
Please define "assault weapons" for me.

The only answer to 1984
is 1776.

burgers BTFO

Until they invented drones and start tracking your every moment.

I support the right to own a gun but admit it. Even if we gave every willing citizen a gun with unlimited ammo no way they could overthrow the US government.

What if he's going to make a deal:
>Ban bump stocks
>national constitutional carry

You forget that the military is made up of citizens. Many of those in the military will side with their fellow citizens.

>Drone controllers are untouchable
>People that control drone's families are untouchable
You keep believing that.

shill thread #30

>Obama didn't take the guns. Knew what would happen if he even tried
>Obama didn't give the Jews Jerusalem and grovel to their every demands including starting wars with North Korea and Iran.
>Trump has does literally everything the Jewish lobby has demanded.

You guys are cucked beyond belief. You will die and be replaced serving their interests.

>He's going to take their guns.
He has been President for a year now. Do you not understand how he negotiates? Do you ever get tired of being wrong as you did several times during the past 12 months?

Drones can't police people.
Waging genocide against your people isn't an option, because the people who make up your muscle (Military and cops) would abandon and turn on you.

>le 4dddddddd

Even if you get 50% of the military to side with the revolution you're an idiot if you think the government won't win. All they have to do is cut off power, water, and light. Wait for a bit tons of Americans would quit first month. The rest get drones. We have bases all over the world good luck getting to all their missile controls.

I never said anything about waging genocide. I'm talking about if a group of citizens decided to overthrow the government. (Which is exactly what the 2nd amendment is there for)

ur mom gay

Lets see him try hhehehehehe.

This, he just is telling the atf to review the bump stock ruling to see if it’s a machine gun

They’re gonna say it’s not = nothing changes

All thread pro trump,putin,(((Identitarian party in europe ))), alt right and e-celeb are jidf or (((russian))) bot work.

Why is Nebraska so cucked?

There's no way these numbers are accurate. What it's really a measure of is how willing people in a state are to tell a stranger they own guns over the phone. That or they had super low sampling for some states.

Plus, every major city with populations full of SJWs/Nigs with illegal guns throws off the average for the entire state

It's the "oh well I tried lol" strategy he used with DACA.

And all the average citizen has to do is go after government officials, soldiers, cops, bureaucrats, etc and their families and homes. It isn’t difficult.

Yeah, this is Trump. I doubt it is straight appeasement. He's a simple man with a but of narcissism, but fucker has tricks when it comes to dealing with his fellow, more disgusting shyster peers. RINOs and Dems alike.

Yeah these numbers are way low but still an indication that "gun control" is never going to work in America.

If Trump actually pushed for anti gun legislation he would lose the majority of his base. He might still try to do it, I doubt it, but no big deal if he does nothing is going to happen and he can be a one term president.

You really think its easier for civilians to track down government officials then it is the other way around?

Oh god my chest

Hmm I don't know about that, but the vast majority of the population is in two cities. If you take out all the nigs from North Omaha, the city's crime rate would be drastically lower and those nigs aren't telling anyone they have guns. In the panhandle area/sandhills I would estimate that 75-90% own a firearm of some kind. Those are mostly ranchers and corn/soybean farmers, but their population makes up such a small portion of the state. Cherry County, which is the largest county has a population density of .96 people per square mile. Douglas County which is where Omaha is has 1,574 people per square mile. The farmers and ranchers have their guns. People who live in West Omaha rarely have crime visit their neighborhood.

Yes, you simply go to any government building and follow people home at the end of their shifts. Or use incredibly cheap tracking equipment that magnetizes to the bottom of a car.

>soybean farmers
Found the problem.

The vast majority of soy grown here is used for feed for the cattle and bio fuel, but solid memeing bro, solid.

They're just trying to make a shit load of money off of gun sale spikes

They know this will cause a civil war. They're not about that life

Lets try and see.

This entire concept is retarded, obviously the government could be resisted and overthrown over a long period of time even without guns if you had enough willpower and manpower.

You can find countless example of people overthrowing their governments in history, when their is the will and enough supporters. Look at the Vietnamese resistance, the Afghan resistance, the Palestinians who go against Israelis with nothing but stones.

Guns are not necessary but they do aid resistance. The only thing missing i s the will for revolution because most Americans are fat morons who just want to watch football and porn, that's why revolution isn't going to happen not the presence or absence of guns.

You really think it's easier for a couple thousand politicians/generals to track down and kill 10s of millions of gun owners than it is for 10s of millions of gun owners to find and kill a couple thousand politicians/generals?

Where do you think you are?

Hey guys, lets not attack the British. The King of England is too powerful. No one can defeat the British Armada.
Lets totally turn our muskets in

what if they suddenly decide it is now a machine gun

>feeds cattle soy
>people eat cattle
>people eat soy
Try again, brainlet


I can say with solid certainty that there would be very few American soldiers attacking American citizens. Their one and only job description is to protect American citizens - sure they might have signed up for college tuition, but the thought of saving America is ingrained in their heads. That's how they can get them to kill Afghan citizens, but it is no where enough to get them to kill their neighbors. It would come down to police having to make house calls going door to door asking if there are any illegal firearms in the home. Each would require a warrant to enter the home which would be a logistical nightmare. It won't happen.

Whatever I see you work for AGP and the soy checkoff here in Nebraska. Sorry I stepped out of line.

So much this. Law enforcement as well.

He threw them a bone, 99.9% of you fuckers didn't even know what a bump stock was until the Vegas shooting. It's a useless gadget that can be made at home in fifteen minutes. The Left will now have to admit Trump 'Did Something' in terms of gun control when he did basically nothing.

about fucking time !

>implying libs will admit trump did something they like

were fugged

>t. soy bean lobbyist
Pls kys yourself

The point is making the MSM look even crazier than they already do. People are already skeptical against them (TRUMP HAS A 1% CHANCE OF WINNING) and when he does something for gun control and then gets bashed for it it makes MSM look even worse.

I forgot who said it, but someone once said every now and them give your enemies a victory. Just make sure it's meaningless.

AR-15s aren't assault weapons though, are they?

Bump stocks are literally a meme accessory like drum mags.

Nothing of value was lost. He's doing this so he can say he did something about gun control. He'll make the left look ungrateful.

>not spinning this as disarming people who might oppose a rule like trumps

The only thing that would do is create more support for the revolution fuck nut

>Canon. Clovis, NM
>Creech. Indian Springs, NV
>Eglin. Fort Walton, FL
>Homestead. Miami, FL

Again, you act like families of drone operators are somehow “immune”.

It would take a few thousand men with guns and the will to do it to overthrow the Government. You simply storm the halls of congress and execute every Senator and the President whilst senate is in session. No amount of drones or tanks or planes can stop this unless they're all mobilized and defending congress on the day you chose to attack.

hurr dur durpa dur muh guns. fuck off OP (they) know full well what will happen next. So unless Trump is prepared to have martial law this is just more 6d chess

wew lad. checked.