Get over it anons
“Nazi” is a Slur for “White Person”
> liberals will call you a retard either way we might as well act like retards
rural and suburban logic
Whites are such racist pale scum
No one is saying anywhere we should larp as nazis.
what about nigger nazis
Liberals are to creationist what the alt right is to liberals. They're the retards and as good retards they fail to grasp why
>He thinks nazi it's the worst thing I can call his white ass.
Were the founding fathers or Newton nazis? Liberals agree: Yes
What's that?
....and ill eat sauerkraut, untill my eyes pop out. Then I will proudly shout Hotzi totzi, Im a notzi. Oh wait..i mean YATZEE!!!
Use the chart above and start from the top.
Some of them were black. Shakespeare was a black woman called Amelia Bassano
Or is another word in your mapuche language?
Didn't Adolph have some jewish relatives in the "woodpile"?
Nazi is a codeword for white person
I am a young-ish white male, and I have what I guess you would call a "diverse" group of friends.
Every time some new shooting hits the news, I start catching my friends whispering and glancing at me, it's really unnerving.
One of them even asked me recently
>"user, YOU'RE not going to shoot up a school, are you?"
I tell them I don't own any guns, but they're still starting to act nervous around me almost all the time.
Other than being brainwashed by the news, I really like my friends and I don't know what to do.
>anti-Nazi is a codeword for anti-white people
Can't wait until Nazi becomes 'nigger' for white people.
No facha is for Spanish civil war winners mostly
No, OP, you're quite wrong. Nazi is the name for the political ideology embraced by hate-filled white people who have failed at life. Your graphic is 100 percent accurate.
no one believes that but niggers, and people that have programmed to think niggers cant be wrong. you are wrong. he was likely a kike. want me to listen to you, learn how to swim. timestamps in pool.
I want to write a musical called Niggers & Nazis about whites and blacks coming together to kill the jews
>“Nazi” is a Slur for “White Person”
No fucking shit.
Eventually, we will only be left with mass stabbings. It in our nature to destroy ourselves
Sounds like "Blazing Saddles"?
Or a compliment, depending on where your heads at.
>by hate-filled white people who have failed at life. Your graphic is 100 percent accurate.
I didn't make the standards it was liberals.
So hate filled white people who success aren't nazis? Is George Washington a nazi? He owned niggers like cattle. Is Patton? Is Ford?
>So hate filled white people who success aren't nazis? Is George Washington a nazi? He owned niggers like cattle. Is Patton? Is Ford?
No, but you're a massive faggot.
Go out and enjoy being in Spain by eating some croquetas de jamón or sopa de ajo and not shitposting on Sup Forums.
Any non-white blood living in white soil is a hostile trespasser. You can shoot trespassers there in America, it isn't user?
"Nazi" has always been a slur. The Germans never called themselves "Nazi." It's origin lay with the derogatory slur the NSDAP had for Socialists, "Sozi." Socialists then coined "Nazi" from "National Socialist" because they're so clever.
I don't want to shoot my friends, but they're all starting to treat me like I'm going to.
Print this and put around campus lads.
Drop some more redpills..
Yes they are. It's well known the founding fathers were White Supremacist. They were not "nazis" or "german nationalist", like liberals say though
The story of Joseph Fouche, men of god, revolutionary and chief of Napoleon's secret policy.
The real face of white nationalism.
>Yes they are. It's well known the founding fathers were White Supremacist.
No, actually you are a massive fag. You like it in the ass and your harddrive is filled with penises. Now go impale yourself anally on on churros.
Sup guys? What’d I miss?
Eugenics in its purest form, cheap, simple.
Invaders aren't your friends, they're acting. Is good these fuckers fear us anyways
Well, as a white male you're wrong and you PoC friends are right and you should commit yourself to the nearest mental institution to protect society from your terminal racism.
The only reason browns and gooks are alive is because we let them live. They do well fearing us
You are a butthurt monkey who thinks that America was intended for everyone
He's some kind of nigger under a meme flag obviously
It's tru tho, she actually wrote the plays. Shakes could barely write his own name
>America was intended for everyone
Here's your answer. America is the quintessential immigrant society. It definitely wasn't made for butthurt moaning faggots like you or
with pic
Sorry the same people who made America made it clear that non-whites weren't allowed to immigrate to America. I wonder what sort of non-white you are.
>the same people who made America
Naturalization Act of 1790
The first statute in the United States to codify naturalization law. Alternately known as the Nationality Act, the Naturalization Act of 1790 restricted citizenship to "any alien, being a free white person" who had been in the U.S. for two years. In effect, it left out indentured servants, slaves, and most women.
You were just cattle for the founding fathers, not humans that's sure
Naturalization Act of 1790
That jew poem was added in the 1900s and had nothing to do with the statue originally
Naturalization Act of 1790
Nigger friend, YOU'RE not gonna chimp out and shoot a nigga for crack, are you?
Spick friend, YOU'RE not gonna decapitate anybody for MS-13, are you?
Chink friend, YOU'RE not gonna buy our neighborhood and only rent it to other chinks, are you?
The biggest difference is in what the media sensationalizes.
Naturalization Act of 1790. Why are shitskins so illiterate?
Everyone pre1965 was a nazi for modern liberal cucks
>liberals will call you a war criminal and attempt to destroy your life and imprison you, therefore you shouldnt become a war criminal and eliminate them before they get to you
Lolbert cuck logic there
>Naturalization Act of 1790. Why are shitskins so illiterate?
America was not created in 1970. America has existed for tens of thousands of years (under various names).
Who's the retard now, retard??
Also, is this actually you?
>He thinks any of that it's still valid.
Emma Lazarus was a jew. Every single fucking time anons
Literally Zionist Jew propaganda.
>Emma Lazarus was a jew.
Little-known fact: so was Lady Liberty. This is why she was so welcoming of those fleeing from pogrom violence in primitive Slavic states.
I am a nazi and proud to be one
You are correct and so is the flowchart.
They weren't? You sure about that?
>You sure about that?
It's undoubtedly true that you're a homosexual. 100 percent certain. Are you going to deny it? Have you even acknowledged it to yourself yet?
Troll? Brown shitposter? It's getting boring how cares
Well said founding nazis
Weird how you guys support gay rights (supposedly) and yet always use homosexual references as an "insult".
Chart is accurate