Kiss goodbye to the 2nd amendment folks
Kiss goodbye to the 2nd amendment folks
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Why don’t you worry about not getting ran over with trucks, instead of worrying about the US
Just hand over your guns already.
INB4 gun sales go back to Obama era levels
Theres more guns in America than grass, bong.
>more guns than human beans
the civil war starts in march it seems
kek, democrats love when mass shootings happen.
>highschool students
>making a change
It's just one Amendment. We have like 27 others. Who needs that one in particular?
Of course they can.
>Bong thinks Bil of Rights will ever be changed.
(You) cucks already gave up your women and knives. Nothing left for you but the end.
Why is it that the bongs and leafs are always the ones obsessed with our guns? Is it cause you are jealous that you can't own firearms? Or do you actually care for the safety of us disgusting mutts? hmmmm... wonder which one it is
with jew money and a-list celebrities backing it theyve got a shot.
the 1st is the only one which matters anyway,
get the fuck out
People have been protesting guns for the last fifty years. No one cares. Jews make way too much money off the second amendment for it to ever be banned.
Shall not be infringed, muhammad.
A lot of frustrated shooters down under, I'm sure.
If they can't get guns legally, someone will crank out below-spec firearms for those willing to pay.
They even had a machine shop turning out Owen sub machine guns back n 2004. Where there's a need, there's always a market, law or no law.
Mueller just made it illegal for foreign citizens to engage in political banter related to the states. You better watch out bro, election interference is very important here
Say goodbye america and hello to what real Nazis and fascists want. A bloodbath.
Have protests really affected any change?
Legislation does.
have they cried 6 fucking million yet? If jews start crying this might be the end for our guns.
dont tell them that
Where are the cries of outrage over all the cops that have been killed with guns? Where are the cries of outrage over that lady getting smoked by that wetback? Where are the cries of outrage over the thousands each year killed or wounded in cities like Detroit, and Chicago each year? Most drugs are banned, yet people still use them. MURDER is banned, yet people still commit it. Alcohol was banned for a short period, didnt stop people from getting drunk... But lets ban guns, all guns in fact, will murders stop? Nope. If someone wants to kill, theyre gonna use whatever they can find. A gun is a tool, like a wrench. I can hunt, target shoot, and kill with a gun, like I can disassemble something, repair something, and beat someone to death with it. Knives are banned in the UK, you need a permit to spread butter on toast, have knife assaults stopped there? Nope.
*beat someone to death with a wrench
>It is enough to ask somebody for his weapons without saying 'I want to kill you with them', because when you have his weapons in hand, you can satisfy your desire. - Niccolo Machiavelli
The gun industry needed a fake 2nd Amendment scare to boost profits.
>Red blooded Americans
>ever giving up their 2nd amendment
will literally NEVER happen.
Guys this is all manufactured.
This is a classic Soros project
It's just a bunch of people Jew Soros is paying to pretend like they give a fuck. Destroy the media and the magic television. Stop talking about celebrities. Stop talking about obvious CIA controlled news sites. Boom. It's over. You retards are actually part of the spell. By giving your "enemy" constant free advertising you are keeping him alive.
No real human being who isn't in a trance is going "OMG the meaning of life isn't being responsible for yourself growing and creating it's LOSING rights so you can do less and the people who rigged the world can stay in power forever!"
Stop making me win arguments to protect rights people want to take away from me for crimes I didnt commit. Trying to fucking meditate.
They never left Obama-era levels.
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
Good, why do you even need to own a gun anyhow? Swords are much cooler anyways.
Inb4 more shootings
Not really. For one, theyre too young to vote. Their fefes will only take them so farm. Secondly, reps control the house and senate, and reps love guns. What will happen is that they'll pass a law for the age to purchase an ar-15 be 21... But that wont stop an angry kid hopped up on school shooter behavioral meds to snap and kill, be it gun, knife, axe handle, screwdriver, crowbar etc etc
*so far.
I'm literally not going to click that link my man.
You do realize Canadians are allowed to own firearms we just don't don't sell them to criminals and crazy people.
Not for long. You think Tardeau is gonna sit back and not take preemptive measures to protect refugees? Say goodbye to your guns, we await images of him crying for the children that were never in any danger
You don't own shit you meme, your handguns have to be .25 or .32, literally a country of pussies
Or getting splashed in the face with acid. People are carrying acid around for self defense now that they can't carry guns or knives. And knife attacks are WAYYYY up. Good job, that muslim leader of your is making great strides towards diversity.
Why is it Americans don't want to give their guns to the Jews? I mean what could happen?
uh oh guys they're walking around in the streets saying rhymes again..
Detroit is not a city.
This is all orchestrated by the same ones that pulled your teeth and flooded your country with south west asian and south central asian foreigners. Your culture and traditions are being erased.
They're done. Surrendered their country decades ago.
It's a psyop with a few real bodies.
We need to follow Australia, Japan, and the UK and BAN ALL GUNS!
>running on gun control in a midterm election year
asking for a red wave tbqh
Crisis Actress
Staged FF
Orchestrated FF
They will just hand them one and fake the paperwork
That fag you elected is getting your gun before he brings in Sharia Law
You're all toast
no i don't think he will
Have that little sword swallower Hogg homo come over and take my hardware. Ga-head
Remington is the Sears of US gun manufacturers
Their new handgun is a gigantic steaming pile of shit
I would buy a fucking Taurus over it
The 700 bolt action rifle is pure shit now
Once one of the top platforms
I bought a ruger American instead
The absolute jealousy of nogs
you will always be a slave either to whites, Jews or other nogs
1 post by the Op, who clearly does not understand the 2nd amendment, or what it takes to remove said amendment.
Knock Taurus all you want. I bought a 627 a decade ago. Was starting to shave the locking mechanism for the cylinder. They repaired it for free.
i bet under that meme flag is a canadian flag
1000000000000000% false flag
Vox makes some good videos when it isn't one of their political shoe-horn attempts they do on occasion. Learn some shit you would've never thought of even thinking about.
How is the Ruger American? I was considering getting one eventually.
>vox makes good videos
>when it isn't on one of their political shoe-horn attempts
>they do on occasion
normally i'd say to stay away from flouride, but it's too late for you