What was it like to grow up in the 90's?
What was it like to grow up in the 90's?
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video games were still good and degeneracy hadn't peaked yet
This and I could also still play on my street.
There was a real life queen of england
RIP 4.21.1926-2.16.2018
people werent addicted to their goddamn phone and social medias
And having to wait about a day or so for people to respond to your messages.
Having to rewind your rented videos.
Waiting for shitty Metallica cassettes to drop, then being brutally disappointed by every single one of them.
So much this. A guy gets jumped around my bit every second week.
You had to find porn in the woods, usually under a piece of plywood. The BBW & interracial porn were single little ads in the back of the mags. There was no such thing as cucks. We ordered Little Ceaser's bigfoot pizza and bread sticks then hit up Blockbuster for whatever movie had the coolest cover. We'd eat, then play "vidya" until 3 AM and then talk about all the porn in the woods. Rinse -> Repeat
Pretty good, nintendo 64 was awesome and there was no political correctness and priests were busy hiding their rapings
Exactly like your pic
Wrestling was incredible
What kind of literal fruitcake would buy an adapter to play the Game Boy version of Donkey Kong on a CRT screen through a SNES console
America was still 85% white
Full of adventure.
The cellphone craze wasnt in effect and internet was kind of a niche.
And basically we were all twice as lonely because we couldnt shitpost anywhere or torrent entertainment content (emule and kazaa were ass and SW demands 10 bux).
Like one user said, video games were the iPhone of the nineties. And computers were a class, not a textbook
>there was no political correctness
It was arguably worse then
Drifting every night
I had to go through 3 wars and one bombing campaign by NATO.
Fun times.
pretty much just like your pic
I remember my sister and I had the players guide to Goldeneye N64 and re-enacted the missions of it outside with our neighbor friends
>"People talked to each other"
My ass! Life was literally house arrest staring at walls.
playstation, tomagotchi and pokemon cards
pretty cool
I'd take soccer moms any day of the week compared to the average liberal activist today
Its like today, but with bad internet speed, no SJW's and a lot less land whales.
P.S. Also everything was more original.
It was, actually. I graduated HS in 1999 and it was awesome. hardly any internet and no one cared about politics. People had a shared cultural experience. Movies were God tier and tv was great too
It was harder to shitpost. You needed spray paint.
Aww fuck that reminds me, I gotta feed that thing
It's only gone 20 years without food...I'm sure it's just sleeping.
it was really really good, maybe even better htan 80s kids childhood. they did a decade nostalgia film about it at NatGeo and labeled it "The Last Great Decade" - let that sink in
>that pic
it's the present of small-town america... sounds like dubuque was a holdout for what most places lost 15-25 years ago at the latest
should have listened to Megadeath or Alice in Chains.
Since we were all kids there was not much to worry about
The Internet was kind of a mythical dimension where you were told NOT to put your personal information like your name or, God forbid, a picture of yourself (completey opposite of today)
Video games meant seeing your friends offline in the same room and spending time together, or taking turns after each level or if you died. Online created distance and further anger
Music was funny, everyone did the macarena, cartoons were amazing but some were a big no-no for young kids like Beavis & Butthead or even The Simpsons.
Special effects were amazing and expensive because we had transitioned from real props to computer models
Xmen and spiderman cartoons on Fox Kids.
power gap because Sup Forums thinks this is spam...
Sup Forums thinks this is spam...
Used to go on base with my parents all the time, shopped at the PX and went to the swimming pool. That changed after 9/11.
Everyone was outside playing; no internet or cell phones and video games were relatively scarce compared to today. I remember when Pokemon first started in the late 90s, everyone in the neighborhood would gather around the one kid with a gameboy and watch him play. Then we all got our own for christmas and we'd all play together.
Every saturday we'd wake up at 6 AM, watch our favorite cartoons and then one of the kids would knock on your door and asked if you wanted to play. You'd be outside until the sun went down.
this thread and my feels
>Needing a guide for goldeneye
>there was no political correctness
t. 18yr old
There was. They just weren't obsessed with trannies yet.
this place reminds me of the old internet. the REAL internet.
There were pedophile rings and false flags but no one cared back then either way. It was great.
it wasnt that great back then. at least petrol and ciggys were cheap. it was a pretty fucked up decade, goodtimes as a teenybopper
Saturday morning cartoons, Sunday school, regular school. Playing street hockey, arguing over whether Sega Genesis or SNES was the better console.
I used to summon the pornspirit to provide me with hidden deep wood porn stashes.
That is how powerful the 90s were.
You dont seem a city rat to me.
>not having free guides every time you resubbed to Nintendo Power
I was unaware of it if that's the case though so fond memories. I do remember going to the shopping centre with my mum after school and we'd regularly see a woman there with 1 white kid and 1 niglet around the same age (6-10 idk). I could never understand why she had always had a niglet with her and I remember asking my mum who told me to hush up lol
BTW euros and australians - you aren't invited in this thread. Fuck off you retards for gods sake.
Pogs, Pokemon cards, yo-yo's
Me too. Because it's more anonymous and more honest then trying to build one's own temple for themselves
Sup Forums is one of the only places a person can be their full disgusting beautiful self despite the IP trace. This was much like the internet then, forums and ideas, not framed "realities" of our best side of who we want to be, but who we are
This pic 100%
I should also mention that games and the like were certainly not 'culturally diverse' and neither were movies, it was all simply for entertainment not politics. My primary school was almost entirely white with a gook here and there.
Times are better now.
The 80s and 90s was like the beginning of the Matrix, when Neo is leading this shallow, materialistic lifestyle.
The 2000s are the second half of the movie, when he become aware but of course there is a downside to that.
Eat shit.
exactly. Cant wait for the day some genious decides to take the best parts of this and IRC and make a web app for it.
you basically had all the good things you have today, but things hadn't gone to shit yet
Nope, never grew up in the city. I can't imagine what kind of hell that would be.
Would I still be considered a 90's kid if I was born in 1996???
I can tell you you wouldnt have any kids or friends knocking on your door, thats assured.
I just remember people not getting offended by literally any depiction of Negroes, gays, trannies or minorities
Found my first Playboy in the woods. Also used to find torn up hardcore mags. Usually Swank or something else.
Dug a VHS tape out of the sand of the creek that ran through the same woods. Soaked it in a bucket for a day, shook all of the sand and grit out, started playing it when I could sneak the VCR. Nothing but static but after 2 weeks it cleared up and was Cum Cocktail #12.
Woods porn was the best.
I actually looked this post up to confirm because I take everything on Sup Forums with a grain of salt but the dubuque thing checks out. Sad
This plus pic related. After school "tournaments" at the local mall.
no youd have to have been born early to mid 80's
I was born in '81 and am still mostly considered a 90s kid, but probably a hybrid of 80s/90s.
fuck. then mortal kombat dropped and lieberman lost his fucking mind.
Ahhh, the good old days. We had to work for porn back then. Steal it from convenience stores or find some kid whose dad had a stash. And yes having a spot in the woods to store so your parents couldn't find it. No cell phones, if your friends weren't home you'd ride your bike until you found them. Payphones for prank calls. Stealing booze and tobacco. Blowing shit up outside town along the river bank. Having routes through storm drains and giant culverts like a ninja turtle (great for staying out of sight of cops or parents). BB guns, building forts, getting into fights, playing hackysack and pogs. We had it made desu.
It was fucking amazing. Wish I could relive it.
I was a teen in the 90's it was probably the end of just being able to be a kid. Columbine happened right after I graduated and shortly after 9/11 happened. It's been fucked ever since.
Internet didn't exist, well it did. But it didn't cause all the cancer horse shit that goes on in today's world. Social community didn't leave your city or neck of the woods. And the news was the view to the outside world.
Magazines were still relavent, videos games were for geeks kids and nerds, kids still played outside. Etc etc...
I'm Russian and born in '95 but around here 90s lasted until early 2000s so I guess that's true for me
Not as good as growing up in the 80s.
It's still the 90's outside of Moscow, St Petersburg and Volgograd.
Don't forget the scrambled porn channels on cable. Sometimes you could catch a sideboob here and there... was enough to get the job done. Plus Mariah Carey music videos (when she was young + hot).
>I'll probably get shit for that last one.
I think 90's kids were born in the 80's.
You would have been 4 when Y2K happened.
Kosovo je Serbia if that helps
don't know man, I feel like the 2000s are when humanity lost the war against the robots so now we're slowly being gathered up to be power the large machine
Like I said, that sounds like hell. Usually it'd be a few of your friends waiting for you at the door.
Holidays were always great; the streets were filled with kids during Halloween and during Christmas you'd walk around the neighborhoods with your parents looking at all of the decorations people put up. It was a good time.
Can confirm, graduated in 1999. Shit's been fucked for a while, lads. At least us "oldfags" got to experience some decent shit.
No mobile phones and social media was fantastic.
Multi-culti bullshit was pushed hard in schools and media even back then, now its much much worse though.
The '90s was great.
People just lived in peace, working, studying.
People were just people, not these days of daily political, racial and sexual shit.
It's really weird for me to think about stuff like this now. At the age of 8 I had free range in my neighborhood and could bike around with my friends to the gas station for candy or visit their house a mile or two away to play Sega or Nintendo depending on our moods at the time. One of my buddies got Sega channel and became the king of sleep over parties. Then I see how my nephew and niece are being raised and my sister literally won't let them be home without her or her husband there. They can't go out alone and our old neighborhood was inundated with niggers imported from Chicago. It's like stepping into an alternate reality when I drive through my childhood neighborhood.
much, much better than now
up down left right A + start
Fucked if I know. I was off my tits on class A drugs most of the time
Watch all the webms in this thread to understand what the 90's were like:
The disgusting marxism and jewery hadn't yet reached critical mass but it was as great a pitfall as it is today.
In other words, awful.
Man, I remember helping my neighbor move back in the late 90s and right as they left, some landscaping guy dug up their nearby bushel and I found a VHS tape hidden under that dirt. It was some anime porn video. Blue Lagoon Lady, or something like that.
When the Internet became more accessible in the mide 00s, I found out it was part of a genre called hentai and so began my degenerate hentai addiction.
Like pic related with grunge and heavy metal music.
t. born in 86
One thing I vividly remember, no fat people.
Aerobic and bodybuilding was everywhere and pretty much everyone was hitting the gym.
Those great big hairstyles were still a thing.
Also music was positive and happy.
90s were great and not because it was infant internet but because cameras were not attached to everything
Right before the Gulf War, a lot of us talked about whether to join the military. The US was about to fight the 4th largest army in the world and we weren't doing much more than going to Bad Religion shows, skateboarding, and hanging out. Before we would have even left boot camp, the war was over.
By the end of the 90s, we were on the internet using AOL and trading porn pics via mail lists and browsing Ampland.
A continuation of the 80s. Tech was advancing, internet was free/open and changing the world fast anything seemed possible.
Then we all got to watch the world turn into a literal destopian hell in 2000s.
It was better when people could still have a sense of curiosity about the rest of the world, this days that's cultural marxism.
Holy shit, the bulge on that one in the white.
That was the 1980's you reindeer molesting cunt
my friends dad had playboys... another friend found Penthouse. when I saw my first dick in a penthouse, oh boy.
a friend printed out Pamela Anderson on a color dot-matrix printer and handed it to me in the boys bathroom like contraband
me and my friend would get up past sleeping hours and log online to looka t porn and we would put pillows over the computer to stop his parents from hearing the loud dialup sound
stinky cheese man, scary stories to tell in the dark,
steven segal, JCVD, all arnold movies, Scream, austin powers, shitty Godzilla. Ace Ventura, Congo, In Living Color, The Wayans Bros, Snick at Night, roccos modern life, ren and stimpy, Salute your shorts, Hey Dude
cars looked better too