what precedent does this set?
What precedent does this set?
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Everything that increases rate of fire is now banned.
I hope he doesn't touch my x2 score multipliers. I've been meaning to ebay those for extra scratch.
If this isn't spin, he's going to lose a big chunk of voter base doing this
It sets a precedent for further infringements on the 2a.
The left will never be satiated until there's a complete and total ban on private ownership.
If this isn't some kind of 33D chess move, then Trump is a fucking retard and needs to impeach himself asap. He keeps on trying to pander to people that hate him and wish him and his family nothing less than death. These people are never going to support him.
make his haters like guns more because they are always opposite his suggestions.
I mean..does any average person even need a bump kit...
Worst case scenario: Sessions goes full-cuck and determine that bump stocks should be illegal.
Best case scenario: Trump is just doing this for show and nothing will come of it. Sessions will determine that bump stocks do not literally turn a semi-auto firearm into a machinegun. Trump will then say something along the lines of "Look, I had my A.G. examine the facts, and he did." Then he'll start focusing on "mental health" or some other bland issue that doesn't involve firearm regulations.
If the latter happens, I won't be surprised. Seems similar to what he's doing with DACA. Man wants to appear compassionate, but also wants to appeal to his base. I suspect no DACA resolution will come by the March deadline, which means Trump's attitude will basically be "Hey, I tried. Sorry they got deported. Democrats didn't want to negotiate."
People learning how to make improvised bump fire stocks
It does nothing. Jesus christ, guys, you should know not to trust media spin by now. Read the actual order.
its a small bone to Dems that retards dont understand
>It sets a precedent for further infringements on the 2a.
no it wont. Everytime the 2nd amendment comes out on top, banning bump stocks wont do it
This. I'm waiting to see, not the first time the kikes have spun a yarn.
the fuck do you need a bump stock for
Serious question: why does the average person need a bump kit?
Death by 1000 cuts, you idiot. That's how it is always done. It's already THE most restricted right we have.
A easy way to blanket ban semi auto guns.
Read the order. It does literally nothing.
It means daddy is playing 43d scrabble and by banning this, leftists will be btfo and America will be great again.
God bless Israel.
Just like how we no longer are able to have short barrel rifles/shotguns, full auto, guns that can shoot over a certain caliber size. Your a fucking idiot and just like those that came before us and sold our rights out the window.
>nerfing characters instead of just buffing everyone to the same level
No he won’t. Not a single voter.
This, fellow white man. Who else /woulddieforourgreatestally/?
Next is clip size and after that outright semiauto ban
Yes he is. 2020 won't be good and I seriously doubt he'll get a second term now, conservatives all over have seen nothing but him selling out again and again
This is why I fucking hate america and it's stupidity. A land where they hate on dreamers with degrees yet love deathly guns. Fucking sickening. Literally a laughing stock of this world.
How could you call yourselves civilised when an AK15 assault weapon has more rights thasn your own women? You're sick.
Belt loops now banned
Two terms.
Is cnn telling us to listen to trump now?
Is the world run by Bungie?
delet this
>no one would EVER betray daddy trump!
>1 term
Get ready for Mike Obama as your next president.