Is Trump becoming more annoying by the day?
Is Trump becoming more annoying by the day?
No u
Obvious shareblue, btw. They are paying you too much.
The only people that oppose background checks are tax cheats and poorfags.
yes, he also endorsed Romney
>If you oppose gun restrictions you’re a shareblue troll
You say that until they disqualify you, you're allowing them to slow boil your rights.
Nice flag, flaggot.
No but OP is a giant cock sucker
That was annoying too. Romney is a cuck.
Not an argument low IQ mongoloid
Says the kike controlled opposition posting a kike
How background checks are gun restrictions, dumb kike.
Mexicans can’t understand simple concepts, sorry shitskin.
Neither was your reply, neckbeardpizzavirgin
If he can't stand for the second amendment and defend it against the libtards then he's basically ruining any chances of a 2020 reelection.
>Democrats and Republicans are equality retarded
Welp, finally we can agree.
So you are in favor of Illegals getting guns? because Background checks prevents that. colour me surprised.
I’m actually in favor of rounding up illegals and putting them in FEMA camps because of annoying retards like you and your ilk.
People who respect the 2nd amendment aren't worried about background because they're aren't criminals or insane. So it means nothing because those are Trump supporters. He'll never fold the 2nd. he's not stupid
>no criminal background
What's everyones deal with the background checks? Holy fuck if you know you ain't retarted, affiliated with any criminal groups, or a pedophile then why do you all go apeshit?
You don't have to have a criminal background, they're going to call you crazy because you saw a marriage counselor or a criminal because you got parking tickets. They're not doing it because they think they can stop all bad people from getting guns, they're doing it to reduce gun owners in general.
he's daring the democrats to vote against him
No shit. I buy my guns on ArmsList for a reason
You want a gun? That's a mental illness goy!
It's right there on his twitter you absolute retard.