Greece has the most aesthetic shape of any country in Europe

Greece has the most aesthetic shape of any country in Europe.

Wut? I thought Greece was an island?

What a fucking mess. It looks like your budget.

>burger education
Somebody please screencap this

Look at a map. Greece is a little island and Athens is on it. With the Olympics and stuff started. It is not a land attached country, at least the parts that matter.

Are you actually so stupid that you don't know the difference between an island and a peninsula?

Greece is on a little island in the Mediterranean sea.

it looked better with its anatolian package

Greece is topography is quite unique. I can see how its size and shape would facilitate the development of unique and powerful cultures, especially in ancient/classical periods.


Never be ashamed of that which you do not know. Fuck the haters.

I'm gonna give to Italy, Iran, Peru, Cuba, and Japan.

screencap it yourself


There's not knowing and there's never have looked at a fucking map on at least 18 years of life.

Unironically agree with this, im all for taking back land but Greece would look awful with thrace and the coast

Retard apologist

Also, Greece looks like shit.

You're lucky we let you be a state. I wish we could deport you all.

There's more burgers in Costa Rica than Costaricans in burgerland, so
>I wish we could deport you all.

Wtf me too. Is this, dare I say, a Mandela effect?

No, it isn't, you fucking retard.

Greece looks like god too an explosive shit all over the Aegean

Greece looks like the Balkan's ripped anus torn by Turkey

Looks like someone sneezed!

Japan looks like a withered noodle dick of a permavirgin that died alone

>not standing on your own foot in the middle of what's literally "our sea"

Did you gf leave you for a weeb?
Comfy impenetrable islands are great.

Did somebody ask for aesthetic shapes?


> weeb
> gf
Kekd twice

What impenetrable islands are you talking about? The ones that got annexed by Russia after WW2?

Talking about the main island, not imperial holdings.

Soon brother, soon

the titanics sister britannic lays to rest near one of those islands,bastard germans sank it while it was being used as a hospital ship

this has to be bait

>transporting weapons illegally
>hospital ship

choose one.

As aesthetic as a brutally gang-raped avocado left in the sun for a week... which coincidentally its pretty much what Greece is.

reminds me of the naked black guy with hand around a cuck

Somebody say

A E S T H E T I C ?

Implying al-Andalus is in a better shape Juan Maria Muhammad ibn Farukh

>>burger education

Unironically a paradise.

>what's literally our sea
Lol, it hasn't been yours since the 5th century, fag. The last time you tried calling it that you got BTFO by the British (WWII).

>wh*Tes will never know the true joy of living in such a God-tier Mediterranean paradise
Feels good