virgin
No 16 year olds are fucking sexy I remember being so fucking pissed when the chicks at our school dated only older guys cuz they had cars and could fuck them better or some shit that made me so mad
Who are you calling fat?
I'll have to take your word on that one. I don't need to pick up inexperienced children to get my dick wet
This is how it is basically done in Israel.
Show your flag pedo sub human
Reminder that an 18 year old woman is just as mature as a 40 year old woman. The only difference is she's happier, hotter, and more fertile
prob not since its legal age where i live
More like Martina HNNNNNNNNGIS, amirite? XDD
whats wrong amerifat? are you having breathing problems again?
Have you not progressed or matured since you turned 18?
Not if the 40 year old spent the last 20 years making and raising a family.
Makes for easy grabbin'.
>Hell, you can get a whole muff in your hand without even trying!
She had quite the ass even before she turned 18
ich figge 16 jährige deutsche schlampen täglich du hurensohn
nur noch eine generation und die almanen sind ausgerottet :DDDDDDDDDDDDDD
I still have some old volumes of Letters to Penthouse, from the 90s, where the writers casually incorporate 16 year olds into the story. It really did not have this kind of stigma back then.
You rarely see asses like that today, something is in the food or water. That's a 100% european slovakian teen ass. That is fucking premium my dude.
That's becuse they are the most tight at 16-18
Jerry sienfield dated a 17 year old when he was 39, nobody said shit. Dane cook is like 45 dating a 19 year old.
If you have money, nobody says anything.
Borderline pedo, yes.
ITT cumbrained losers trotting out the old naturalistic fallacy
"when a child is physically able to reproduce I should be able to fuck it without people thinking I'm a sick freak cuz muh biology"
How the hell is that a tight ass?
Being attracted to girls when they hit puberty is disgusting and not natural. I only want 35+ strong independent women who dont need no man.
Im a man btw.
Hello Turk; how are the gibs of Eur trash?
Why is it considered pedo to be attracted to 16 year olds?
Why is it considered pedo to be attracted to 15 year olds?
Why is it considered pedo to be attracted to 14 year olds?
Why is it considered pedo to be attracted to 13 year olds?
Why is it considered pedo to be attracted to 12 year olds?
Why is it considered pedo to be attracted to 11 year olds?
Why is it considered pedo to be attracted to 10 year olds?
Why is it considered pedo to be attracted to 09 year olds?
Why is it considered pedo to be attracted to 08 year olds?
Why is it considered pedo to be attracted to 07 year olds?
Why is it considered pedo to be attracted to 06 year olds?
Why is it considered pedo to be attracted to 05 year olds?
Why is it considered pedo to be attracted to 04 year olds?
Why is it considered pedo to be attracted to 03 year olds?
Why is it considered pedo to be attracted to 02 year olds?
Why is it considered pedo to be attracted to 01 year olds?
I bet your poo colored.
It's considered distasteful because they are essentially seen as and treated as children. Even grown women are treated as children to some extent.
They have all these forms of birth control, can have an abortion to kill a living thing that has unseen potential, and demand men pay for all of their choices. Free birth control, a free morning after pill, free abortions, free condoms, ex-cetra. And if she decides to have the baby she can choose to give it up for adoption without notifying or naming the father. She can also surrender the child to a fire station or other designated area under safe haven laws. If she decides to keep the child the man can be forced by a court to pay child support or face imprisonment.
>Women act like and are treated like children...because they are.
socially accepted: your age divided by two and add 7
below that you are a creepy motherfucker
Becuse it's not fat, and if it wasn't tight it would be ugly.
It's not flappy
>Brain development is not complete at 20.
No. It's actually 25 or sometimes older. Not everyone is the same.
> And a 16 year old lacks life experience.
WTF is "life experiences" even mean? Like, how much cock she had ridden? If that's the case then I want a girl with 0 life experiences.
> Being 16 and attracted to 16 year olds is normal. Being 30 and attracted to 16 year olds is not
Everyone has a different standard of "normal". Why should anybody follow someone else's standard? If it's legal then it's normal in the eyes of the law.
If you like 30+ year old used up whores, go ahead, but I'll stick with younger girls.
what are you on about?
The age of consent is 16 or below in almost every european country.
>who dont need no man.
sure you are LaQuisha
I think it looks a little flabby, no?
This is why you're alone
>your age divided by two and add 7
Post-wall roastie propaganda. No one will say shit to me when I'm 35 and I bang uni girls, I don't give a fuck who says what and no one can stop me.
Why are 14 year olds so sexy though?
There is literally NOTHING wrong with Hebephillia or Ephebophillia, Normalfags and redditors say it's wrong and fly into uncontrollable rages calling you a pedo for liking 14 yr old qt3.14s.
A little bit, yes.
Pedophilia and Ephebophilia are two different things, most people just don't know what the second word means and just call the whole spectrum pedophilia.
Yes, the perfect amount.
Ill fuck who I want. Try and stop me faggot.
Anyone who would consider it pedo is a complete idiot but it's still illegal.
>the media promotes degeneracy
Wow really?
It comes down to having an emotional (higher conscious) connection with a sexual partner. As opposed to lowering yourself to carnal/animal desires and wanting to cause frictional conflict with the vagina of a small person whom you can physically dominate.
Oh and fucking 14 year old virgins really isn't as good as it seems. It's awkward, messy and when it's over you have to deal with an over emotional 14 year old girl in your room.
>Why is it considered
maybe that happens in Yurop but not here, faggot. I've met my wife when she was 15 and I 21.
My girlfriend is 17. I'm 27.
I can agree it's cute with a bit of flab if the rest of the body isn't the same.
But as a tennis player, she sure showed off a lot despite having such an unfit backside
btw does anyone have a link to the actual article on the image?
>they're biologically indistinguishable
being this retarded.
their brains are drastically different.
the only reason men go after teenage girls is because they are rock spiders who never get a second look from adult females. teenagers are still easy to manipulate and brainwash and it is easier to hide the fact you are a loser that no decent women would go near.
> being this dense
Young women are more fertile. This is simply evolution. Men are more attractive to more fertile mates. End of story.
found a rockspider.
women think he is a loser so he chases impressionable teenagers who cannot see through his facade yet.
FBI why you do dis?
Age of consent is 14-16 in all relevant European countries, and it's 16 in over 30 US states.
Only retards will argue against Hebephilia being natural and good.
This. Any man that thinks he's not attracted to younger girls is lying to himself.
>socially accepted: your age divided by two and add 7
>below that you are a creepy motherfucker
so if i am 2 i am suppose to date 8 year olds ??? you stupid FUCKING retard
another rockspider
whats wrong, cannot pretend your genital warts are hair follicles with adult women?
when roses are red they're ripe for plucking
when girls are sixteen they're ripe for fucking
I guessing they are legal if the similar pics have getty watermarks on them.
>germanics destroying: human reproduction, traditions, religions, nations, family, races, continents
Honestly the Germanic laws dominate the western world, where sexuality has been so heavily demonized throughout its history that attraction to teenagers is seen as some egregious moral offense.
There was variety amongst different people. In Roman times, a woman was most valuable once she had her period and able to have her first children, a man would be most valuable when he was established with a career and status. The age gap of marriage in Greco-Roman culture was therefore quite high.
Now compare that to the Germanic people. According to Tactius' Germania, the Germanic people would stay pure untill both men and women reached around the age of 20 or 30, their strength would be combined in strong offspring.
This is nowadays still quite noticable, in countries like Italy, it is still quite common for 30 something year old guys to have 13 year old girlfriends. In Northern European countries, this is heavily frowned upon.
the age stigma is purely Germanic.
the natural and biological reproductive age for females is dictated by the period, which all humans and animals are biologically programmed to follow.
the germanics, being autists, aren't in tune with biology and nature of the rest of humanity.
being that germanics conquered the world and forced everyone to submit to the autism of the germanics, the biology of humanity has been hijacked by germanic autism and we follow the command of our conquerers
Fuck you I hate the heebs
Young girls are not emotionally mature enough to be a mother and provide horrible foundations for a family unit.
Humans are not animals.
i've had a number of steady girlfriends throughout my life, i'm only 32. I never cheated on or mistreated them, and i did love them.
none of them were significantly younger than me, 4 years was the biggest age gap which was my most recent girlfriend, i was 31 she was 27.
despite all this, if i had to absolutely force myself to cheat, you can bet your ass it wasn't going to be with someone my age, or even someone older even though they were more skilled in bed. i would go for the 16 year old everytime, even if they were shit in bed, because as a man i'm attracted to fertile and young women.
you pretend to everyone you only have hebephilia and there is nothing wrong with you but anyone can see you are pedophile in denial. no one is stopping pedophiles like you from self correcting, just aim true.
>laying bricks in the rain
i shiggy diggy
Her panties are at least two sizes too small
Anna Kournikova was the only hot female tennis player at the time. Martina was cute for a 16 year old and would have won a lot more tournaments but the two Compton beasts showed up and basically retired her.
>but anyone can see
yeah, she instigated all the sexual attention. Wimbledon even had to reinforce the dress code because of these girls.
Because if you're uglier than the most beautiful 20% of the population, everything you do is a sign of pedophilia, because the superstars just want an excuse to kill you, and pedophilia is as good an excuse as any.
What many people don't know is WHY the age of consent was raised in the first place.
It's because back in the day, when prostitution was big in the USA, older women would notice that the men would only go to the younger girls. So the older prostitutes would lose money.
These old prostitutes decided to start a "Save the young girls" campaign and raise the age of consent. Not because they actually gave a shit about them, but because they needed to outlaw competition. Now you know.
They do provide a solid foundation for my rock hard cock
>If you like young girls it means your a gross creep who can't make it with real girls
>Stop chasing after young qts and marry Stacy already! Who else is gonna pay for Tyrone's kid?
Ok retard.
[source]? That sounds like an interesting read.
>Young girls are not emotionally mature enough to be a mother and provide horrible foundations for a family unit.
Define "young". You can start dating a girl when she's 16-17, bond with her for 5+ years and when she's 21+ you can go ahead and start thinking about marriage, kids etc. if you're still attracted to each other.
This whole, "Young girls are not emotionally mature" bs is meme and is perpetuated by older (usually 30+) guys/girls that spent their youth riding the cock carousel and still haven't settled down.
Those tattoos are fucking disguising.