How did Astolfo get his ass to look like that? Just good genes? Magic?
How did Astolfo get his ass to look like that? Just good genes? Magic?
>draw girl
>call boy
Being 2D.
Tracking and cycling while not cutting fats and carbs can make male ass look feminine.
Isn't there a guide to become the perfect trap somewhere, I didn't save it.
that's a female's ass
Theres a manga series about it
Because some horny loser decided to draw them like that.
Now fuck off to or already retard
The more semen the better.
bad artists
how did he achieve a female's ass?
The perfect male body.
>Eat more
how gay is this? Asking for a friend.
Delete that, there are underaged people here
So I've been thinking about traps lately
>women have shitty personalities but are sexy
>some men have good personalities but are ugly
The perfect partner would be a trap because you have the potential for a good personality and sexiness, but unfortunately 98% of traps have fucked up masculine bone structure and are abominations, and the few passing traps all get boyfriends too quick. So instead we have to settle for women which are just shitty versions of the perfect dream trap. Life is unfair baka
>women have shitty personalities
you're just gay
what is under the heart owo
>flesh fang
Women can't think logically and they're incompetent or mediocre at most things, that's just the truth. Most men can look past their mental inferiority as long as they're hot but as for me, once I bust a nut my tolerance level greatly diminishes
most of the artwork just looks like a twink boy desu
its non-h. So not very.
It's not gay if Astolfo is the ONLY trap I've jacked it to, right? Is that how it works?
I have an ass like that, it's terrible for buying pants
>"I have an ass like that"
It is though. You stupid faggots must think it's fun and hot to have a woman's ass, the truth is it's hairy and ugly and buying male pants (because I'm straight) is a nightmare
I may start that couch to 5k thing, thanks for posting this
I was just repeating you for how random that sounds
Gym. Butts have the biggest muscles in your body. You think hot chicks are born with shapely asses? They squat like everybody else and then some.
you could wear female pants instead. I mean, not like anyone can tell.
No pockets though
How did he get his feet to be like this?
I want to stick my dick in that ass so bad.
It's possibly related to the artist who drew him.
>It's another "I'm gay for Astolfo" thread
Can't we just give it a rest already? Just fap to whatever it's not like anyone gives a fuck.
I give a fuck and am judging you all immensely.
Might as well delete the thread at that point.
What's the point of censoring his nipple? What do traps warrant nipple censoring?
magic jeans
It's pretty flat mine looks better.
At least post decent art fag. Oh wait I forgot trapshitters have the lowest standards.
>that one were they both crossdress and take turns fucking each other
Needs a translation desu.
Reminder that Arturia is canonically a Futa.
by drinking female hormones.
Honestly Astolfo shitposting is worse than the Eromanga shitposting in my opinion.
Sup Forums is trying to make me gay.
You may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like.
I would fuck all four Shimakazes.
Which one is your favorite? I like the third the best. The fourth has nicer midriff but I think she would appear too masculine to pass as a female IRL
2nd would be best if it had a flatter chest and the same embarrassment as 3rd.
Thats my tesis
this, 3rd's face is the best
If you're going to have a vagina though, you might as well be able to feed them, that's what I think.
The fourth has the best expression. She's sheepish, but she knows you like this, and she likes that she's finally found something you're really into, so she's got this very subtle but perfectly embarrassed smile. It's adorable.
I'm not a faggot but lately I've been daydreaming about letting Astolfo ram my ass with his dick.
4.guy cosplaying
I know that feel.
I'm not gay either, but I can't help but think about sucking his balls.
>How did Astolfo get his ass to look like that?
3D piggu pls go
This chart is a meme but the butt workout works great.
Fourth has best face, no question
Traps can't get pregnant!
>not just taking hormones
Talk about half-assed. Losers
Enjoy balding in your early to mid 30s when you stop, like Bailey Jay.
Hormones are a terrible meme pushed by trannys. Diet, exercise, and skin care are most important. Traps are not eternal.
Fuck off Tranny.
Fuck off 3DPD shit.
Reminder that traps aren't real and believing that they are is a delusion.
That doesn't even make sense, why would I stop
Lmaoing at all these jealous """"traps""""
I'm not a trap you fag.
Don't engage with him. Traps aren't real. IF someone believes that they are a trap, then they believe something that isn't real. If they do that, then nothing you say can help since they're too far gone.
I'm not a trap either though
Can we get back to Astolfo
Astolfo is bland and the most entry level trap in the last 5 years
Sometimes you want vanilla.
Somtimes you want to put your white chocolate bar deep inside Astolfo's vanilla creaminess.
No, he's garbage bin tier.
Then I'll live in the garbage can with him
traps are gay u fag
Realistic looking traps that can't help but look masculine is my absolute fetish.
Here you go, user.
It was already posted and it's all bullshit anyway except for the excercises
Keep in mind this is broscience. IE bullshit as another user rightly called it.
However, exercise is always a good idea.
As if the diet of semen wasn't an easy enough tell.
No, that one's real.
She was temporarily made a futa so Morgana could extract her magic semen.
Keyword, temporarily.
Remove fags.
>magic semen.