It has come to the point where/pol/ is divided. We need to pull off something to make us known again. Another prank like the old days. Any ideas?
Mass suicide.
>another prank like the good old days
gtfo newfag
Can someone else suggest what I'm thinking? It's illegal here for me to say it.
How about we make Europe and America white again. That would be so funny the libs would get trolled epic style
pic related?
I cannot confirm it.
How about something like WCW's NWO?
Let's unite and meme Drumpf into impeachment
we need to create an advanced secret wikipedia troll club
no jews allowed
Let's try and tank the US Dow Jones industrial average stock market causing the largest economic collapse in human history and possibly leading to the rise of far right parties throughout the continent of Europe as it is always seen in history.
With out the welfare state niggers and single mothers would easily starve and all whites would lose their jobs turning them towards far right parties as the have nothing left to lose ( this phenomenon is currently been seen in Greece at the moment the far right party is known as the golden dawn)
Immigrants will no longer and be interested in moving into European countries as there was no welfare for them to suck on like a parasite but predicte most of the immigrants would leave as they haven't made deep route connections to the land and would still feel home sick. It's usually takes two generations to fully assimilate.
And besides do you really think those communist cucks would survive the economic crash. The sooner they're Dead the better.
The economic crash is going to happen anyway the sooner it happens the less nigers and communists we will have to deal with when cleaning up the mess.
Think about it we could finally live like war lords and go around killing nigers beating slutty whores into good conservative wives and have have as many racially pure children as we want.
We didn't do Florida?
Lets take the name Anonymous back and take the fight to the globalists flooding Europe?
What's Florida?
If you read my post up above economic collapse is the solution.
Sup Forums isn't divided
we're shilled non-stop
None shall be divided unto whom worship the Lord's messengers
Yes, but do we want that?
The sooner it happens the easier it would be to recover from the economic collapse. If it happens 5 years from now at the peak of immigration coming into Europe we may never recover.
Well something needs to be done, now. Believe me, these people will not leave. You're going to have to force them out.
Think of it like chemo. Just need to out live the cancer.
>Live out the never ending influx of shitskins
You truly are a Canadian
an enlightened society does not have centralized power you barbarian.
How about we create fake science reports that will lead to some medium level red pills?
We are unified on how useless we are shitposting on the internet.