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Allah be praised!!
Thanks Trump
Gonna be a lot of suicides as the swamp drains. Today Mueller finally showed his hand. The lobbyists thought they might be safe until today.
No link, cock master?
What the fuck is Essex
I didn't know there were niggers in Connecticut
Religion of Peace strikes again.
chav country
School shooting school shooting
they have to have another one already as their last Parkland drill gone live is under severe doubt and attack from all sides the suspicion and problems level are destroying the narrative - QUICK redirect attention, go live on drill #42, essex connecticut
Its a town in Connecticut
>inb4 they investigate it for a week before realizing it's a funeral home
Another false flag?
Connecticut is full with white trash and you know this
the absolute state of news
sauce anyone?!
Fucking exactly, this dudes pretty reliable. I checked everything and its pretty accurate.
Not this guy again
>at a residence in Essex
Guy probably caught a dindu in the bedroom, not a happening
petit murders 2.0
Press F to pay your respects to the humble nutmegger state
police found a couple dead bodies in a house
not a happening
op is a faggot
Lol random. Are you feeling well user-san?
Insh'allah. Takbir! Ma'sha'allah.
>no word on how many or how
What is twitter saying? I bet if we are quick we can find videos uploaded by bystanders showing religion of peace.
It's fucking infested what do you mean
2 dead happened hours ago
it’s what Mexicans call fucking
it's a country in london
please be muslim
>He thinks that there's literally any mainstream opposition to the parkland survivor narratives
By "from all sides" did you really mean "Sup Forums, breitbart and t_d"
>some faggot killed his family
go shoot up a school niggerfaggot
Essex is my city
>Be American
>Get killed
>go to twatter
>search essex
>leftist screeching
I am truly shocked by that.
>it's fucking nothing
Dude, it's Connecticut. Wasp central. 99% chance it's a white kid angry that his parents took away his car for a week.
>Allah be praised!!
100 dollars it was poo colored towl heads. Them fuckers are all over Essex.
My buddy lives nearby, says confirmed related to Florida shooting
>happens in a no-gunz state
How so?
>dead murilards
The absolute state of Sup Forums
lol guess you've never heard of New Haven or Hartford
Your buddy is Ricky Retardo
Its not in Bongland, its in Burgerland. Thank fuck.
Fuck I was about to go to bed
>Connecticut. Wasp central. 99%
what is this! fash back to the 90s? Connecticut is nigger town now.
I just looked out my window and saw the state of Florida in Connecticut. It had dozens of bump stocks.
Guns killing peoples again?!?!?!
WTF is wrong with this world.
Non-Anglos out
another day another happening
Real and heterosexual
Says that key witnesses in seeing multiple gunmen that day possibly speaking Hebrew
Q said this would happen!
So if this is another school shooting it pretty much confirms the feds are on an all out assault to disarm us, keep killing kids until we finally give them up
This will be the nightmare we live in. I hope Trump is moving fast because there isn't much time
Please be a transsexual muslim woman of colour
Please be a transsexual muslim woman of colour
Please be a transsexual muslim woman of colour
Please be a transsexual muslim woman of colour
Please be a transsexual muslim woman of colour
Aye same, guess its HABBENING time
> CT in 2018
> WASP central
More like Wop central, amirite fellas?
They wouldn't false flag with one of those
it was a women she killed her husband two adult sons her dog then shot herself. Pray it was a handgun.
or Bridgeport
>already been hours
>no twitter shitstorm
I'd bet a fiver it's a domestic murder-suicide, always is
What the fuck? You're right. Burgers should stop stealing our names, it's confusing
DACA on a wheelchair
>New Haven
Yalies getting mugged on the regular
Whats this, now?
>Earlier today, Nutley Police Department Chief Thomas Strumolo issued a statement stating that there is no threat to Nutley residents or school children.
>The investigation is centered around a video posted on the Instagram social media platform. TAPinto Nutley was first to report that story Thursday night. Nutley Schools Closed Friday Following Security Threat
something is being hidden
Reported as only 2 people...
Not even remotely Jimmy Rustlin
If it has anything to do with violence at a school get ready to REEEEE at the top of your lungs
Dis, two confirmed deaths cops say no threat
I know right, I saw Essex and thought we were gonna have some fun time but apparently not. We dodged a bullet but some burgers didn't
good, dead racists deserved it
Can confirm. Saw a flock of bumpstocks moving from Florida northward to Connecticut about 2 and a half hours ago.
> 2 deaths
murder-suicide. This isn't even news.
did they have comped taco bell?
>confirmed related to Florida shooting
So Comey's old pedo buddies let this one happen too?
not too far from Sandy Hook, probably a lot of rich media people live there
Spit out my fucking drink
2 (two) dead
Source?! I couldn't find anything on Fox.
Trumps fault
Someone has to stop all of these bumpstock migrations!
>2 (two)
4 DEAD including the shooter + one Doggo
women kills husband and two adult sons plus theri dog then shoots herself.
>Police say around 1:30 p.m. on Tuesday, units were conducting a well-being check. Upon entry, the officers located two deceased people inside.
why would cops be doing a well being check? druggies perhaps?
Dude have you been to Bridgeport? It’s pretty much a city of nearly only niggers