> the madman, he did it
Do what you must to D'Souza, he has already won.
> the madman, he did it
Do what you must to D'Souza, he has already won.
Other urls found in this thread:
poo shitposting is leaking out into the real world
>poo is leaking
The poo is on a rampage.
i am sure they were told that it had no hope of passing? no one mislead them into believing it had a chance to pass did they?
He can shit on my street anytime.
The plebbit is leaking out
indians straight up don't give a fuck, they'll say whatever. maybe our modern toilet culture has ruined us. today in honour of india i shall be foregoing modern sanitation to grace a local street with a pungent offering of night soil.
Go to San Francisco you would fit right in
> go out for evening shitstitutional
> find biggest shit
> adopt it
oh my fucking god it's real hahahahahahahaha praise kek
God damn the Poo can throw a punch.
please be real
I had no idea D'Souza had such a glorious twitter.
This is Ann Coulter-tier good. Possibly better.
omg please be real.
He is mining so much salt right now...
The Nazis are leftists!
professional shitposter
on and off the street
D'Souza is literally controlled opposition designed to make right-wingers look bad.
wtf you arent swedish
these kids believe that all they need to do say they want guns regulated NAOW and the rest of the country will see the error of 200 years of their ways and disarm. they honestly believe that the rest of us will give up our weapons because some nutjob shot up their school.
Epilepsy man is right. We should wipe something off our shoe around the Indian.
>convicted criminal
isn't tentacle man a convicted minor corrupter?
Dinesh is /ourguy/ confirmed
Racist much!?!?!?
Is this the guy that posted the hentai?
That hit the spot.
>t. someone who faked a seizure to get back at an anonymous poster online
>t. someone who clearly did it for the attention
yes. pot meet kettle.
Fuck this is incredible
Except for "dems r the real raycists"
the jew attacks you with what he himself knows he is
Many people mistakenly believe that The Second Amendment grants The People The Right to own anything up to and including a Battleship, replete with missile defense and cruise missiles. They are seriously mistaken.
What the Second Amendment actually does is ban Governments from restricting or regulating the God Given Right for The People to own such. Rights to NOT come from the Government, but from God.
Molon Labe.
Already the death threats are pouring in... Marvelous.
I don't like her
>tfw can't buy a WW2 Surplus destroyer to cruise around as a privateer running cargo and passengers through dangerous waters
>tfw can't hire your dirtbag ex-mil friends to man the 40MM pom poms.
Life is suffering
>Convinced criminal
What did /ourpoo/ do to accrue hate from this Jew?
She's alright
Pretty based but nothing can rehabilitate this guy. Dinesh D'Pooza is the final boss of cuckservatism and DR3.
>life is suffering
and that's how it obtains meaning.
My Nigga.
God isn't real.
>dad, please stop tweeting
>bitch, lasagna
Not now, Xenephon, can't you see that I'm in no mood for philosophizing?
Dinesh D'Souza?
Moar like Dinesh D'Slayer, amirite?
I adore this savage little fascist poo. He gives no fucks, no fucks at all. And he probably hates Obama more than any of us do.
More recent good ones
Man if only he had some sort of devise that would let him protect himself that was specifically designed for this situation.
No he isn't, and he makes us look great, frankly.
Well, their parents never said no to them, so.....
To the leftist, Right-wingers look bad by simply existing.
Is the hypocritical, child-molesting, epileptic kike trying to make a street-shitting joke about an Indian?!???
he who spends his spare time perusing tentacle porn and kiddie porn really has no moral leg to stand on.
Good ol Kurt.
Cant even get jobs on TV anymore because he is such a creep.
To be fair, I knew an asian woman who wanted to be a nazi once. I'm guessing she was a halfa who hated her asian side.
give this guy opened bobs
Dammit you beautiful nip how'd you get to be so based
It's weirdly true, though. I have older boomer friends and family who remember the town where we live back when it was a Republican military town; in the 1950s, blacks and whites and everyone else got along fine. And then the liberals came along, got themselves elected, slowly took over in the late 60s, and began fostering hatred between the races and promoting the welfare state. These old folks remember. I even remember, my grandmother and grandfather (we are white) had black friends. I don't have a single one. And that's a mutual thing, not just me. Dems really are the real, or at least the *original* racists.
We've become racist through decades of being treated with hatred and disdain by blacks, and from watching them go from being the lesser, simpler, dumber but mostly benign race, to an actively poisonous, destructive, violent bunch of antisocial thugs who ruin the quality of life for everyone else wherever they go. We've discussed here why we think that happened, why blacks have deteriorated so hard. And it comes back to Dems, again.
D'Souza is right to push that point, because there's some historical truth to it, because Republicans were originally (and still are, imo) the more decent and moral group of people for the most part, and because in some ways it does benefit us. Plus I want Dems to pay for what they have done to society, and their re-enslaving and social destruction of black Americans is actually a very terrible thing. Even if you hate niggers, what Dems did to them, what they've made them, is horrifying and reprehensible. They SHOULD pay.
To be fair, the AP ran a story about how Cruz trained with a "white supremacist militia" without actually verifying it or even issuing a retraction when multiple other journalists called their source into question.
Fucking savage
I know some chink Nazis. Not even kidding. Maybe just larping, but their larp involved beating the shit out of some black kids and terrorizing them into leaving our town's school and not coming back.
Pretty funny really. Sadly, they were expelled last I heard. They should've gotten a medal.
You should've married her
Looks like he'll be the one applying for a summer job soon. Fuck this guy.
C'mon Sup Forums, say it, "I wish these kids had been shot too." You want to. Just admit it. We'll appreciate your honesty.
Nice Hitler dubbs my dude
Every liberal and commie deserves a bullet through the brain.
Summer jobs.
like being crisis actors for the fake news.
How would DD do in the backwoods of Alabama?
Please tell me this is real
The charge was bullshit but yeah Dinesh is p dumb
Less dumb than (((Eichenwald)))
I literally just told my friends "wrong kids died"
would be make it into the ethnostate?
the wrong kids died.
>use kids as human battering rams
>someone defends themselves from battering rams being used
>"No you can't do that!"
Every leftist is scum unworthy of life but when they go kids as human shields they go into turbonigger mode even for them
"friends" kek
They dated. It all makes sense now. Kek
Jokes on them, spice helps their sales.
Lmao muh sides
Let's be honest, did they really think anybody was going to ban something just because 0.0001% of owners use them to break the law? Get in front of a camera and cry all you want, doesn't change this fact.
>build entire platform and policies around race
>b-b-b-but its not racist!
theyre textbook racists if you go by meaning but liberals have rebranded being racist so hard simpletons like you forgot what it actually means
haha. is that what you think you liberal commie faggot. thats not how capitalism works. his book sales are sky rocketing. its called winning. keep tweeting about your butt hurt feelings though it will only make him more money.
> REEEE take his job because my feels were hurt
I look forward to the eventual day when you're hired based on being able to state the truth and not be a sensitive bitch. Imagine how more productive your company would be if people stated the truth and didn't mince words like faggots...
> Sir, its not going to work .. this design is fundamentally fucked
> Yeah, we could make it work
The difference between a billion dollar disaster vs. a success. Time to flush the toilet w/ companies that hire dumb sensitive faggots who give a fuck about this kind of shit.