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>tfw everything he said is coming true
How long until Israel gets wiped out?
This can't be real. Please, somebody tell me this is fake news.
And some wonder why poos and chinks are taking over western societies as new super power.
If tripps, day of the rope tomorrow.
I want off this ride
We become complacent! We need to step our game! I am tired of these fucks!
Female judge!
And Republicans are still too afraid to burn to burn the American flag.
Soon they'll start arresting people for not wanting to chop there son's dick off.
The day of the grill is coming, mutts. You will burn in hell for your degenerecy.
>Mfw this would probably happen in Canada too
>less than 50% white
>calling anyone a mutt
Shouldn’t you be prepping your wife’s bull?
it has
its because of shit like this that sometimes i like being in a thrid world country, holy shit whats wrong with the world
Same. This shit would never happen in either of our countries.
Except for in Brazil
Good. Being trans and having your parents fight you and prevent you from doing anything about it are the worst and all it does is make the kid run away and hate their family for the rest of their lives.
This way the relationship may still be salvagable.
This is actually pretty fucking insane. I hope the state gets the living shit sued out of them. To force parents to either engage in this insanity or take their children away is an extreme over step for the state. The founders are rolling in their graves.
Stop going to sport events because they encourage people standing up and singing the American anthem, and this country is clearly an evil tyranny.
the dragon is getting every last vicious attack that he may before Christ's arrival.
And they will only get worse until the 2nd coming.
I love America
You love to be tyrannised, user.; you lose.
Christfags get wrecked
>breitbart comments
Hell is for ever!
do you realize how nonsensical that statement?
we already have the victory over all forces of darkness, we have it in the ressurection
these are just the hysterical rabid wroth throes of the dragon and his ilk at the knowledge that their time is so very, very short
Fuck off kike
Only in a self defense situation of course
very wrong
one of the greatest lies of the Church
a terrible heinous thing
wrought to attempt to destroy the character of God in the minds of the great myriad multitudes who would believe it
and what a successful lie it has been
see these 2 things:
discord gg/bFFxpv
add a .
so close
I'd certainly pay into a fund that was set up to constantly campaign against these Politically Correct judges; there needs to be constant campaigning for there removal. Of course the respectable Republicans would never participate in that effort.
>bitch about the president
>bitch about congress
>bitch about state legislatures
>bitch about banks
>bitch about corporations
judges rule this fucking country
>the alt-cuck chimes in
Argentina wants to be Sweden so I expect my son / daughter to be fucked by robot macri in 2039
America whats going on over there big guy?
I don't even think this kind of madness has happened over here yet....
peterson's a tranny. no homo. feminine penis. balls arent touching. gay men wouldnt appreciate trannies too much because they cut in on man territory. much like gays give straights more pussies. that's what caused all this
(((shill))) begone
Maybe he was just confused and the parents made the right choice and told him no, your collage fund is not going to being a cock sucker.
Ohio, why?
Heaven is forever.
Hell is forever.
Deal with it faggot.
Only purgatory is temporary but only people who have already been assigned to heaven go to purgatory.
We are all dead, this is hell.
kike psychiatrists need to be fucking hung
I wasn't even aware custody was a "thing" when you were 17.
The cops won't do shit, if you run away from home at 16. You can file for emancipation at like 14 (though you need evidence that you have some means of providing for yourself).
of course heaven is forever
i mean seriously
watch the vid, read the article, dont fear the adversary's lies being lifted from your eyes
of course i was brought up to believe in endless suffering of Hell
but the truth is so simple, so very very simple.
there is not one verse of Scripture that refers to infinite torment
if you read the original greek of each and everyone and look up what it means, you will be amazed
and about purgatory: there is no such thing
good luck trying to substantiate the existence of any such thing by the Word
>17 years old
Who gives a fuck, 18 isn't a magical number. The only thing that matters is that people are being told hormones/surgery will magically fix everything.
Shit is going down here. Trannies are paraded as the pinnacle of progressive politics
the worst thing any parent can do for their child is not raise them to abide by their gender role at all
unless its a girl of course because women can get away with fucking anything and still get money thrown at them by some cuck
>the absolute of protestant retardation
Christs won't forgive you for believing in heresies invented thousands of years after he instituted his Church.
Where are we? Fucking Canada?
our countries only suck for the lower classes desu
i'm probably going to stay here too
Well, seems like Charles Beaumont predicted the
Future without intending to. "The Crooked Man" depicted a future where heterosexuality is forbidden under penalty of "readjustment." What's next, I wonder?
This whole case is ridiculous. From the radical feminist judge who should be disbarred to the societal rot that allowed this to even happen. The kid should have sued for separation and it would have been granted.
Seems to me the parents got lucky here. No more nutcase living under their roof
>How long until Israel gets wiped out?
soon, hopefully.
Urge to 1776...
Is there something fucking wrong with that? Because that's what we fucking should be doing.
hell doesnt even exist yet
it is created and ends here in this verse:
it is the "battle of Armageddon"
it is God's stroke, he sends the Holy Spirit, unmingled to envelop all of the camp of the forces of darkness, all demons (billions) and wicked humans (billions) all assembled at once surrounding the Gold city with intent to take it by force (new Jerusalem) and they all being full of sin, the Holy Spirit is not a glorious wonderful ecstasy rather it is an all consuming fire of supreme agony; and does just that, consuming them until there is nothing left, it burns them UP.
Their sin is not infinite and they are NOT immortal, therefore they cannot burn for eternity.
Regarding the immortality of the soul, that too is a lie, there is no such thing without access to the tree of life. Just try to substantiate immortality of the soul by Scripture.
Ask of me anything regarding this that you will.
How old was she?
>muh jeezus
So without even reading the article, am I safe in assuming this is their son? If the news says daughter, it's really a son...
Just noting the comments there: this thread here at Sup Forums was a little slow for a while so went to the Breitbart link that everyone was tweeting. :/
next week.
>Christ created the Roman Catholic Church
look at this dumb illiterate papist and laugh
Why burn a flag when you can burn a fag?
the proof is all right there in the Word
you fear the Word?
no, you fear having believed in false doctrine your whole life, and anyone's ego does
but you need not fear the Word
and if you dont, take the risk that you have been wrong.
Has it never once accured to you that eternal torment is anti-thesis to the very Character of the Almighty/the Father/the Son?
you cannot substantiate eternal suffering by scripture, many have tried
>bake my cake
The real-life tyranny of the sodomites.
In America?
Really makes me think.
ridicule is against the way of Christ.
Leafs are garbage, a nuisance, truly abhorrent. Burgers are the perfect food: a serving of all food groups delivered in perfect unison.
nero did nothing wrong. :)
>"Let us get married, bigot!"
>"Bake the cake, bigot!"
>"Let the old man who identifies as a little girl in the women's bathroom, bigot!"
>"Have sex with gays, bigot porn star!"
>"Let your kids mutilate themselves, bigot!"
trans women are women
Quite possibly the worst ruling class in the world. Always eager to show their progressive credentials while the country burns.
you're gonna need to re-read the bible son
I am literally leaking tgirl juice over this
God bless north america
Explain? America is worth fighting for, ever heard the saying "don't throw the baby out with the bath water"? One cucked judge in Ohio doesn't ruin a country.
Yes, he killed Christians and damned himself to Hell for eternity in the process.
When somebody asks why you're burning the flag simply tell them, user.
End times lads. Forge your swords.
>implying I am going to waste my time lecturing heretics at 3:30 AM
>implying that wouldn't be completely useless
go on, listen to your heretical preachers, and keep calling others ignorant because you watched a youtube video feeding you lies. The soul is yours, not mine, and the responsibility for saving it is your own. Your loss, not mine.
Five years from now, heterosexual marriage will be banned.
Oh, have they figured out a way to effectively alter chromosomes yet? To spawn a functional uterus where a cöchenbalsz once was?
likely, but it doesn't really matter.
>one cucked judge
Read this