Democracy is dead.
The referendum has been killed tonight.


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no one can read arabic

we're fucked and our politicians surrendered under the false song of globalism

Lavendel revolution NOW

Fucking this

We're getting raped by the open border eurocrats
*sharpens pitchfork*

when are we going to drag politicians through the street?

what was the referendum for?

leaving the EU


Democracy dies in darkness and sheittt

Luister niet naar de dwazen in deze thread

Ze zijn tussen 16-22 jaar en geloven dat politiek echt is en een positief effect heeft op de mens

Het enige wat ze willen is dat je hun server joined


als marokkaan zijnde , zie ik de verandering aankomen , fucking shit. de JODEN hebbe gewonnen.
ik zag gisteren nog een IKEA reclame met een interracial koppel , een neger en een blanke hoer.

ja ja hoe gaan we dit aanpakken , THE KIKE IS COMING !!!


Not a particular referendum, they're simply abolishing the referendum in general

This referendum as it exists now is a NON BINDING referendum, meaning they can simply disregard it (but with hugely dissatisfied voters).
Now, they're even abolishing this right.

The thing is, every time there's a referendum, it's about giving away sovereignty an dismantling the nation state.
We vote against, they turn and twist and still proceed with their plans in an oh so slightly manner.

Fuck them, it's time for the lavender revolution!!

didn't you guys vote twice to leave the EU already and they were disregarded? I kind of remember adam curry talking about that but it was quite some time ago.

Wat gebeurd hier.

How low will vdd go next election? FvD surgggggeee

Welcome to the DDR (Dutch Democratic Republic)


Boeit jou dat? Mij boeit meer het feit dat de wil van het volk wordt tegengegaan

Jongens we zijn geneukt of niet? Als ik straks kinderen heb en hun schoolklasje is half geblacked geef ik t op en emigreer ik nach osten.

I'll fucking join you, which country were you planning on moving to?

if Europe whites leave there will be no more white countries left

1 June 2005: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dutch_European_Constitution_referendum,_2005
Vote against the European constitution. Didn't go through, but they went for plan B: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Treaty_of_Lisbon , which is basically the same result

6 April 2016: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dutch_Ukraine–European_Union_Association_Agreement_referendum,_2016
Vote against an association agreement with Ukraine. They altered the agreement slightly and still proceeded.

Upcoming referendum
21 march 2018: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dutch_Intelligence_and_Security_Services_Act_referendum,_2018
Vastly expanding the tactics of the clandestine services

And I think I may be missing one

dat is jou(jullie) probleem , je blijft trouw aan je fake deity.
het is onmogelijk om jullie soort wakker te schudden.

je bent net buitenspel gezet , uit LANDSBELANG volgens jullie president Rutten.
je weet zelf wiens BELANG hier is ingewilligd .

there are no whites left
you can thank Merkel for that.

ja dat zeg ik toch ook?

So whoever voted VVD, CDA, D66 or CU


Ah thank you. Adam talked about the controversies surrounding the referendum on ratifying the European constitution and then the Lisbon treaty quite a bit back when i used to follow his shows ~2007-2010. Those were what I was thinking of.

Ja, als de fundamentele vrijheden die verankerd zijn met het bestaan van dit land worden ontnomen dan moet dat wel een signaal afgeven voor de toekomst van deze staat. Net als 470 jaar geleden in 1548 is het al weer de adel die het leven van de Nederlandse burgerij zuur maakt.

Ah no that's it. The last one before 2005 was in 1805, can you believe it?

Nobody in 2001 thought to hold a referendum to stay out of the Eurozone?

You have to go back.

i at least have a backup plan IF shit start to hit the fan. what about you ??

will it be Romania or Kazakhstan, which country do you see suitable ...

Was there a referendum?
Why did i not receive a voting ballot?

No, it's upcoming next month, probably the last one, if it even goes through!

If we're going somewhere east, let's stick together
I say Hungary, they're based af



All 150?

not all of them but a lot of them.

Is this 4D chess being played to keep the sand people population from influencing politics later on or is it an ordinary case of fuck the burger? Hooivorken in de aanslag. How the fuck do you even battle this type of insanity.



Wtf are you talking about? If you actually are a sandnigger, YOU are the shit.

I want Wilders gone. Bidet too. In reality I trust none of them though.

dont hate me , hate the kike .
you cant even beat your own fear of criticizing the master jew. and yet you have the nerve to give me a big mouth.

know your place , kruip zoals je dat gewend bent.

I mostly want the commies out. Especially Jesse Klaver and those DENK roaches.
countries usually storm the governmental buildings in situations like this.


Just leave, foreheadless inbred dunecoon. You are the problem.

Duh. Personally I want to bash Pechtold's head in with a hammer, but I'm talking about 'our' politicians.

>Omdat de coalitie een minimale meerderheid heeft, is het zaak dat alle 76 Kamerleden aanwezig zijn en iedereen akkoord gaat.
Blokkeer de snelwegen zoals bij de slag om Dokkum.

Wie pannenkoekenbaktechnieken meesterras hier?

That guy is such a fag and so obviously narcissistic. Why does anyone take this cunt seriously?

Staffleden van de shillserver sturen via alts cp naar mensen

I regard the guy as our Donald Trump. He's entertaining as fuck and uncovers the utter hypocrisy and desdain among the kartelpartijen.

Because Dutch politicians are shit, and hes the least-shittiest of them all. Who else is trying to save the Netherlands? Geert? Hij is gecontroleerd oppositie.

Prima. Kankerreferendum is voor sloebers.

Deze standaard voor /polder/ aub

Zolang ze de uitslag negeren bereik je er niks mee. Maar het laat wel zien wat het volk denkt en dat de politiek er niets aan doet. Zolang de mening van het volk onze kant op staat is het een handig middel om meer onvrede te zaaien en mogelijk mensen over te halen.

I think he's just there for himself and grandpa for 'the lulz'.

Not Greet himself. Already mentioned that earlier. But perhaps some other people in that party.

Nee, ik denk dat als je meer overlaat aan het reilen en zeilen van de massa des te armazilgere uitkomsten je krijgt. Signaleren gaat prima door massale steun voor Wilders en clowns zoals Baudet, totdat er een realistisch rechts conservatieve consensus begint te ontstaan. Dat ga je zeker niet verstoren door puntjes te scoren voor D66.

Since the referendum is abolished will the European countries finally revolt. In practice the EU never seemed to care about referendums, unless they supported their measure. I think it's obvious now that the enlightened bureaucrats don't give a single fuck about you. It should even be to the euronormies.


stoot met een miem

More like Dance Dance Revolution.
