Be 56% lesbian dyke

>be 56% lesbian dyke
>be 16
>have shitty socialist political worldview
>has never seen or touched a gun in ur life
>Want to be famous so bad but have no skills
>Deep state agents or mkultra'd Cruz shoots up your school
>Immedietly run to the nearest CNN/NowThis/MSNBC news booth setup near your school
>layout your predictable socialist manifesto about a utopian society without guns
>have your story run
>team up with a cnn intern/fbi agent's son on TV
>Get internet points and love from every degenerate liberal and demoshit in congress
>Activism works so well that congress passes an australian style ban after Trump is impeached after "muh russia"
>She becomes President in 2024 as presidential age is reformed to 21 and voting age to 15
>Tries to diaband military and round up any known gun owners and Trump voter.
>Military Coup as the white house gets seized and she gets publically executed for crimes against the american people after trying to do a hitler style round up
>Barron Trump gets elected after her execution
>All gun laws are reversed
>New American century as we colonize mars, crimes go down exponetially and we get into contact with aliens who help us out in our technological advancement.

Maybe we actually need the left to win so greentext happens.

Other urls found in this thread:

The shooting actually happened but all the tv interviews from ''survivors'' are crisis actors. David Hogg was on TV in california a year ago, there was that woman from Sandy Hook who was from something else. There is an agenda here certainly.

>She's ugly, I should still defend my right to shoot people.

I wonder why you ignore the hot one...

she's so hot
i want to fuck her so bad

>voting age to 15

Does this mean you are also legalizing pedophilia?

Please do. We need some le 78% faces running around

Give that nig a wig

you just made that up, didn't you?

more like
>voting age to 15
>Trump wins again

Shes pretty cute

Dont tell tht to these retards

Where's the proof faggo?


8 years of Obama has rotted the soul of an entire generation turning them into humanist drones.
Day of the Rope when?

she's 18 sweetie

I doubt it's 16year old actors are normally 5-10 years older than the character they are portraying

>publically executed for crimes against the american people

>society gets more complicated
>maturation process slows
>16 year old now in every facet imagineable less capable of independent anything now than ever before
>Hey let's lower the voting age
Gee I wonder why?

>look comrades I posted the same thread again

>happen to be in the same building as a murder
>become expert on gun policy after spending 3 hours in a closet

I've been seeing pics of this

What an ugly dyke. Not worth anything to any man.

You're a faggot and u literally suck Obama nigger dick

There's no way this faggette was ever in the closet.

german dykes are better

She probs wasnt there anyways, her and her fbi agent son friend David Hogg or whatever the fuck his name is

you forgot about the part where you left your mom's basement and realized none of this shit matters. jk.

Where is the ethnostate?

honestly this helps us with working class men which is what won Trump the Presidency, so who cares, let liberals be hysterical idiots that glorify 16 year old theatre types (basically the most universally hated people on high school campuses).

everyone just died
time for a group photo xddddddd
cnn rules, drumf drools

>implying we would still keep something as degenerate as democracy after going to the trouble of a military coup
Baron can join the SS like everyone else if he wants to advance himself, no elections for him.

This is why I fucking hate america and it's stupidity. A land where they hate on dreamers with degrees yet love deathly guns. Fucking sickening. Literally a laughing stock of this world.

How could you call yourselves civilised when an AK15 assault weapon has more rights thasn your own women? You're sick.

I still don't understand what banning assault rifles is gonna do. The deadliest school shooting was done with pistols.

>trigger Sup Forums everyday since

OP, you forgot one.

lol would have been funnier with the EU meme flag though

>implying user is white

Are you the same bitter little toothpaste fag in every thread?




16 year olds shouldn't even be allowed to drive.

These shilldren failed their classmate, they bullied him, and they broke him. Now they want to bully and break America. Fuck that

lets make her into a meme kekekekek

>I still don't understand what banning assault rifles is gonna do.
"Assault rifles" are the most useful weapons in common possession among US citizens for piercing body armor, especially in urban or close-quarters combat where long rifles tend to be less wieldy.
Basically, until Americans are stripped of their AR-15s(and related weapons), the government and Soros cannot carry out any kind of forced enslavement of the populace.

Government agents wear body armor. AR-15s pierce body armor.

She hit the wall at 16.

>David Hogg was on TV in california a year ago

Proof enough?

These people should be drawn and quartered.


OP made me lol

Ah, a Sup Forums greentext written like it was by someone that has autism.

These Russians will never get out guns

good goy, get emotinally swayed by our actors

lmfao the shills working hard these days pushing this cali video as if it means anything??




Shills calling other shills. Really makes you think

You have no idea who I work for, mate...

It proves he's a massive opportunistic virtue signaling attention whore that will do anything to get on TV AKA gun grabbers are all tryhards doing it for selfish gains

AK15, fucking euro potato. Hate on America all you want, we saved your fag pussy asses twice already.


we should let cats and dogs vote too

If you did, you'd honestly laugh your ass off at the irony.

>Muh guns.

Let me guess, this school had 'social justice' courses, and all these kids were pushed in front of the camera by the teacher of that class?

I haven't watched a single fucking thing from this mess, but I assume that's what's happening here.

whats going on big guy?

Go study for your 8th grade biology exam and get off this board, you dumbassed whelp.

There are no coincidences


You're so far fucking gone that the fact that Hogg was interviewed on a different network for an unrelated story is proof that he's a media plant?

God damn you fuckers are so stupid, this place isn't worth my time wtf am I doing here

It's a 21 old male from Oregon.
Q predicted this.

What’s the deal with her buzz cut? Did a friend have cancer? Is she trying to be Elle from stranger things? GI Jane? I don’t get it.

The point is: the probability of the same kid making the news twice on both sides of the country is extraordinarily low. Also, he was in CA for vacation long enough for the incident to happen, go (((viral))) and to get camera crews out to interview him? Who wants to stand for an interview about some petulant bullshit while on vacation? Shit, was that some Socratic method to get me really thinking over here? Because it worked.

>that hair

she's beat us to it man

mutts need to be fucking gassed

did the what's a computer dike mutt from the apple commercial shave her head?

not even same building, campus was bigger than most small colleges, 4,000+ students! did these attention whores even hear gunshots, prob not

Fascinating stuff m8

The only people who voted for Trump are rural and suburban retards.

City people all voted for Hillary.

bingo. he and his yenta cunt of a mother desperate attention seekers obsessed with getting her darling faggot into an ivy league school

This girl is also on David Hoggs youtube in his weather balloon videos -- they were hired to film this to set up some 'history' for this false flag

>City people all voted for Hillary.
Which proves that city people are fucking gibsmedat retards, doesn't it?

1000000% false flag

Well, at least she's pretty.

He was on vacation in California, you sperg. Don't make us look any crazier than we are