What is up with white western women right now?
I cant trust them because half of them have practically started to beg nogs to fuck them.
why has it come to this?
pic related
What is up with white western women right now?
I cant trust them because half of them have practically started to beg nogs to fuck them.
why has it come to this?
pic related
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t. shill
I'm hijacking this thread because I need to know something. I still haven't grown out of the anger phase. Every time I see these threads, I need to take a walk, smoke a bit, buy a can of Redbull to cool down. How do you guys do it ?
>I cant trust them because half of them have practically started to beg nogs to fuck them.
Fake news. They're just whores in general.
That's it, I will fuck chink women from now on.
I actually embrace the fact that white women love to get fucked by black guys. It used to bother me, but now I understand why they crave it so much, and so I just accept it as normal now.
Destroy their lives.
I keep in mind that all of these threads are: 1) trolls 2) black pills 3) retards
Literally begging rappers to fuck her - this is what pop culture does to kids.
Her father don't care
It is extremely rare white cunts fuck niggers. That is why when it happens, it is made into a big deal.
Most races are digusted by niggers, and at the most is like 5% white females that will lay around with niggers because they hate daddy and are undesirable.
>half of them
nice source
Does anyone know what the father said ?
Who is the qt in the middle? She looks as pure and white as the driven snow.
>not keeping a steady supply of redbull on hand
It’s pic related
No more white girls :)
It's never easy but here I'll share some of my coping mechanisms:
>Oh well she lives in another country it's not like I was ever going to date her anyway
>Oh well she's probably a filthy cunt of a person anyway, corrupted to the very soul
>Oh well what business is it of mine anyway? You can't help someone who doesn't want to help themselves....
>Oh well who am I to deny her the live experiences she chooses?
etc etc
please tell me that's shopped
Not only begging, but offering the nog hundreds of dollars to fuck her. She is like some sort of reverse prostitute. Offering them money to fuck her. lmao. truly we are in the end of days.
>brown nipple
Is she even white
some women seek out niggers because they enjoy the degradation of being fucked by an animal, similar to where a cuck derives his pleasure
>that foot
Embrace the anger, it's justified. Use the source to remove the culprit from society. Consequences etc.
Same reason why the threads keep being made, the same reasons why the elite sacrifice children and other evil shit.
oh so she's a leaf, makes sense
Why do they crave it, explain.
Have you done it?
did the parents ever respond? i really hope someone goes to jail or kills themself over this,
It's not enough, we're not women ffs, we need to express the anger in a violent, physical way, yet I can't.
You forgot the link to the vid
ahh so you glorify not only gigantic whores, but coal burning whores to boot. got it.