I have a PhD in psychology and I would like to debate anyone on the merits of white nationalism. How can I go about doing this? Anyone out there would like to debate me right now?
I have a PhD in psychology and I would like to debate anyone on the merits of white nationalism...
Other urls found in this thread:
Why do you want to do this?
>Hurr durr archtypes and fucking ur mom lol
You probably owe student loans or took advantage of affirmative action you nog
in b4
"Oh jungian is bleh greg hurgf "
Shariablue faggot
okay, go.
I think it's fun. It's also good practice because I would like to debate JP since that seems like the best avenue towards redpilling normies.
nice pseudo science meme degree faggot
i'm waiting
if you want to debate
fuck yourself nigger
What sort of Psychology user?
Also what's your opinion on the innate in-group racial biases people have? Is it preventable by socialisation with other races in infancy?
One of the worst larps I’ve seen in a long time.
>I have a vanity degree in orgone-tier pseudoscience and think that makes me intelligent.
first explain in elevator pitch style what your thesis was about. then perhaps answer the question: how likely do you think it is, since this board is full of the most idiotic conspiracy nut loons, that someone will be able to debate you on your level and not just use remedial internet tier argumentation to attack your expert opinion?
It's ok. My undergrad was statistics (math) with a minor in computer science.
I should specify that I don't necessarily mean white nationalism, but rather ethnic nationalism in general. There's no evidence that multiculturalism has any tangible benefits to society. (I could expound on this point in terms of why you should value what is healthy for society instead of merely what is healthy for the individual). However, there is very strong evidence that societies are at their most productive when they are ethnically homogeneous.
How about that as a proof of bad influence of multiculturalism ?
>psychology is a pseudoscience
>actually a pseudo pseudo science
social psychology
I am aware of my degrees meme status. I would argue that the discipline itself is noble, it's simply that it has been overrun by emotional females and other undesirables.
My thesis used hierarchical agglomerative methods to analyze various cognition bench marks and their subsequent effects on social mobility and status. Yes most people will simply pitch braindead posts that don't even convey what their complaint like , but I do know that there are some diamonds in the rough.
BLM logic
Black lives matter argues systemic racism.
The idea that
>racism is unconscious and this bias is irrepressible
>this unconscious bias leads to discrimination of minorities.
>therefore the law must be changed to favor minorities.
Taken to its logical conclusion follows the idea of white genocide.
>if whites become a minority then the majority will use the laws and unconscious bias to discriminate against whites.
Ergo separatism is the only logical solution.
This is further evidenced by british colonialism. Why did all beitish colonies want to suceed?
>colonial rule was represive
Every group with power exercises privledge
>british colonialism was a huge net benifit. Massive GDP growth, cultural growth, increase in wealth.
This statement is unequivically true. British rule was a huge boon to those nations, but autonomy and self determination are invaluable. They prefered it even to the benifits derived from colonialsm.
Multiculturalism is a failure. Whichever group has power with exhibit discrimination. And minorities will always cry about inequality and want self determination even if the net benifit is massive.
Its biological. Its innate. It cannot be overcome.
>There's no evidence that multiculturalism has any tangible benefits to society
it benefits large businesses by keeping labor cheap and wages depressed down
these large businesses could care less on the eroding effect it has on society
What is resolved, shithead?
Would you even be willing to talk to someone who didn't namedrop some theories/studies only someone deep in your field might know, or would you just discredit them as dumb like most other humanities majors do?
Can you give us an example of a successful multicultural society that had greater than 1million people and lasted longer than a decade?
Yes I agree.
I'm willing to speak with anyone given they can understand the proper form of an argument.
Based user.
Think of places like Israel. Do you think they'd give up the Jewishness of the Jewish State just for a few more Shekels? Absolutely not.
The Africans were also willing to put up with dictatorships and all that jazz just because it meant they'd be free from whites. Why are whites called stupid when they want to take a small economic hit to leave the EU, for example?
It's literally
>tfw too intelligent for basic human instincts and emotions
tier logic. And that logic can only stand up in someone's mind if they believe white nations will forever have a white supermajority.
Thus, we need to redpill the normies by showing them the past and projected decline in white demographics, and how even the worst estimates from the 1970s under-predicted the demographic decline we have actually seen. Enoch Powell was laughed at for saying even believing the 1970s level immigration of 30k per year was going to continue. Now net migration to the UK is over ten times that.
We need people to question their core belief that there will always be a white supermajority, and we need to do that by showing them the data. Even if they consciously reject it, simply seeing it will cause them to react subconsciously. You cannot go against the grain of human nature forever.
On youtube: AndyWarski, jean-francois garipey, baked Alaska
Then answer
start with black nationalism, go in alphabetical order faggalo
Debate what? To what end? Are you asking to educate or be educated? Fuck off back to rebbit
kys mein dude
that would be abbo nationalism
Sorry I can't understand your English.
There probably were some city-states that were successful and multicultural in the classical era (like Carthage). But those were likely kept afloat by extenuating factors despite multiculturalism rather than because of it.
Look at picture I attached. Think. Explain how is it possible if there's no corelation between multiculturalism and rape.
Dear math fag :
> Lies, dam lies, statistics.
Provide supporting arguments with well reasoned casual statements not bullshit statistics. I'll debate you on any point. Kick off the discussion.
I appreciate that, ty. I’m having a hard time because I’m not sure anyone knows what a multicultural society is.
Closest I can do is Rome—but each culture was subjugated to Rome so it’s not really a setting of equals.
If I can get an idea of an *actual* alternative to ethnostate derived cultures we might actually have a convo. Otherwise, we’re debating against an undefined ideal.
Well you fucking suck at debating. See this is how it works
>I lay out a falacious but compelling argument.
>you then say something like
Human biology and psychology were created in a world that no longer exists and cant be practically replicated.
Although these tribalistic qualities are innate, we cannot uninvent the jet engine, global trade, or nuclear weapons.
Because of this we now live in a global world where national rights are secured by MAD and this is not going to change.
We are bo longer villiages or city states or even nations but a globe and we must acknowledge this seachange becuase it is never going back and ethnonationalism is forever gone.
>see you fucking retard. Debate. Im a PHD STUDENT! You should be kicked out of your progam. (Like it wasnt a shitty larp anyway).
Also please explain to these kids that you believe what you argue for.
So by franing arguments such that naziism is defended they are brainwashing themselves to be actual nazis.
Fuck off kike, You have a certificate in atheism and circle jerking. Maybe this place is the apex of your career.
I agree with you my friend.
You would debate me on points you already agree with?
You would likely only find such societies in trade hubs, historically speaking. Places where people travel from afar to and where everyone understands that they're only there for the money, not for a home.
^this guy gets it and you are correct in referencing Rome which was a great success as an empire. It had a multitude of ethnic groups and belief systems under its wings. Naturally, all things are cyclical and it failed due to things outside of its multi-cultural society. There are examples of a number of other multi-cultural societies that were a success over a time range far and beyond what we see today w.r.t to 100 or so years of reserve currency cycles. Ethnicity has much to do w/ nothing. It's well aligned culture, beliefs, and world-view that cement a homogeneous successful populous. Only an ignorant dumbass believes it has to do w/ ethnicity (skin color). Typical dipshit w/ no knowledge/understanding that feels that twisted logic centered or nigger tier math (statistics) can explain the world. Oh and there is no such thing as a white "ethno-state" when the underpinnings of your society are borrowed from various ethnic groups across thousands of years. You can't build a nation on the backs of non-whites and ethnic clippings that suit your need and call yourself a 'white' national collective. Nothing more than fits of delusion.
Why would t you lay out your thesis and allow people to respond? Are all non-STEM PhDs this lacking in initiative and intelligence?
Do you ever deeply ponder what the fuck is wrong with you.
Sorry I should have specified I have no interest in debating on behalf of a position that I personally disagree with.
My fucking sides!
what does a degree in psychology have to do with white ppl being replaced in their own countries?
You should have gotten a PhD in Engineering or Science so you could actually contribute something to society.
Social Science is cancer
If ethnic groups sticking together is not the natural order of things than why are there ethnic enclaves in almost all major cities in multicultural countries? Also if humans were in favor of multiculturalism then why is 'white flight' a thing? History as well has been full of national/tribalism movements, is that not valid evidence in that humans are tribal?
Personally from my observations people don't mind lite levels of multiculturalism, where the minorities show no sign of outnumbering the majority. However in very recent times this is no longer the case and human nature is starting to leak out.
It sounds like multicultural societies don’t survive the birthing of a nation process and are only suitable for port cities and other trading hubs, where their utility outweighs their maintinence costs to society at large.
Trying to run a country like a port city seems ill advised.
Would you disagree and why?
Pay attention, I don't agree w/ you and there are no foundations underpinning your assertion whether historic, logical, sociological, or psychological. I'd also love to dissect your glanced over definition of a nation. I'll give you a running start : It involves staying in your fucking borders, being self-sustaining, and conducting fair/equal trade. No meddling. No warring. No foreign bases. No corrupting foreign governments. No dictacting other's policies. No cross border corporations raping the fuck out of everyone. An honest day's work for an honest days pay. It's funny how everyone wants to be a nationalist after all the hard work is done and under the mistaken premise that you can claim to be one while continuing to fuck around in every country in the world. The fair/flat ideal you're championing isn't what you think it is and would result in swift and substantial corrections to your lofty way of life and social cohesion... Something bullshit statistics doesn't inform you about nor formal teaching move you to grasp.
>I have a PhD in psychology
Yes I know. But I have to say that because too many times I have been burned by laymen thinking statistics means I'm studying categorical data like crime rates.
It's very unlikely anyone here would understand the statistical methods used in my thesis.
Rome could hardly be considered a multi-cultural society. Your reading comprehension is pretty bad because the person you were quoting actually said Rome was not really multicultural. You can't call it multicultural when its brown subjects weren't even citizens and had no political or military power whatsoever.
>Taken to its logical conclusion follows the idea of white genocide.
Lol ancoms
>I agree
Lol adult-daycare specialists.
What does white nationalism have to do with psychology? The fact that whites are more intelligent than blacks? Don't even bring up muh "7 types of intelligences" because they are really just abilities not intelligences. Intelligence quotients are generally accurate, too, depending on the test taken
Your thesis on this topic you absolute mongoloid, no one cares how you impressed another memetard in your field.
Again, what the fuck is wrong with you?
No you should have specified that your a halfwit not a PHD Canidate and that you are probably trying to run some kind of "experiment"
Even though your a fucking retard and your results will be unduly biased by your own intillectual inferiority.
Thats okay. Ill tell you the truth. You were not chosen for your intelect, but for your indictrination. If you were truly intelligent they never would have allowed you into a PHD program because you would have rejected their infantile moral worldview and erasure of philopshy culture and history.
Good luck cuck.
Constantinople/Istanbul was multicultural under the Ottomans but that empire broke down into nationalist revolts.
> Rome wasn't multi-cultural
Time to revisit your definition of culture...
Pro-tip : it extends beyond skin color and centers mainly on belief systems which were plentiful in Rome.
> You can't call it multicultural when its brown subjects weren't even citizens and had no political or military power whatsoever.
Thanks for pointing out one of the reasons for its downfall... Multi-cultural doesn't mean that everyone was treated fairly or equal. So, now lets get into why empires collapse....
>Definition of a nation.
Irrelevant. The evidence shows ethnic homogeneity is the healthiest mode for a society to be in. Everything else you're saying is just a red herring to distract from this fact. But I am interested to hear about why you think statistics is "bullshit".
No, I agree.
I think it has a lot to do with psychology. The whole premise is that it is a more efficient mode of organization than the alternatives. If any field should know why that is it should be psychology.
I think you're mistaken. I'm a proponent of white nationalism.
can you explain hierarchical agglomerative methods?
> statistics
> mfw dumb ass academic
> But I am interested to hear about why you think statistics is "bullshit".
Because it releases on multiple factors that often make it irrelevant/hearsay :
> sampling size
> sample quality
> correlative factorization
> Interpretation / inference
If you get a bunch of niggers to build your nation, kick them out, and go into maintenance mode operations while plundering the world to sustain your way of life, the statistics don't reflect what CAUSES your ethnic success. If you live in a nordic country whereby you have large oil deposits and your citizens are paid a dividend and live comfortably, it's not reflecting in statistics as to why you're a success. If you live in a cold climate that induces completely different social behavior/culture, statistics doesn't reflect why you are a success.
Correlation is not causation especially when handled by a fucking academic brainlet who has no insights as to why the data is the way it is. The interpretation/inference steps are fumbled and all you get are concluding remarks formulatd by confirmation bias (a logical fallacy). I happen to have a graduate degree as well in the same areas you do and I have seen the flawed outputs/white papers/studies bullshit produced by 'qualified' idiots.
You don't even have a clear definition of a nation that would reduce the amount of noise clouding your data nor do you want to discuss it but you think you can debate the topic. TOP FUCKING KEK. I sense you're fishing for how to form your thesis paper so that it is more sound. Kudos
What kind of reading would you recommend to someone who wants to become more charismatic and likeable?
Hi OP.
First, I strongly recommend that you take this thread over to /leftypol/ and have a go there. The problems I see with trying to argue with Sup Forumsacks is that, a) most of them overwhelmingly agree with your opinions, and b) few of them have the education/rhetorical skills necessary to refute any of your claims. /leftypol/ will RABIDLY attack your position, and I'm sure you'll get great practice (as well as a few hearty keks) by shitposting their "board" to pieces.
Second, I'm an associate of science currently considering transferring into a cognitive neuroscience (major)/mathematics (minor) at a relatively well regarded university this Fall. Have I picked a meme major? Outside of academia, are there any lucrative professional opportunities available to an individual (post-graduate school) who specializes in cognitive neuroscience?
I'm currently employed because of my statistics undergraduate degree. For something that's so ubiquitously in demand I'm surprised you could have the audacity to dismiss the discipline completely. Sure there's valid complaints (like the overuse on p-values), but to outright dismiss statistics entirely is simply ridiculous.
As for everything else you said, your points are all over the place. It's not that I'm unwilling to discuss these topics, but you've made so many loaded implications that I don't know where to begin. There's countless examples of whites succeeding without any unfair advantage (like slave labor, oil as you claim), but as I said before, that's not what I'm trying to argue. My position is that ethnically homogeneous societies are more efficient, regardless of if they are white or not.
You're welcome
>My position is that ethnically homogeneous societies are more efficient, regardless of if they are white or not.
Aaaaaand you would be wrong. As opening any history book should prove to you. Any culture that didn't have a legit empire cannot be 'efficient' it is not in their genes.
I would start with reading about body language. People will find you charismatic if it looks like you know what you're talking about and you treat them as part of your in-group (like you want to protect them and to feel good but not necessarily with respect.) Speak up and use lots of open, expressive gestures. Speak without verbal errata (umm, uhhs), but not too fast as well. You can get better at this with practice.
It depends on the specific university. My father got a master's in behavioral sciences at OSU and they laughed in his face when he tried to get a job at a clinic, which is why I chose statistics for undergrad. I only decided to do a PhD because I was able to attend UT austin (the lowest ranked university that you can be reliably successful with in a meme-discipline.) I'm currently employed because of my statistics background. I wouldn't recommend going into it for job opportunities, but I'm not going to say they aren't there. You have to be aggressive when it comes to applying, and even then you only have a good chance if you're attending a very good university.
please neck yourself
Quite the contrary. The biggest predictor of an empire's long term life-expectancy is its ethnic homogeneity. The funny part is that it's so ingrained into your psyche you don't even recognize this truth. China is probably the best example. Why do you think a nation as large as China (compared to say, the Roman empire) has remained relatively stable after the warring states period? It is ethnically and culturally homogeneous. A multi-cultural empire like the Roman empire will collapse as soon as it is unable to dominate its subjects with overwhelming military might. And what will determine the borders of these balkanized states? Ethnicity and culture.
Thank you for the timely response. The school I'll be attending is actually University of Texas at Dallas, and I have several close friends who attended graduate psychology programs at UT Austin a few years ago. For most of them, the upper division sociology courses drained the life out of them, and they subsequently bombed out of school. One of the brightest (hilariously) now works at a Starbucks.
Good luck in your future endeavors, OP.
Tell you what. Continue relying on statistical data and your flawed interpretations to continue to inform you about the world and your views. Continue championing your underlying concept :
> ethnically homogeneous societies are more efficient, regardless of if they are white or not.
And watch as the world passes you by.
You're behaving as if you're on higher ground, have sound establishment, and as if the world is trending or even considering your proposal. It's not and you're wrong. You can take the scattered points I've provided as a starting point to get your shit together or continue on w/ your beliefs. It frankly doesn't matter which you chose. You're fishing and you aren't providing anything of value in return.. as you were.
You truly are a dumbass... Good god.
Yeah this post is real convincing
The fact you want to debate if it is right or wrong shows you are retarded. It is neither right or wrong, it merely is. Humans evolved very deep urges to in-group because in K-selected times, when resources were scarce, it was advantageous.
Now, as everything is being destroyed and K-selection is returning, are you really surprised racial in-grouping is returning? Do you really think you are going to debate people, and your single human intellect will undo eons of Darwinian Selection in the millions of humans who are increasingly ingrouping because nature designed them that way?
I'm behaving like I have any evidence at all to back up my statements. You haven't cited anything but you seem adamant to get me define what I think a nation is (??) as if that's going to change anything.
>I have a PhD in psychology
so you're a certified mouthbreather, huh?
whats your specialty?
t. experimental psycho-linguistics phd candidate (pls don't dox)