Isekai is a genre

>Isekai is a genre

Other urls found in this thread:

>moeshit is a genre

God I fucking love isekai self insert stories

You're a genre
>OP's genre: hardcore gay porn

Everything is a genre, OP, Isekai, shounen, moe, because westerners are fucking retarded.

If scifi is a genre, and we distinguish between soft scifi and hard scifi and even low scifi that is pretty much just modern tech, then isekai is also a genre.
Moeshit would probably qualify as a genre (or as several genres) if the haters could agree on what exactly they mean by the term.

>green is a colour

>green is a color

>greeun is a colour

You are giving them too much credit, these people don't even know what moe is.

why is Sup Forums obsessed with this word now
every time you fags learn a new japanese word you use it every chance you get like a gaiafag

everyone knows who moe is

I guess we'll just have to agree that: 緑が色です。

That's Moe like it!

I don't have idea what you are talking about

Okay I'll get back to killing myself.


Was Dunbine the first isekai?

Dragonball is my favourite isekai.

It should be. Right now you actually have to put it in the search bar and hope you dont miss any good isekais without isekai in the title.

>Isekai is my favourite Dragonball