So are we for or against background checks?

So are we for or against background checks?

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Against until our system is changed. If Podesta and similar can get guns, every person regardless of age, obviously, given his issues, should be able to get a firearm for free from the government and be given training on how to use it properly.

Why does background checks put a dent in all that? It makes it harder for crazies to get weapons, and does it not harm the normal people?

Because people like Podesta will still be able to get guns because they are the powers that be. I would rather they not have guns, if the regular people are unarmed. It is far too dangerous to the well-being of the world to have "Ya think you're hot shit don'cha" Podesta running around armed in an unarmed world. The people would be defenseless.

There are already background checks and waiting periods

didn't he have to go through a background check to buy the AR-15 in the first place?

If I bought pot at a rec weed shop would I fail a gun background check?
Because fuck that

Oh in case my response wasn't obvious, I am saying that pedocriminals protected by the deepstate are "the crazies".

Fuck background checks. Useless when 40 visits by local police and multiple complaints to the FBI over several months leads to nothing being logged. FUCK OFF! I give no more inches!

whatever Trump wants honey us Magapedes here on pol have to have faith in Trump

I'm against background checks because in America, background checks will only be used to determine if someone is African.

I'd give her back a check and a full deposit.

I am for background checks, and a ban on all guns except for bolt action rifles.

>It makes it harder for crazies to get weapons
Poltards are gonna lose their guns.

Yes. If you’re not white, no gun. Very simple.

Anyone that is too dangerous to own a firearm is too dangerous to leave free.

>I am for background checks, and a ban on all guns except for bolt action rifles.
Amen to that.
I can't take any more of these massacres. It's so traumatizing.

i'd fuck her, also i'm for them
>i also own firearms, and voting for trump again

I am for checking her back into the ground if you catch my drift.

I like to pretend all those microphones are BBCs right about to dowse her

The Russian JIDF girl sings a song for you.

Against. Background checks are retarded

>So are we for or against background checks?
Against. You don't ask permission to exercise your constitutionally protected rights.

>Why does background checks put a dent in all that? It makes it harder for crazies to get weapons, and does it not harm the normal people?
Our firearm rights are not subject to firearm deaths.

The less hick white trash with guns, the better.