It's just unbelievable, this attempt to rewrite history": - Israeli journalist shocked by Polish PM's response to Holocaust question
It's just unbelievable, this attempt to rewrite history": - Israeli journalist shocked by Polish PM's response to Holocaust question
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So what did he say that Schlomo is freaking out over this time?
What was the question and answer?
What about no? Maybe at first we should teach some jews to dont lie about Poland and their family?
Its seems to some Jews has hard time with truth...
>Morawiecki replied: "Of course it would not be punishable or criminal if you say there were Polish perpetrators, just like there were Jewish perpetrators, like there were Russian perpetrators, like there were Ukrainians, not just German perpetrators."
>How did you feel when you heard the Polish PM speak of "Jewish perpetrators?"
>I was so shocked that my eyes were filled with tears of agony and rage. It's just unbelievable, this attempt to rewrite history!
The reactions out of Israel have been very emotional, and have come with harsh criticisms of Poland. Where does this escalation lead us? Will there be an end?
>I think that the Israelis will not stop and not moderate the level of their reaction until the Polish parliament withdraws this law, especially after what happened in Munich. And, according to what Israel has announced, the Polish government promised Israel that it would not legislate that law without further dialogue between the countries. And Israel claims that the Polish government violated that promise.
is there a people on earth more arrogant and demanding than the jew?
Fucking George Soros is a Jew, and a Nazi collaborator.
Anyone bothered to explain what is incorrect with PM's statement?
>It's just unbelievable, this attempt to rewrite history!
It's not really an attempt to rewrite history if we have their names, documents and photos.
True but not useful as Israel was not reborn until 3 years past D Day.
>is there a people on earth more arrogant and demanding than the jew?
even implying that all jews aren't infallible perfect good people all of the time is the height of anti-semitism and racism, goy! HOW DARE YOU
> y-you shouldn't be able to rewrite the history I wrote and defend with the full power of the press and the Israeli state!
It wasn't a polish policy it was a nazi policy. Poland was invaded by both the Nazis and Communists, so the Israelis and jews can suck a dick.
Just today I somehow found time to have an argument with commies and nazis here and I'm waiting for a Jew to complete the "politically incorrect" trilogy.
There is nothing the jew hates more than competition. Why do you think they seek central banks? They too want to become the central victim, they cannot share this sphere.
They were. Here's a story
1. Jewish organizations try to save Jews in Poland by sending them passports of neutral countries. Say a Jew with South American/Swiss passport has more rights and can be exchanged for prisoners.
2. A Jewish man called Lolek Skosowski and his friends from Żagiew (organization of Jewish collaborators) get hold of passports intended for Polish Jews. Most of them are already dead.
3. He decides to make a quick buck by selling passports of dead Jews to Jews in hiding, promising them a transfer to neutral countries.
4. Of course, he remembered to tip-off the gestapo. Germans use this opportunity to lure out Jews.
5. 2500 Jews gather in a hotel hoping for a transfer to South America lol. They have no idea what's coming and are transferred to death camps instead.
6. Lolek even gave some major discounts on passports, so I guess he wasn't all bad.
7. He gets caught by an Antisemitic Polish underground army that didn't like his entrepreneurship. He was executed by Polish Nazis in November 1943.
You kikes wanna talk about rewriting history?
If they ever say "but they were recruited mainly from criminals" then the same excuse can be used when talking about Poles. Knowing how our internet defence force works our twitter users already spammed those articles under posts made by hysterical Jews
This atr better even.
>Pre ww2
>Poles massacre german civilians in the east.
>During WW2
>Poles demand jew blood.
now once again the pole needs to feed. And Schlomo seems like the perfect victim.
>The Jew cries out in pain as he strikes you
Every. Fucking. Time.
>Jewish war criminals get to be made into heroes by Hollywood
Meanwhile Pilecki got two weak movies and was denied a high budget picture because Americans don't believe that non-Jews were kept in Auschwitz.
Dont forget for all what he did for Jews after war they killed him.
This guy?
He made the right choice.
>this attempt to rewrite history.
That's pretty rich coming from a fucking Jew
Oh wait you meant Pilecki. Well there was Goldberg but as a general rule I count Bolsheviks as a nation-less gang like all people studying them since Solzhenitsyn.
Jesus Christ. Even to their own they're absolutely sick
Still they can do something for him not just kill him.
What happened in Munich?
>Soviets allowed to die, or imported to the USSR and claimed the deaths to inflate numbers to further vilify Germany
The madman. He’s going to release that information isn’t he???
In the thread thumbnail I thought that was a pic of that Shaun King guy from Twitter
I dont think so, they already looks like dont want push more. I believ this pr war we can win but these bitches are useless like rest of political class in Poland.
Is Poland paying "reparations", and would that jeopardize them?
We have all the files. Besides some of the link from this thread (and there's more). We have many of the crucial WWI documents and they're available and cited by historians normally without any controversy or politics involved.
From "Jews - politicall incorrect stories" that I already posted before.
"What's interesting is that Germans copied the szmalcownik [criminal blackmailing Jews] model. After the pacification of the ghetto they left a certain number of their Jewish inside men and used them to seek out Jews hiding on the aryan side of the wall. (...) Historians cite the work by rabbi Szymon Huberband "Money Extortion of Jews by Jews" - 'Ghetto is is filled with all kinds of informants, muggers, collaborators and thiefs' (...). People were sending delation to the German secret police denouncing hiding Jews written in Yiddish. The most common theme was the desire to settle the score of old feuds. 'Herr Lieutenant' - wrote one of them - 'I would like to tell you that Lajzer Telel living on the Twarda Street no 20 hid a lot of gold and foreign currency. Please come today.' Annother one wrote - 'I am also a Jew and I'm not ashamed of it. I obeyed the ordered. I'm in the Jewish district but I can't deal with the fact that a different Jew laughs in the face of the German government and lives in the Polish district.'"
And so on. I translated it quickly the best I could.
You Poles are based. Winged Hussars lead the way
I found his dad.
Geez I made a lot of dumb mistakes but I wanted to post it quickly.
Btw despite the fragment and the title the author is not Sup Forums. He's legit although people accuse him on focusing too much on alternative history. He's from the old Polish school of historiography. Privately he's a conservative but he doesn't give a fuck about anyone's feelings only the truth. Right now he's annoying blindly patriotic folks writing about crimes commited by the Polish anti-communist resistance after WWII that he generally admires but he said he'd rather write about it and give the right context than wait until leftists do it for him and make them into villains of the story.
What’s his name user?
Piotr Zychowicz. Author of the "politically incorrect" trilogy who really got famous after "Pact Ribbentrop-Beck". The most mainstream historian in Poland today. Mention him on any forum and how the thread gets derailed because of his bold claims like "we should've allied with Hitler against Stalin at least for a while" or "we shouldn't have stopped in 1920 but together with Tsarist depose the Reds from Moscow". I like him for his fairness but his old master (now deceased) was much better and one of the best experts on WWII diplomacy and its origins in the world as well as the USSR.
The jew cries out as he strikes you.
>history. . .
Understanding History is based on an understanding of the values and motivation of the period and the values and motivations of its teacher.
History dies as soon as it is created, the rest is revisionism. The holocaust is antithetical to the western soul and shouod be erased. Just as the founding fathers and racism were erased for the "betterment" of society.
Holocaust atrocity flagellation cannot be indefinate.
I thought it was just a practice used by honest to God nazis to make their ideology more attractive and approachable to normies.
Crying and lamenting won't work on us, goddamn kikes
The jew cries out in pain as he strikes you.
>It is unbelievable, this attempt to rewrite history
God the crushing irony of this alone could kill 6 million Jews.
History is thinly veiled propaganda and indictrination.
Training generations of men not to defend themselves via atrocity propaganda is a form of inhumanity in and of itself. An atrocity in its own right.
Erasing their national morality and replacing it with a innefectual bastardized cultural marxist christian ethos is damnable. A true violation of human rights and human dignity.
Stripping entire nations of philosophy culture and history should be a crime. Which has clearly been purposefully executed.
The state of nature doesnt give a fuck about their atrocity narrative. There will be hell to pay for this denial of nature and usurpation of reason. And the jews wont be the ones to pay it.
Im not antisemetic or against the holocaust, or even teaching it. I am against the holocaust being used as a psychological weapon against western nations via propaganda memetics.
Polacks of Sup Forums: how receptive would Poland be to fascism? I think you ought to consider it to continue conserving your culture. Fascism might have saved Britain.
Not remotely.
The current raise of the far right in some western countries is a result and a by product of retarded politics especially immigration laws and anti-native sjw propaganda. Problems for the most part not present in Poland so there's no desire for any Sulla or Duce as the conservative aspects (which only today can be called conservative) of the old fascist ideology are already represented (but reasonably and quite naturally) and there's no emergency that would make the people want bigger state control on science, art, commerce or personal liberties.
what is this meme template called?
the information is already available but you have to read a history book for it so it's virtually impossible for an average American to access it
And there's the whole thing with that ideology being linked to the period when our elites were being massacred in some forrests (yeah it's not just Soviets) among other things.
There are some above average books about Poland but obviously none will get that in depth as those that we have. Next level of historiography but I need to check out if Snyder didn't use the same sources.
I hate Jews so fucking much.
>It's unbelievable, this attempt to rewrite history
"The Jew cries out in pain as he strikes you"
>this attempt at rewriting history
They’d know all about it
historical fact
Solomon Morel. Don't forget that Israel is providing shelter to Jewish-Communist war criminals.
Do not forget that Vladimir Putin said, and I quote, "80-85% of the first Soviet Union government members were Jews."
If there were proportionally as many cancer survivors as there are "holocaust survivors," it would be considered cured.